Local Development Plan

The Plan Strategy is the first of two development plan documents which will comprise our Local Development Plan. It provides a plan-led framework for making decisions to help the Council deliver sustainable growth and development including future housing, employment, retail and infrastructure across the district until 2030.
At its core, the Plan Strategy shares the vision of the Fermanagh and Omagh Community Plan 2030 as a “welcoming, shared and inclusive Fermanagh and Omagh District, where people and places are healthy, safe, connected and prosperous, and where our outstanding natural, built and cultural heritage is cherished and sustainably managed”.
The Local Development Plan aims to meet the needs of all the people of the district by creating sustainable communities through housing, job creation, enterprise promotion, tourism support, provision of services and community facilities within the context of a healthy, well planned natural and built environment.
The Local Development Plan Map Viewer

How to use Map Viewer
The Local Development Plan Map Viewer is accessible by clicking the link above. You may toggle layers on and off by clicking on the eye icon on the left hand side of the map page. Users can zoom to an area by using the search function or, alternatively, use your mouse to pan around the area and zoom in and out.
Smaller policy areas such as the Primary Retail Core and Primary Retail Frontages will load automatically when you zoom in to that area. FODC has made every effort to ensure the LDP – Plan Strategy maps are of a quality and reliability consistent with its purpose. The map also includes data from third party sources. It remains the responsibility of the user to ensure all information is accurate and represents the most up to date versions available.
The Map Viewer provided is an additional supplemental resource to the PDF maps provided and FODC cannot be held responsible if the information contained in the Map Viewer is misinterpreted or misused. It is the responsibility, therefore, that users must satisfy themselves that the map is suitable for their intended use.
FODC cannot be held liable for any loss of profits or direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or other loss suffered by the user. By utilising this information, you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.
To view map please click here
The Landscape Wind Energy Strategy Map is available to view here.
> PDF maps are available below for download.
Local Development Plan - Adoption of Plan Strategy 2030
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council adopted the Local Development Plan 2030: Plan Strategy on 16 March 2023 in accordance with section 12 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 and regulation 24 of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015.
Copies of the adopted Plan Strategy, the Sustainability Report incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment, the adoption statement, the report and recommendations of the Planning Appeals Commission and the Direction made by the Department for Infrastructure, are available to inspect during normal office hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday at the Connect Centres: Strule House, 16 High Street, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 1BQ and County Buildings, 15 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, BT74 7BW.
The Plan Strategy became effective on the date of adoption i.e. the 16 March 2023.
Any queries should be directed to the Development Plan team at developmentplan@fermanaghomagh.com or in writing to Development Plan Team, Strule House, 16 High Street, Omagh, BT78 1BQ.
Adoption Documents
Public Notice
Commencement of work on the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
Local Development Plan – Local Policies Plan
The Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011
The Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council give notice that work is commencing on the Local Development Plan – Local Policies Plan (LPP). The LPP is the second part of the Local Development Plan, setting out the Council’s policies in relation to the development and use of land in its district.
The LPP will include local policies, including site specific proposals, designations and land use zonings. The Council will take account of any site specific representations made to the Preferred Options Paper as part of its preparation of the LPP.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Local Development Plan — draft Plan Strategy 2030
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is pleased to announce that, following the Independent Examination of the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Local Development Plan – draft Plan Strategy 2030, the Planning Appeal Commission’s (PAC) report and a Direction has now issued from the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) on 20 January 2023.
This is a significant milestone for Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and for Plan making generally in Northern Ireland.
The Direction was to adopt the Plan Strategy with modifications under section 12(1)(b) of the Planning Act.
The draft Plan Strategy was found to be sound, subject to the recommended amendments and modifications. The Council considers the PAC report and Direction, to be very positive and a strong statement of support in relation to the Council’s stance on the policies in the Plan.
The Department’s Direction sets out two schedules. The first schedule includes 132 recommended amendments which reflect the changes already proposed by the Council in October 2020. The second schedule sets out 50 modifications which DfI has directed as being necessary for the adoption of the Plan Strategy. Of the 50 proposed modifications, many consist of minor edits or updates to proposed changes previously put forward by the Council.
Before the Council can proceed to adopt the Plan, the Direction requires the Council to update the Sustainability Appraisal and any other statutory assessments as necessary.
The public consultation is now closed (02 March 2023), more information on this can be found below.
DFI Direction and PAC report
Consultation documents
Interactive Story Map
To Explore our Draft Plan Strategy as an interactive Story Map click here.
Draft Plan Strategy and Associated Documents
- The Draft Plan Strategy
The Draft Plan Strategy document sets out strategic planning policy for our District across a range of topics taking into account other regional planning policy. Your attention is drawn to a correction relating to the Settlement Hierarchy map on p.37. Please refer to the following link for the amended map: Settlement Hierarchy. A mapping error has also been identified in relation to the boundary of the Enniskillen Conservation Area (page 135). It should be noted that the correct Conservation Area boundary as designated is shown in the Enniskillen Conservation Area Design Guide (March 1988). - Information Leaflet
Information leaflet giving details of tests of soundness, consultation events, venues and where we are in the overall Development Plan process and finally what happens next. - Proposals Map Viewer
The map viewer enables you examine the physical extent of our proposals within the Plan Strategy document. - Wind Energy Strategy Map Viewer
- Spatial Strategy Map
- Proposals Map 1 – North East
- Proposals Map 2 – South East
- Proposals Map 3 – West
Technical Assessments
- SA Report: Sustainability Appraisal
The SA Report details the Sustainability Appraisal of the Plan Strategy. This examines its policies and proposals with the aim of achieving of sustainable development. This incorporates the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). SEA is required to assess the effects of plans and programmes on the environment.
Your attention is drawn to corrections in Chapter 6: Monitoring and Implementation to address errors in the numbering of the Relevant Monitoring Indicators. Please refer to the following link for amended version: Chapter 6: Monitoring and Implementation - Sustainability Appraisal – Interim SA Report
Completed alongside the Preferred Options Paper (POP) and considers environmental, social and economic effects. Includes assessment of Strategic Reasonable Alternatives - Sustainability Appraisal – Scoping Report
Sets out sufficient information for the district and its environmental, social and economic effects to enable the Consultation Body to form a view on the proposed scope and level of detail that will be appropriate for the Sustainability Appraisal. - Habitats Regulations Assessment
This considers the potential impact of the Plan Strategy’s policies and proposals on European designated nature conservation sites. - Equality Screening Report
This considers the potential impact of the Plan Strategy’s policies and proposals on specific groups identified in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. - Rural Needs Impact Assessment
This considers if Plan Strategy’s policies and proposals would have a differential impact on the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.
- Retail and Commercial Leisure Needs Assessment
A Retail and Commercial Leisure Needs Assessment was published in March 2017 looking at how our town centres are changing, expenditure and population estimates and looked at our District’s retail provision against UK averages. - Landscape Wind Capacity Study for Fermanagh and Omagh
The wind capacity study provides technical assessments on landscape, visual and cumulative development matters for our District in relation to wind energy, providing guidance on the capacity of the landscape to accommodate wind turbine developments and associated infrastructure. - Landscape Character Review for Fermanagh and Omagh
Since the original Landscape Character Assessment was carried out across Northern Ireland in 1999, parts of the landscape of Fermanagh and Omagh have been subject to dramatic change. This review aims to update that Assessment so that it remains relevant to planning policy and the development management process. - Landscape Designation Review
Identifies whether existing landscape designations properly identify and define the most valued landscapes and proposes amendments or new areas for potential designation when they do not.
Background Papers
Please note that the following papers have not been updated at this time but will be reviewed and updated as necessary when moving forward to the Local Plan Policies stage. These are still available to view on the Preferred Options Paper web page:
- Education, Community and Health (Paper 10)
- Open Space, Recreation and Leisure (Paper 11)
- Sustaining Rural Communities (Paper 16)
Contact Us
You can contact the Local Development Plan Team in the Omagh Planning Office or by email at developmentplan@fermanaghomagh.com or phone 0300 303 1777.