Pool area at Omagh Leisure Complex

Swimming Lessons and Lifesaving Courses

Learn to Swim!

Omagh Leisure Complex is pleased to offer a variety of programmes for children and adults to learn to swim and gain lifesaving skills. From our progressive Learn to Swim Programme and weekly Fast Track programmes to Rookie Lifesaving Award and National Pool Lifeguard Qualifications.


Priority Enrolment within Learn to Swim Programmes (runs September to June)

How can I avail of priority booking?
You must be participating in the current 8 week Learn to Swim Programme.
On the day of your final lesson, the swimming coach will issue a certificate with a recommendation on what level to book for the next programme. Bring this certificate to the reception area where you will then be able to register.
All spaces are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Priority enrolment for those who were in the September Programme has now CLOSED. 

I am not in the current programme but I want to enrol. How can I do this? 
Spaces will be available to book online, in person and by telephone. Customers should be mindful that there is a high demand for places on our Learn to Swim Programme and so it is strongly advised that bookings are made online to increase your chance at securing a space.
The next enrolment date for general public is to be confirmed.


Mid-Term Intensive Swimming Lessons 2024

This Autumn mid-term we are delighted to offer intensive 1 week lessons for children (age 5+) running from Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November.

Intensive lessons allow children to make significant progress in their swimming ability in a short space of time – perfect for those heading on a holiday or you just want a quick introduction to kick start their swimming journey.

Please note these are stand alone courses and do not grant priority enrolment for OLC Learn To Swim term-time programme, however they offer a transformative experience, laying a solid foundation for a lifetime of aquatic enjoyment and safety. Read the following to decide which class would suit your child best.


Beginners – these lessons are held in our Learner Pool and are geared towards children with little or no swimming experience. The course will guide participants through the basic fundamentals of water confidence and taking first steps towards learning to swim.
4.40pm – 5.10pm
5.20pm – 5.50pm
6.40pm – 7.10pm

Improvers – these lessons are held in our Learner Pool and are geared towards children who have had experience in swimming lessons e.g. OLC Level 2 – 3 or equivalent and are confident moving through the water. Participants will go through the basic fundamentals of water confidence and will be introduced to different techniques in learning to swim to build on their swimming skills and techniques.
6.00pm – 6.30pm

Intermediate – these lessons are held in our Main Pool and are geared towards children who have had experience in swimming lessons e.g OLC Level 4-5 or equivalent and are confident moving through the water in the main pool. Participants will expand on the fundamentals of water confidence and will further expand on different techniques in learning to swim.
4.40pm – 5.10pm

Search course barcodes to book the correct course:
Beginners – SIB
Improvers – SII
Intermediate – SIIN


Rookie Lifeguard Courses

Become a Rookie Lifeguard at Omagh Leisure Complex!

OLC’s Rookie Lifeguard Programme is a popular, fun and educational junior award scheme for 8 – 12 year olds. For most children, it’s the first opportunity to explore water safety and learn valuable life skills.

During the programme, each Rookie will be made aware of how to take care of themselves, their family and friends, providing them with the information needed to promote water safety in their day-to-day activities.

Before booking you must ensure that your child can swim 25 metres front and back; tread water for 30 seconds; and surface dive to the bottom of the pool

Rookie Bronze Award – new course starting from Friday 08 November at 4.40pm.
This will be available to book on Wednesday 30 October from 7.30pm. Click the link below to book and search course barcode LRSB.

Progressing from stage 1 of the Bronze Award right through to stage 3 of the Bronze Award, Rookies start the programme at an ability level suitable for swimmers who have just learned to swim and progress to the level of performing lifesaving tows.

Cost: £60 includes all course materials and certificates.

Once children have completed the Rookie Bronze Award, they will have the opportunity to continue progressing through the Rookie Programme with stages 1, 2 & 3 of Rookie Silver and stages 1, 2 & 3 of Rookie Gold.


NPLQ Courses at OLC!
Are you or someone you know interested in getting your lifeguard qualification? We are running a National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) course this summer at Omagh Leisure Complex in partnership with RLSS UK.
We do not currently have an NPLQ course scheduled at Omagh Leisure Complex.
To enrol you must complete a pre-requisite test which must be booked directly with the course instructor.
Course Prerequisites:
Be 16+ years of age on the date of assessment
Jump/dive into deep water
Swim 50 metres in no more than 60 seconds
Swim 100 metres continuously on front and 100metres continuously on back
In deep water, tread water for 30 seconds
Surface dive to the floor of the pool
Climb out of the pool unaided without using a ladder/steps where the pool design permits.

You must be able to attend all days to gain your qualification.


Pre-requisite Skills on the Learn to Swim Programme

Please see below what skills are required of a child to be able to enrol onto each level of our Learn to Swim programme.
There are no pre-requisite skills for enrolment onto Level 1 however children must be aged 5 years or older.

Level 2

What you need to be able to do to get into Level 2

1. Demonstrate an understanding of basic pool safety rules

2. Demonstrate a safe entry and exit of the pool

3. Walk across the pool, with water at shoulder level

4. Get face submerged in water

5. Blow bubbles in the water

6. Demonstrate a streamlined position, with assistance

7. Regain feet from a floating position on both the front and back, with a woggle & assistance if required

8. Demonstrate a good kicking action on front and back with a woggle or board, and assistance if required

Level 3

What you need to be able to do to get into Level 3

1. Demonstrate an understanding of all pool rules, and how to enter and exit the pool safely

2. Submerge and pick up objects from the bottom of the pool at 0.9metres

3. Using a board, demonstrate a star float on the back, unassisted

4. Submerging the body, bob up and down, blowing bubbles through the nose and mouth 3 times

5. Roll 180 degrees from the front to the back, and then regain feet

6. Kick on the front with a float, unassisted for 3 metre

7. Kick on the back with a float, unassisted for 3 metres

8. With a woggle, demonstrate a head first sculling/back paddle action on back

Level 4

What you need to be able to do to get into Level 4

1. Swim through a submerged hoop, from a stranding position

2. Demonstrate a safe pool entry, without using steps

3. Demonstrate a floating ‘star’ position on front and back for 10 seconds

4. Push off wall and glide, with streamlining on front and back, then regain feet

5. Demonstrate rotary breathing while kicking – blowing bubbles into the water and showing a sideways turn to breathe in

6. Without touching the pool floor, demonstrate a 360 degree rotation/log roll

7. Demonstrate a front crawl arm action, with a board for 5 metres

8. Demonstrate a backstroke arm action with a board for 5 metres

9. Demonstrate an understanding of and attempt a breast stroke arm action for 3 me

Level 5

What you need to be able to do to get into Level 5

1. Using a woggle, tread water using a breaststroke leg action for 20 seconds in the main pool at 1.3-1.5 metres

2. Demonstrate a handstand from the bottom of the pool

3. Demonstrate a sitting dive and glide, with good entry into water, swim down through a submerged hoop

4. Demonstrate a push and glide on front and back, holding for 3 metres

5. Swim 5 metres front crawl – blowing bubbles into the water and showing a sideways turn to breathe

6. Swim 5 metres back stroke with good body position

7. Swim 5 metres demonstrating a breaststroke leg action – with a board or assistance if required

8. Demonstrate streamlined kicking on front and back with a board for 10 metres in main pool

9. Perform a safe pencil jump in the main pool at 1.3m

Level 6

What you need to be able to do to get into Level 6

1. Demonstrate a forward somersault from a standing position

2. Demonstrate a kneeling dive, with good entry

3. Demonstrate a sculling action on back, with a pull buoy for 5 metres

4. Demonstrate a push and glide from the wall on front and back for 5 metres

5. Swim 10 metres front crawl – showing good technique, with uni or bi-lateral breathing

6. Swim 10 metres back stroke, with correct body position

7. With no aid, tread water using a breast stroke leg action for 20 seconds in deep water at 1.3 – 1.5 metres

8. Demonstrate streamlined kicking on front and back for 15 metres with no support

9. Swim 10 metres Breaststroke – attempting to breathe on every arm pull

Level 7

What you need to be able to do to get into Level 7

1. Tread water for 30 seconds keeping the head clear of the water and then swim 15 metres

2. Demonstrate a head first surface dive and then retrieve an object from the pool floor at 1.5 metres

3. Demonstrate a push and glide on the front into a forwards somersault

4. Demonstrate a kneeling dive, glide, then swim out 10m

5. Demonstrate a good push off with streamlining, underwater on front and back for 3 metres

6. Using a pull buoy, demonstrate a sculling action for 10 metres on back, moving head first and feet first

7. Swim 2 x 10m front crawl, showing good technique and breathing

8. Swim 2 x 10 metres back stroke showing good technique and breathing

9. Swim 15 metres breaststroke – showing good timing

10. Demonstrate a butterfly style kick, with undulating action for 10 metres

11. Swim 25m of 2 different strokes, holding good rhythm

Advanced Stroke

What you need to be able to do to get into Advanced stroke

1. Demonstrate a standing dive into deep water and swim out 25 metres

2. Demonstrate a push and glide, with streamlining on the front and back, underwater for 5 metres

3. Using a pull buoy, scull 25 metres on front

4. Swim 50 metres front crawl, demonstrating good rhythm and breathing

5. Swim 50 metres back stroke demonstrating good rhythm and breathing

6. Swim 25m breaststroke attempting pull out and regular breathing

7. Swim 10m using a butterfly action

8. Swim 15 metres showing a lifesaving sidestroke

9. Swim 15 metres lifesaving back stroke

10. Swim 100m using 2 different strokes holding good technique and rhythm, without stopping