Health & Safety Duties for those involved in Business
Employer’s Duties:
- Provide and maintain work systems which are safe and healthy
- Deal with substances in a safe manner
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision
- Maintain safe and healthy workplaces with the necessary facilities
- Provide a written Health & Safety Policy if 5 or more people are employed
- Safety Representatives and Safety Committees
Employee’s Duties:
- Take reasonable care of themselves and others in their work area
- Co-operate with their employers on matters of Health & Safety
- Must not interfere with equipment which is provided for Health & Safety purposes
Duties of Self-Employed:
- Not to put other people at risk by the way they work
Duties of Designers, Manufacturers, Suppliers & Installers:
- Legal responsibility for design and construction of articles
- Use of substances
- Testing & Installation
- Provision of adequate information e.g. instructions for safe use of machinery