Home Safety Scheme
How safe is your home?
We offer free home safety checks for all residents who are over 65, families with children under 5, and vulnerable adults, living within our council area.
The checks offer tips on all aspects of home safety, as well as specialist advice on topics like heating and energy saving.
A room-by-room inspection usually takes around 30 minutes and our Home Safety Officers can:
- show you the potential risk areas in your home, for example slips and trips hazards, blind cords or poisoning risks
- issue home safety equipment (subject to the eligibility criteria detailed below, and stock availability)
- provide tailored advice on how to make your home safer
- refer you for a free smoke alarm installation.
Home Safety Equipment is free to anyone aged 65 or over. Equipment includes:
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms
- Jar and Bottle openers
- Sock Aids
- Magnifiers
Helping hand (grabber/reacher)
Shoe horn
If you are in a household with children under 5, equipment is only provided free of charge if you are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits.
- Income support/Employment Support Allowance/Job seekers Allowance
- Universal Credit
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA)/Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Child Tax Credit/Working Tax Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Free School Meals
- Professional Judgement based on family circumstance (e.g. health or social need)
Equipment Includes:
- Stair Gate or Fire Guard
- Anti-tip Furniture Straps
- Anti-tip TV Straps
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms
- Cupboard Locks
- Blind cord safety devices
- Corner cushions
- Door jammers
How to apply for an Under 5 visit?
You can apply for a home safety check by clicking here or by downloading and completing the application form below and return to home.safety@fermanaghomagh.com
How to apply for an Over 65 visit?
You can apply for a home safety check by clicking here or by downloading and completing the application form below and return to home.safety@fermanaghomagh.com
Alternatively you can register your details by contacting the environmental health Department on 0300 303 1777