Planning Applications Archive

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Past Applications

25th November 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0446/O (Re-Advert) Adjacent to and Southwest of No 6 Dergmoney View and northeast of No 1 Dergmoney Lane, Omagh, BT78 1HZ 3no houses
LA10/2024/1093/F 48 Gortview Close, Lisanelly, Omagh, BT79 7WU Extension of Site Curtilage and single storey extension to side of dwelling and step lift
LA10/2024/1095/F St. Patricks Church, 15 Chapel Lane, Gortin, BT79 8ND Replacement and alterations to existing external access steps to a Listed Church
LA10/2024/1096/LBC St. Patricks Church, 15 Chapel Lane, Gortin, BT79 8ND Replacement and alterations to existing external access steps to a Listed Church
LA10/2024/1097/F 44 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9DT Proposed Replacement dwelling & Garage at 44 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross
LA10/2024/1100/F Approx 29m NW of unit 10 Showgrounds Retail Park, Omagh, BT79 7AQ Re-purposing existing car parking spaces for use as parking spaces for recharging of electric vehicles, including the installation of 2 upstands, feeder pillar, 5 bollards, and associated landscaping adjustments
LA10/2024/1103/F 12 Sunnycrest Gardens, Omagh, BT79 7BH Proposed extension, alterations and conversion of existing garage to living space and erection of garage
LA10/2024/1105/F 2 Oughterard Road, Dromore, BT78 3NL Proposed single storey rear extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/1110/F 6 Crosshill Heights, Dromore, BT78 3DS Proposed single storey extensions to front, side and rear of bungalow
LA10/2024/1120/F Stralongford Post Office 190 Tummery Road, Omagh, BT78 3TY Replacement of vacant retail building for a new dwelling and domestic garage.
LA10/2024/1078/F 51 Edenmore Road, Tempo, BT94 3BT Retention of dwelling/revised welling design and position to previously approved application L/2011/0523/RM
LA10/2024/1082/F 27 Cavan Road, Magheraveely, Enniskillen, BT92 6EB Erection of storage building in connection with adjoining business (car parts) and extension of curtilage
LA10/2024/1083/F 35 Raw Road, Brookeborough, Enniskillen, BT94 4GF Proposed Garage and Extension of Existing Domestic Curtilage
LA10/2024/1085/F 50m Northwest of 118 Lisdead Road Derrynafaugher, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, BT93 6HH Re-siting of previously approved farm dwelling & domestic garage under Ref LA10/2024/0669/F (dwelling)
LA10/2024/1086/F Site 250m NNE of 66 Corlave Road, Kesh, BT93 1AX Proposed 22000 bird layer poultry unit with enclosed manure store, meal bins, generator enclosure and 2 no underground dirty water tanks.
LA10/2024/1089/F Approx 56m South West of 87 Gardrum Road, Letterbreen, Drumaran, Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 9FS Erection of Dwelling and Garage on a farm
LA10/2024/1094/O Lands 90 metres North of No 59 Moorlough Road, Lisnaskea BT92 0BS Outline application for 12 no detached houses along with access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, improvements to Cushwash Road, and associated site works
LA10/2024/1098/RM 100m South West of 64 Enniskillen Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2BD Erection of 1.5 storey dwelling with domestic garage
LA10/2024/1099/F NW of and Adjoining 17 Abbey Rd, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4RW Change of house type to previously approved planning application (LA10/2023/2043/RM - Dwelling)
LA10/2024/1104/RM Immediately West of 17 Drumshimuck Road, Aghintra, Derrylin, BT92 9FY Erection of New Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/1106/F 7 Cavandale, Enniskillen, BT74 4EN Disabled Rear Single Storey Extension
LA10/2024/1113/F 373 Killadeas Road, Enniskillen, BT94 1PN Replacement of existing retail unit and associated car parking

15th November 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/1069/F Approx 70m NE of 29 Annaghilly Rd, Rosslea Retention of & proposed alteration to agricultural building for general farm storage purposes
LA10/2024/1071/RM Approx 50m S of 243 Lough Shore Rd, Derrygonnelly Dwelling
LA10/2024/1073/F 22 Lisdead Rd, Boho Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/1077/F 54 Derrykerrib Rd, Newtownbutler Dwelling - Change of house type from L/2009/0576/RM [dwelling & garage]
LA10/2024/1087/F 55 Levally Rd, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0649/F (Re Advert) Lands at the former Tyrone County Hospital, & immediately E of no. 25 Woodvale Ave, Omagh 6no. dwellings (change of house types) from LA10/2021/0743/F (Housing Development)on plots 124-129 (amended description & drawings)
LA10/2024/1029/F 21a Mountjoy Rd, Omagh Refurbishment & Extension to existing factory for new commercial bakery including bakery shop
LA10/2024/1047/F Lands at 10b, 10c & 10e Tamlaght Rd, Omagh Translink bus maintenance facility, new access & NIE substation
LA10/2024/1052/F Land approx 150m S of 60 Moylagh Road, Beragh Proposed machinery shed & farm yard
LA10/2024/1058/F Approx. 150m NE of 70 Dooish Rd, Dromore Retention of coffee shop, play areas
LA10/2024/1068/F 98a Doogary Rd, Omagh Proposed replacement single storey garage, workshop & yard (Amended location of workshop)
LA10/2024/1084/F 75m of NW of A5 Service Station, 135 Curr Rd, Beragh Free standing photovoltaic (solar) array
LA10/2024/1088/O 170m W of 30 Maine Rd (Maine House) Omagh Dwelling & Garage

11th November 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/1031/O Lands 35m South of 103 Dublin Road, Breandrum, Enniskillen, Fermanagh , BT74 6BU Two storey dwelling and detached garage
LA10/2024/1033/O 25m North East of 10 Lettermoney Road, Ballycassidy, Ballinamallard, Fermanagh, BT94 2LY Site for two storey dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/1034/F 650m West of 620 Boa Island Road, Cordwood, Kesh, Fermanagh, BT93 8AJ Proposed replacement dwelling and garage with associated landscaping
LA10/2024/1037/O Approx. 90m East of 30 Droles Road, Mullaghkippin, Lisbellaw, Fermanagh, BT94 5JH Proposed dwelling and garage (infill)
LA10/2024/1061/F 7- 8 Drumbrughas Avenue, Lisnaskea, BT92 0PE Erection of canopy to gable of existing factory building
LA10/2023/1295/F (Re-Advert) Lands immediately to the West of 152 Newtownsaville Road, Eskra Proposed 2 no detached dwellings and 2 no detached domestic garages and 2 no septic tanks
LA10/2024/0802/F (Re-Advert) 18 Campsie Avenue, Omagh, BT79 0AB Change of use from a dwelling to 2 self contained apartments and conversion and extension of garage to a bedsit
LA10/2024/0986/RM Lands adjoining and immediately East of Foyle Food Group Complex, Doogary Industrial Estate, Bankmore Road, Omagh, BT79 0BQ Proposed Class B2 & B3 industrial use buildings, office accommodation, external hard standing for finished product, staff and visitor parking and general landscaping
LA10/2024/1027/F 25 Anderson Gardens, Omagh Change of Use from Hot Food Takeaway to Class A1(D) hairdressing
LA10/2024/1038/F 4A Omagh Road, Drumquin, Tyrone, BT78 4QY Proposed change of use and front extension and alterations of existing public toilets to form an apartment
LA10/2024/1039/O Approx. 20m NW of 135 Creggan Road, Creggan, Carrickmore, Tyrone, BT79 9BL Proposed site for infill dwelling and garage renewal of approval LA10/2021/0435/O (site for infill dwelling and garage)
LA10/2024/1040/F Lands approx 150m NW of 125 Seskinore Road, Seskinore, Tyrone, BT78 1UF Proposed Treatment Plant
LA10/2024/1041/O Adjacent to 20 DeersLeap Road, Golan, BT79 7TU Proposed Site for Infill Dwelling
LA10/2024/1042/F Site adjacent to and South of 141 Greencastle Road, Greencastle Village, Co. Tyrone Proposed residential development of 24 No. dwellings
LA10/2024/1043/F 16 Rock Road, Beragh, BT79 0QN Erection of Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/1044/F 33 Glenpark Road, Omagh, BT79 7SR Proposed new access to serve 33 Glenpark Road, Omagh (paired with existing access)
LA10/2024/1045/O Approx 70m North of 96 Drumlegagh Road South Dunteige Drumquin BT78 4TW Proposed Site for Replacement Dwelling and Garage
LA10/2024/1050/O Gap site 40m South West of 203 Galbally Road, Cavanamara, Trillick, Trillick Tyrone, BT78 3QR Proposed gap site dwelling and detached garage
LA10/2024/1054/F 6 Sperrin Close, Omagh, BT78 5DL Proposed extension and alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/1057/F 1b Holmview Terrace, Omagh, BT79 0AH Proposed Change of Use from Offices to Self Contained Flat (first and second floor level)

4th November 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2195/F (Re-Advert) 52 Killyclogher Road, Omagh, BT79 7LP Proposed change of use of part of existing building from car showroom, workshop and external display area to proposed petrol filling station and supermarket. To include extension to existing building, amendments to car showroom elevations, new petrol forec
LA10/2024/0975/F To the rear of and 50m North of 26 Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh, BT78 5EJ Proposed single storey storage and distribution building
LA10/2024/1008/F 33 - 35 Castle Street, Omagh, BT78 1DD Conversion of existing first floor, 3 bedroom apartment to 2 number 1 bedroom bedsits with alterations to window fenestration and additional oil tank
LA10/2024/1010/F Approx 85m South East of 109 Lenagh Road, Fallagh Middle, Rouskey, Mountfield, BT79 7RH Proposed Retention Of Existing Single Storey Farm Dwelling
LA10/2024/1019/F 24 Gortmore Gardens, Omagh, BT78 5DZ Front extension to provide porch, bay window and internal alterations
LA10/2024/1021/F 244 Tattymoyle Road, Fintona, BT78 3QB Change of house type to that previously approved under application K/2006/1633/RM - dwelling
LA10/2024/1023/F Adjacent to and East of No 14 Oldfort Road Tattyreagh, Omagh, BT78 1RU Proposed dwelling
LA10/2024/1025/O Approx 80m South West of 6A Mullanmore Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9LA Proposed infill site
LA10/2024/1026/O Approx 70m East of 27 Inishative Road, Inishtative, Sixmilecross, BT79 9HS Proposed infill site for dwelling and garage
LA10/2021/1050/F (Re-Advert) Land to the rear of 92 94 96 and 98 Enniskillen Road Drumconnis Ballinamallard Housing development of 25no. dwellings (To consist of 11 no. detached houses and 14 no. semi-detached houses), private wastewater treatment plant and all associated siteworks
LA10/2024/0422/O (Re-Advert) Approx 61m West of no 84 Belturbet Road, Corramonaghan, Derrylin Co Fermanagh BT92 9BB Proposed Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage (amended access and P2 Certificate received)
LA10/2024/0889/F (Re-Advert) Located to the Rear and Side of 16 Main Street Kesh, BT93 1TF Proposed Retention of Existing Single Storey Mono Roof Canopy (Description Change, P2 & P2A Certificate received)
LA10/2024/0987/F 129 Derrybrick Road, Gortnagullion, Kesh, BT93 1BP Change of House Type from previously approved dwelling and garage - L/2009/1305/F , partially constructed garage to be used as a writers studio & new Garage outside original curtilage
LA10/2024/0996/F Craigville Spar 27 Rossorry Church Road Windmill Hill Enniskillen BT74 7HB Extension to rear of shop to provide acoustic compound
LA10/2024/0999/F 27 & 29 Henry Sreet Windmill Hill Enniskillen BT74 7JT Change of Use of part of of ground floor shop (No27) to additional living accommodation for dwelling (No29) and alterations to front elevation
LA10/2024/1003/O 70m West of 9 Brockagh Road Brockagh Tempo BT94 3BD Site for two storey dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/1009/F 6 Commons Road , Finner, Belleek, Fermanagh, BT93 3AR Proposed 3 tier 250 Seat Spectator Stand with associated footpath and fence access
LA10/2024/1020/O Immediately West of No.3 Drumard Road, Drumbarna, Kesh, BT93 1RR Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/1024/F 75 Corrameen Road, Kinawley, BT92 4BW Extension & Alterations to dwelling

28th October 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0571/F (Re-Advert) No. 39 Carn Road Tempo Enniskillen BT94 3AJ Erection of a dwelling under Policy HOU15
LA10/2024/0617/F (Re-Advert) 116 Crom Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 0BN Extension to egg processing factory to provide additional egg stores, and all associated site works
LA10/2024/0763/F (Re-Advert) 171 Crom Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 8AX Erection of storage building (storage of builder's equipment)
LA10/2024/0933/F 49 Creamery Road, Derrygonnelly BT93 6FS Change of use form unused tennis court to play park
LA10/2024/0949/F Tracey Concrete, 96 Old Rossorry Road, Carrigans, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT74 7LF Section 54 application to remove Condition 11 (Forklift Trucks) of planning permission LA10/2016/0938/F (extension to Tracey Concrete storage yard)
LA10/2024/0951/F Tracey Concrete, 96 Old Rossorry Road, Carrigans, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT74 7LF Section 54 application to remove Condition 4 (Forklift Trucks) of planning permission LA10/2019/0068/F (extension to Tracey Concrete storage yard)
LA10/2024/0966/F 20 metres South West of No. 8 Dublin Rd, Enniskillen BT74 6HH Proposed Installation of bus shelter
LA10/2024/0970/O Approx 100m SE of 29 Carrickyheenan Road, Brookeborough, BT94 4DE Proposed replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0974/F Vacant site approx 40m SW of No. 5 Summerhill Park, Derrylin 2no. detached dwellings & associated site works
LA10/2024/0978/F 10 Alexander Rise Donagh Lisnaskea BT92 5BX Single storey extension to rear of dwelling
LA10/2024/0982/O Approx. 60m East of 57 Mantlin Road, Kesh, BT93 1NT Proposed dwelling and garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0983/RM Approx. 250m North of 260 Boho Road, Mullylusty, Belcoo, BT93 5FX Dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0984/O Land approx 70m SW of 30 Magheraveely road, Mullynagowan, Newtownbutler BT92 8AS Proposed dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0993/O 45m North East of 19 Kilsmullen Road, Largy, Lack Single storey dwelling
LA10/2024/0953/F 27 Drumconnelly Road, Omagh, BT78 1RR Proposed Replacement Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0965/F 46 Circular Road, Omagh, BT79 7HD Proposed Extension to existing storage building at 46 Circular Road, Omagh
LA10/2024/0971/O Approx 120m NE of 35 Pharson Road, Omagh, BT78 5PS Proposed 1 1/2 storey dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0972/F Lands at the former Tyrone County Hospital and immediately north of 8 Camowen Woods, Omagh, BT79 0FX Proposed erection of 7no. dwellings (change of house type from planning approval LA10/2021/0743/F on plots 106, 117 - 122
LA10/2024/0973/F 41 Kirlish Road, Drumquin, BT78 4PY Single storey side extensions and front porch to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0979/F Lands 50M South of 10 Mullagharn Road , Gillygooley, Omagh , BT78 5QG Proposed 3 no. Detached dwellings and Garages
LA10/2024/0981/F 68 Tullycunny Road Kiltamnagh Fintona BT78 1QH Proposed replacement dwelling house
LA10/2024/0989/F 1A Kylemore Gardens Mullaghmore Omagh BT79 7LL Change of use of garage to sitting room with bay window extension, alteration to front elevation, replace windows throughout, replace existing rear sunroom with single storey rear extension and new single storey outbuilding for storage
LA10/2024/0994/F 12 Crockroe Road, Carryglass, Omagh, BT78 3QQ Erection of domestic garage

21st October 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2021/1386/F (Re-Advert) Immediately West of No 7 Cherryville Drumcoo Enniskillen Proposed 2 No Detached Dwellings & 4 No Apartment Units with new access road/turning head, private waste water treatment plant and all associated site works
LA10/2021/1458/F (Re-Advert) Cairn View Free Range Egg Farm 18 Crockanboy Road Gortin Retention of dry agricultural store to rear (north) of existing approved poultry house and retention of agricultural plant storage building to front (south) of approved poultry house. (Amended proposal, plans and supporting information)
LA10/2024/0288/F (Re-Advert) Land approx 720m South of 76 Drumbarley Rd, Drumquin, Co. Tyrone BT78 4SS Proposed Wind turbine with 50m tower and 52m rotor diameter
LA10/2024/0922/O Site immediately East of 134 Corratistune Road, Corratistune, Derrylin BT92 9EE New dwelling and Domestic Garage on a Farm
LA10/2024/0947/F 20 Cherrymount Avenue, Enniskillen, BT74 4GY Single storey rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0956/F 11 Gortahurk Road, Derrylin, Enniskillen, BT92 9DD Erection of temporary meteorological mast
LA10/2024/0957/O 60m North of 36 Rossmacaffry Road, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen, BT92 0RA Site for one and half storey farm dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0959/RM Land immediately East of 22 Rigg Road, Enniskillen, BT74 5ED Erection of two storey dwelling and detached 1.5 storey double domestic garage
LA10/2024/0964/O Approx. 40m South of 94 Swanlinbar Road, Arney, Enniskillen, BT92 2DA Erection of dwelling and garage on a farm (HOU 11)
LA10/2024/0943/F 134 Loughmacrory Rd, Loughmacrory Proposed Off-Site Replacement Dwelling and attached car port
LA10/2024/0954/RM Land approx 200m North West of 125 Termon Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9HW New dwelling and detached garage and carport (Outline approval LA10/2020/0915/O)

11th October 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/0234/F (Re-Advert) Lands approx 125m NW of Creggan, Community Centre, Crockanboy Rd, Creggan 3no. dwellings & garages & private treatment tank
LA10/2024/0888/F Lands of former police station at 33-35 Mountjoy Rd Omagh 14no. dwellings
LA10/2024/0928/F Lands approx 280m N of 128 Rockstown Rd, Carrickmore, accessing onto Devesky Rd, Carrickmore Wind turbine & new section of new laneway
LA10/2024/0937/RM Approx 25m NW of No. 60 Corbally Rd, Fintona Dwelling
LA10/2024/0942/F 92 Omagh Rd, Drumquin New driveway to dwelling
LA10/2024/0952/F 24 Streefe Rd, Omagh Proposed garage
LA10/2024/0401/O (Re-Advert) Approx 50m NE of 9 Drumard Rd, Kesh Dwelling & garage (revised address)
LA10/2024/0852/F 19 Mantlin Pk, Kesh Extension to rear of dwelling
LA10/2024/0907/F Land approx. 50m SE of Dernawilt Cross Rds accessing on to Lacky Rd, Rosslea Park & ride facility, new access & associated site works
LA10/2024/0908/F Approx 171m S of 79 Wattlebridge Rd, Newtownbutler Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0911/O Approx. 760m W of 6 Drumhoney Lane, Lisnarick Farm dwelling
LA10/2024/0912/F The Old Manse, 3 Tattygare Rd, Lisbellaw Renovation & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0913/LBC The Old Manse, 3 Tattygare Rd, Lisbellaw Renovation & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0920/F Lands imm E of 7 Tamlaght Pk, Tamlaght Erection of dwelling
LA10/2024/0922/O Site imm E of 134 Corratistune Rd, Derrylin Dwelling & farm
LA10/2024/0924/O 85m NW of 67 Marlbank Rd, Florencecourt Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0934/F 46 Golan Rd, Magheraveely Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0935/O Approx 260m NE of 190 Eshnadarragh Rd, Roslea Replacement dwelling & garage

7th October 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0291/F (Re-Advert) Edgewater Holiday Park, Boa Island Rd, Kesh Erection of 17no. static caravans, new sales office & associated works (Red line extended to include access and visibility splays. P2A form & amended ownership certificate received)
LA10/2024/0885/F Approx. 33m E of 39 Loop Rd, Newtownbutler Dwelling
LA10/2024/0889/F Rear & side of 16 Main St, Kesh Retention of single storey roof canopy
LA10/2024/0892/O Adjoining & 40m SE of 123 Knockninny Rd, Derrylin Dwelling & garage - renewal of approval LA10/2021/0345/0 (dwelling & garage)
LA10/2024/0893/F 39 Main St, Kesh Change of use from cafe to office
LA10/2024/0895/F Approx. 180m NE of 37 Drumcor Rd, Tempo Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0896/F 23 Boa Island Rd, Belleek Change of use from shop to dwelling
LA10/2024/0899/RM 70m W of No. 20 Moat Rd Lisnaskea Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0901/F 57 Old Rossorry Rd, Enniskillen Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0902/F 24 Deerpark Rd, Rosslea Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0905/F 21 & 23 Dromore Rd, Irvinestown 3no. dwellings & 1 no. garage
LA10/2024/0911/O Site approx. 760m W of 6 Drumhoney Lane, Lisnarick Dwelling
LA10/2024/0912/F The Old Manse, 3 Tattygare Rd, Lisbellaw Alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0926/O 44 Ervey Rd, Rosslea Replacement dwelling & garage - renewal of approval LA10/2021/0184/O (replacement dwelling & garage)
LA10/2024/0927/O 30m N of 160a Belfast Rd, Lisbellaw Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0930/F 19 Keenaghan Rd, Belleek Renovations & extension to dwelling
LA10/2022/0328/F (Re-Advert) 17 Ballybrack Rd, Loughmacrory 3No. detached dwellings & package treatment plant (amended description)
LA10/2024/0887/F 230 Radergan Rd, Garvaghy Building to enclose existing 3G pitch
LA10/2024/0890/RM Approx. 20m E of 167 Drumlish Rd, Dromore Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0909/F Approx 75m NW of No.45 Woodstone Rd, Beragh Dwelling
LA10/2024/0915/O Approx 275m E of 148 Gorticashel Rd, Gortin Dwelling
LA10/2024/0916/F 87a Corbally Rd, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0919/F 3 Tircur Rd, Omagh Amendments to LA10/2024/0737/F - Extension & alterations to residential care facility
LA10/2024/0932/O Approx 30m E of 21 Slieveard Pk, Killyclogher Dwelling & garage

30th September 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0861/F 501 Derrylin Rd, Kinawley Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0867/O Approx. 120m W of 20 Glenarn Rd, Lack Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0871/F Site 20 Clover Brae, Enniskillen Domestic garage
LA10/2024/0882/F Lands to the rear of Nos. 20-24 Algeo Drive, Enniskillen 4no. Dwellings & garages
LA10/2024/0850/F Opposite No. 1-7 Glenpark Rd, Gortnagarn 4no. Dwellings & garages
LA10/2024/0851/F 38 Main St, Carrickmore 4no. Flats
LA10/2024/0853/F 193 Clanabogan Rd, Clanabogan Storage shed at concrete works
LA10/2024/0859/F 89 Glenpark Rd, Omagh Extension to domestic garage
LA10/2024/0862/F Adjacent to & W of 19 Creggan Rd, Carrickmore Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0864/F 1 & 1a Rockstown Rd, Carrickmore 2no. Replacement dwellings
LA10/2024/0865/F 126 Main St, Beragh Extensions to dwelling
LA10/2024/0866/F Approx 165m NE of 113 Cavan Rd, Dromore Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
LA10/2024/0868/F Approx 100m SE of 10 Rockstown Rd, Carrickmore 2 Dwellings & garages
LA10/2024/0876/F 225 Greencastle Rd, Mountfield Dwelling & garage

24th September 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1700/F 15 Drumhoney Lane, Lisnarick Extension to Holiday Park for 12 static caravans (amended access)
LA10/2024/0364/F 83 Rossmacaffry Rd, Lisnaskea Replacement domestic store (amended address)
LA10/2024/0612/O Site immediately N of 19 Lisnarick Rd, Irvinestown New Dwelling with septic tank (revised sightlines, ownership certificate & description)
LA10/2024/0812/F Lough Navar Forest Dr approx 78m SW of 132 Glennasheevar Rd, Derrygonnelly 4 No. Car parking spaces
LA10/2024/0831/F 136 Derrybrick Rd, Kesh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0838/O Immediately E of 16 Aghnacarra Rd, Lisbellaw Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0839/F Approx. 35m S of 1 Weirsbridge Court, Enniskillen Dwelling
LA10/2024/0840/O Immediately S of 16 Aghnacarra Rd, Lisbellaw 3 no. dwellings & garages
LA10/2024/0841/F 26 Main St, Tempo Conversion of games room/gym to granny flat
LA10/2024/0843/F 359 Boa Island Rd, Belleek Change of house type from that approved under LA10/2019/0963/F (dwelling)
LA10/2024/0845/F Land 85m SE of 8 Raw Rd, Brookeborough Holiday cottage & Gazebo
LA10/2024/0854/F Approx 35m N of 593 Boa Island Rd, Kesh Retention of holiday cottage
LA10/2023/1642/F Lands immediately SW of 26 Church Rd, Beragh 5 No. dwellings, site road, private treatment tank & associated site works along with new access to No. 26 Church Rd
LA10/2024/0816/O Approx. 60m S of 53 Lakemount Rd, Dromore Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0827/O Land 30m NE of 8 Letfern Rd, Tattyreagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0833/O Site 50m N of No.10 Kirlish Rd, Drumquin Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0835/O Site between 4&5 Ardmore Crescent, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0844/F 50m W of No.99 Cooley Rd, Sixmilecross Dwelling & integral garage
LA10/2024/0846/F McGirr Engineering ,112 Shane Rd, Sixmilecross 3 No Replacement Sheds.
LA10/2024/0847/O Approx. 70m N of 20 Longhill Rd, Dromore Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0848/F 105 Bracky Rd, Sixmilecross Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0856/F Lands immediately SW of 11 Main St, Mountfield Housing Development

16th September 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0810/RM Approx 17m South of 51 Longhill Rd, Dromore, BT78 3LH Proposed Dwelling and Garage
LA10/2024/0814/F Approx 130 NE of 234 & 236 Newtownsaville Rd , Eskragh Proposed Treatment Plant
LA10/2024/0817/F 20 Mountjoy Avenue, Omagh, BT78 5SR Removal of former bus garage and replaced with new toilets. Reroof in part existing building
LA10/2024/0820/F 1 Sperrin Close, Culmore, Omagh, BT78 5DL Proposed single storey living room extension to rear and internal alterations to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0821/O 50m NE of 33 Creevan Road, Clanabogan, Omagh, BT78 5LT Proposed infill site for dwelling
LA10/2024/0822/O 50m SW of 15 Creevan Road, Clanabogan, Omagh, BT78 5LT Proposed infill site for dwelling
LA10/2024/0824/F 24 Gargrim Road, Gargrim, Fintona, Tyrone, BT78 2EH Proposed single storey extension to rear and side of dwelling house
LA10/2024/0795/F 3 Willowvale, Enniskillen, BT74 4FA Renovation and improvements to burnt out dwelling
LA10/2024/0805/F 45-47 Main Street, Derrygonnelly, BT93 6HW Erection of Fitness Room and Equipment store at 45-47 Main Street, Derrygonnelly , BT93 6HW
LA10/2024/0809/RM Approx 50m North West of 48 Drumshancorick Road Drumyarkin, Rosslea, BT92 7HH Proposed erection of two storey replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0815/F 4 Weirsbridge Court, Enniskillen, BT74 4EF Proposed single-storey extension with roof terrace to existing dwelling and side extensions to existing garage building
LA10/2024/0829/F 9 Derrykerrib Road, Newtonbutler, BT92 8GB Proposed single storey front extension
LA10/2023/2424/F (Re-advert) 176 Main Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JE Change of Use from Beauty Salon to Cafe
LA10/2024/0825/F 60 Main Street, Edenmore, Tempo, Fermanagh, BT94 3LU Change of use from shop to dwelling including external and internal alterations, rear extension and rear terrace
LA10/2024/0832/F Approx 15m North East Of 10 Skea Road, Arney, BT92 2DL Erection of 4.6M High Metal Pole With 2 NO. CCTV Cameras (Retrospective)
LA10/2023/1642/F (Re-advert) Lands immediately South West of 26 Church Road, Beragh, Co.Tyrone 5 No. dwellings, site road, private treatment tank and associated site works along with new access to No 26 Church Road
LA10/2024/0834/RM 60m North of 52 Stralongford Road, Trillick, BT78 3UA Reserved Matters for dwelling & garage approved under LA10/2021/0826/O

9th September 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0767/F Former Royal Arms Hotel Carpark site, Kevlin Avenue, Omagh Erection of temporary marquee suitable for holding covered markets and entertainment and community/tourism focused events. Planning permission is being sought for a period of 36 months
LA10/2024/0779/F 17 Killins Wood Avenue, Mountfield, BT79 7UT Single storey extension to rear of two-storey dwelling to provide ground floor bedroom and shower room
LA10/2024/0780/F 39 Shandon Park, Omagh, BT78 5AY Extension to dwelling house to provide ground floor bedroom and shower room, and construction of external ramp for level access
LA10/2024/0792/O Adjacent & to the west of No. 21 Creaghmore Road Drumquin Outline Permission for dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0797/F 38 Flushtown Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9DY Proposed ramped access to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0802/F 18 Campsie Avenue, Omagh, BT79 0AB Change of Use from a dwelling to 2 self contained apartment and conversion of garage to a bedsit
LA10/2024/0803/F 12b Hillfoot Road Omagh BT79 0JB Proposed single storey extension to gable
LA10/2024/0781/O 60m South East of 41 Tullyrain Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2JW Proposed Erection of a two storey Farm Dwelling
LA10/2024/0782/F Site 40m South of 65 Drumbulcan Road, Sidare, Ballinamallard Amended house design to that previously approved under application LA10/2022/0560/RM and L/2019/0696/O
LA10/2024/0788/F 2 Main Street, Kesh BT93 1TF Change of use and alterations to ground and first floor of former hotel to create 6no. self-catering apartments, and alterations to ground and lower ground floor of existing restaurant (no additional floor space created), and all associated siteworks
LA10/2024/0793/F Ashwood House 209 Sligo Road, Ashwoods, Enniskillen, BT74 5HA First floor extension to form 2 guest bedrooms and social area and conversion of domestic garages to form a 1 bedroom self catering unit to an existing B&B
LA10/2024/0801/O Immediately East of 216 Derrylin Road, Tonyloman, Bellanaleck, BT92 2EE Erection of Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0804/F Approximately 70 metres East of 62 Tully Road, Ballindullagh Inward, Ballinamallard BT94 2FL Proposed construction of a dwelling on a farm business (HOU11) and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0807/O 300m North East of 123 Knockmore Road, Rossinure More, Derrygonnelly, Co Fermanagh Site for Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage (HOU11)
LA10/2024/0794/O Immediately South of no. 119 Castlebalfour Rd, Lisnaskea 3no. detached dwellings
LA10/2024/0806/F 51 Tonyglaskan Road, Tempo, BT94 3NS Extension and Renovation to Dwelling at 51 Tonyglaskan Road, Letterbailey, Tempo, Fermanagh, BT94 3NS
LA10/2024/0785/O Site 210m S/SE of No 79 Rylagh Road, Omagh Proposed single storey replacement dwelling

2nd September 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0749/F 16 Mellon Road, Castletown, Omagh, BT78 5QU Proposed sunroom extension to gable
LA10/2024/0752/RM Land between 59 and 61 Camlough Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9LN Dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0756/F Rear of 8a Omagh Road, Dromore, BT78 3AJ Proposed storage building for Pharmacy
LA10/2024/0760/O Approx. 50m North of 87 Castlehill Road, Trillick BT78 3PA Renewal for LA10/2021/0437/O (dwelling and garage on a farm)
LA10/2024/0769/LBC 14 High Street, Omagh, BT78 1BJ Proposed internal works to the Ground Floor only. Works include reducing the cash counters to 2no. with new stud wall adjacent, new furniture, open consult, new surface mounted sliding door for interview room 1 and internal finishes to front and back of ho
LA10/2024/0772/F 120metres S/SW of junction of Tiroony Road & Maginn Road, Carrickmore Proposed dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0773/F 4 Oakland Court, Mullaghmore, Omagh, BT79 7EE Proposed alterations to existing dwelling to dwelling to change an existing internal garage into a bedroom and store and erection of domestic garage
LA10/2024/0741/O Approx. 60m South of 19 Greentown Road, Florencecourt, Enniskillen, BT92 1BU Proposed erection of dwelling and garage on a Farm (HOU 11)
LA10/2024/0746/O 170 meters East of St Joseph's Church, 196 Cooneen Road, Brookeborough, Fermanagh, BT75 0NJ Proposed redevelopment of a former site of a dwelling to include a new dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0753/O Land approx. 90m South of 4 Ardmoney Lane, Brookeborough, BT94 4HW Erection of 1.5 storey farm dwelling
LA10/2024/0755/F 7 Hillview Walk, Enniskillen, BT74 6HA Proposed single storey extension to front of dwelling for disabled bedroom/shower room
LA10/2024/0757/F St Ninnidh's Primary School, 54 Main Street, Derrylin, BT92 9PD Replacement of existing grass pitch with 3G synthetic grass Multi Use Play Area, perimeter path and fencing, ball-stops, retaining structure and floodlighting
LA10/2024/0762/F Lands immediately to the SW of 130 Coa Road, Woaghternerry, Enniskillen, BT74 4AP Erection of building for agricultural vehicle repair workshop and storage in association with existing established business use
LA10/2024/0763/F 171 Crom Road, Enniskillen, BT92 8AX Erection of storage building (storage of builder's equipment)
LA10/2024/0765/O Immediately East of 71 Druminskill Road Drummacabranagher, Bellanaleck BT92 3AP Erection of a dwelling sited within an existing cluster of buildings
LA10/2024/0766/O Approx. 30m South of 21 Old Enniskillen Road, Enniskillen, BT94 5FX Erection of dwelling & garage on a farm (HOU11)
LA10/2024/0770/O Immediately West of 33 Arney Road, Carneyhill, Bellanaleck BT92 2AF Erection of Dwelling with detached domestic garage in a gap site within an otherwise substantial and continuously built up frontage
LA10/2024/0771/O Site immediately East of 37 Arney Road, Carneyhill, Bellanaleck, BT92 2AF Erection of Dwelling with detached domestic garage in a gap site within an otherwise substantial and continuously built up frontage
LA10/2024/0775/F 101 Knockmore Road, Buggan, Derrygonnelly, BT93 6GH Proposed Part Two Storey / Part One Storey Replacement Dwelling House and Domestic Garage

26th August 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0711/F Approx. 40m South of 34 Ballagh Road, Enniskillen, BT92 5GU Erection of Agricultural Store (machinery & fodder) on existing concrete base - formerly chicken house
LA10/2024/0724/F 9 Lackaghboy Road, Lackaghboy, Enniskillen, BT74 4RL Proposed extension of existing waste management facility (L/2014/0502/F) for the purposes of processing Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR), Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE), Mixed Metals and Waste Tyres with associated storage. To include sh
LA10/2024/0732/F 9 Moneygar Road, Moneygar, Trillick, BT78 3QN Single Storey Side Extension
LA10/2024/0733/RM Approx 30m North East of 28 Fingrean Road, Loughmacrory, Omagh, Co Tyrone BT79 9LR Farm Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0735/RM Site adjoining and East of 16-19 Tullana Grange. Drumshane, Lisnarick, Co. Fermanagh Proposed housing development of 17no. dwellings and all associated siteworks
LA10/2024/0736/F Lands to the Immediate South East of All Saints Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh BT78 5BR Provision for a new 24 no. space car park, access road with lay-by & turning head and 1.2m boundary fence
LA10/2024/0737/F 3 Tircur Road, Omagh, BT79 7TY The proposed development will include the provision of 3no. 2 bedroom specialist care facilities, with corridor link to the previously approved 20 bedroom care facility, an associated storey and a half building to provide a chill-out room, clinical room an
LA10/2024/0742/O 135m West of 43 Station Road, Derrycormick, Enniskillen BT74 9EY Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0743/F 15 Connaghty Road, Omagh, Tyrone, BT78 5NN Section 54 application to remove condition 2 (occupancy) of planning approval K/1997/0331
LA10/2024/0748/F 20 Killyclogher Road, Campsie, Omagh, Tyrone, BT79 0AX Proposed single storey extension to side of dwelling
LA10/2024/0750/O Land Immediately S/SE of 21 Tiralton Road, Tempo, BT94 3AN Site for dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0751/F 23 Churchdale Meadows, Gortin, BT79 8AZ Retention of Timber Framed Patio Structure to the Rear of existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0726/F (Re-advert) 45 Main St, Mountfield Extension to dwelling

19th August 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0695/F Approx 500m North West of no. 168 St Dympna's Road, Dromore Proposed replacement dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0696/F Bethel Hall 2 Dooish Road, Dromore, BT78 3AQ Change of use of a church hall to use as a Class B1 (a) office use to include amendments to existing building comprising provision of solar panels; new wall and roof coverings; and, amended door and window openings.
LA10/2024/0701/F Lands between 2a and 4 Inisclan Road, Mountfield, Omagh, BT79 7QD 2 No dwellings with attached garages
LA10/2024/0718/F Site located 40 metres South West of 38 Drumbarley Road, Drumquin, BT78 4SX Proposed 1 1/2 story dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0721/F 90 Curr Rd, Beragh, BT79 0QW Redevelopment of existing building supplies business including erection of new shed
LA10/2024/0726/F 45 Main Street, Mountfield, BT79 7PZ Proposed single storey extension to side and front of existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0703/F 3 Railway Manor, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4QZ A proposed single-storey extension to the rear of the existing property comprising a new wheelchair-accessible bedroom and WC/shower room. Includes the repositioning of the existing oil tank and the erection of an oil tank enclosure
LA10/2024/0706/F 208 Killadeas Rd, Irvinestown Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0707/F 14 Townhall Street, Enniskillen Proposed change of use of upper two stories of 14 Townhall Street to form two x two bedroom apartments and two x one bedroom apartments. Proposed single storey extension on second floor to rear
LA10/2024/0708/LBC 14 Townhall Street Enniskillen BT74 7BA Proposed change of use of upper two stories of 14 Townhall Street to form two x two bedroom apartments and two x one bedroom apartments. Proposed single storey extension on second floor to rear
LA10/2024/0709/F 179 Enniskillen Road, Drumcullion, Ballinamallard, BT94 2DN Construction of new access to serve existing dwelling - Renewal of Approval of Planning Permission LA10/2019/0855/F [new access to dwelling]
LA10/2024/0719/F 234 Ballyconnell Road, Derrylin, BT92 9EG Construction of a new indoor 3G training pitch
LA10/2024/0720/LBC 16 Darling Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7ER Proposed Replacement of the Existing ATM with new ATM
LA10/2024/0722/F 1 Holmebrook, Derrygonnelly, BT93 6DA Section 54 Application to vary condition no 11 (Access) of planning application L/2005/1842/F (Residential Development consisting of of 32 dwelling houses, 4 apartments, garages and associated car parking)
LA10/2024/0723/O 65m North West of 59 Glennasheever Rd. Garrison BT93 4AA Application for 1 & 1/2 storey farm dwelling
LA10/2024/0731/F 15 Dublin Road, Tonystick, Enniskillen, BT74 6HQ Proposed New Glazed Entrance Porch to Existing Offices
LA10/2024/0705/F On lands East & North East of No. 19 Coolnagard Glen, Omagh, BT78 1JD Proposed housing development comprising of 21No. dwellings (partial revision of scheme previously approved under K/2002/1056/F).
LA10/2024/0727/F Approx 50m S/SE of No. 147 Greencastle Road, Sheskinsule, Greencastle, Omagh Proposed dwelling (Amended siting to that approved under LA10/2020/0162/F)
LA10/2024/0725/F Brewster Park 1 Erne Road, Enniskillen, BT74 6NN Proposed replacement of existing Floodlights, Ball stop nets, construction of path and spectator fencing at existing training pitch
LA10/2024/0598/F (Re-advert) Lakelands Retail Park, Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen (East of 96 & 98 Cornagrade Road), Enniskillen Amendments to Previously Approved Drive Thru Approved Under Application LA10/2019/1392/F and LA10/2023/2077/F Resultant General (Partial) Site Reconfiguration to (1) relocate Drive thru to lands previously approved as Petrol Filling Station; and (2) provid

12th August 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0646/F Lands approximately 60 metres North East of 165 Creggan Road, Carrickmore, Co. Tyrone, BT79 9BL Retention of & alterations to agricultural building for general farm storage purposes, access and ancillary site works
LA10/2024/0690/F Approx. 657.M South of no. 128 Bradan Road, Tully Townland, Tully, Drumquin, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, BT78 4QL Proposed 80metres high temporary lattice met mast with guy wires accessed by ATV using existing entrance and access roads and existing tracks. The temporary permission is for 5 years from the date of erection of the met mast
LA10/2024/0693/O Site adjacent to and 60m South West of 103 Scraghy Road, Killen, BT81 7SP Proposed 2 storey dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0699/F 24 Castleview Court, Omagh, BT79 7RD Proposed side extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0659/F Cleenish Millenium Hall, 68 Arney Road, Arney, Bellanaleck, BT92 2AB Proposed Play Park, Sensory Garden and Picnic Area
LA10/2024/0680/F Lakelands Retails Park (land between Cornagrade Road and Irvinestown Road), Enniskillen Erection of free standing canopy to Garden Centre
LA10/2024/0687/RM Between Nos 35 and 43 Killymittan Road Killymittan Road, Ballinamallard, Enniskillen, BT94 2FW Erection of Dwelling and Detached Garage
LA10/2024/0688/F Lands off Lough Navar Forest Drive - Approx 265m South of Cliffs of Magho Viewpoint Proposed visitor centre with interpretive panels, associated toilet facilities, and forest maintenance storage. 68No. carpark spaces for visitors centre with proposed overflow carpark of 48No. spaces
LA10/2024/0689/F Lands Immediately South East of Magho Cliffs Viewpoint Accessible Trail loop from Clifts of Magho Viewpoint to Lough Navar Forest Drive, with associated informational and wayfinding signage
LA10/2024/0691/F 196 Magheraveely Road, Clonatty, Newtownbutler, BT92 6LX Remove existing single storey rear extension, construction of new two storey rear extension
LA10/2024/0698/RM Approx 40m SE of 462 Tempo Road, Enniskilen, BT94 3GQ Proposed Single Storey Dwelling
LA10/2024/0645/F (Re-advert) Windale House, 22 Snowhill Road, Lisbellaw BT94 5GA Conversion and extension of existing garage to provide ancillary accommodation for dwelling

5th August 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0645/F Windale House, 22 Snowhill Rd, Lisbellaw Conversion & extension of garage to provide ancillary accommodation.
LA10/2024/0650/F Site immediately W of 17 Carn Rd, Ederney Replacement dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0655/F 47 Ballylucas Rd, Enniskillen Extension to dwelling & curtilage with new access & driveway
LA10/2024/0665/F 75 Marble Arch Rd, Florencecourt Extension to dwelling & new garage
LA10/2024/0666/F Knockninny Credit Union, 133 Main St, Derrylin Rear extension & alterations
LA10/2024/0667/RM Site 40m N of 116 Glenlevan Rd, Derrygonnelly Dwelling
LA10/2024/0669/F 50m NW of 118 Lisdead Rd, Derrygonnelly Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0670/F St Angelo Airport 62 Killadeas Rd, Ballinamallard Retention of decontamination shower room & storage portacabin building
LA10/2024/0672/F 97 Blunnick Rd, Blunnick Extension to Dwelling
LA10/2024/0674/LBC 16 Darling St, Enniskillen Internal works to the Ground & Basement Floors only.
LA10/2024/0677/O 140m SE of 74 Drumbulcan Rd, Ballinamallard Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0682/F 36m NW of 24 Loop Rd, Enniskillen Section 54 application to vary condition No.3 (Ridge Height) of planning application LA10/2022/1196/O (Dwelling & Garage)
LA10/2024/0271/F Re-Advert Rear of Nos. 45 & 47 Omagh Rd, Drumquin Domestic store & extension to existing curtilage (revised address & proposal)
LA10/2024/0637/F Lands adjacent to the E bank of River Strule & between Strathroy Link Road & Omagh Riverside Walkway. Bus pick up/drop off facility with associated site works
LA10/2024/0640/RM Site 190m NNW of Junction of Holme Rd and Dooish Rd, Drumquin Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0649/F Lands at the former Tyrone County Hospital & immediately E of no. 25 Woodvale Avenue, Omagh 6no. dwellings, (change of house types under LA10/2021/0743/F (housing development) on plots 124-129
LA10/2024/0652/F 2 Winters Grove, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0654/O Approx 50m E of 29 Glennan Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0656/F 50 Bridge Rd, Dromore Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0658/F 34 Camcosy Rd, Omagh Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0660/O Immed E of 63 Mullanmore Rd, Carrickmore Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0671/O Approx. 45m W of 103 Corbally Rd, Fintona Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0676/O 140m E of 62 Drumduff Rd, Beragh Dwelling & garage.
LA10/2024/0684/F Unit 22, Gortrush Ind Estate, Omagh Extension to existing warehouse, new boundary fencing, relocated entrance & additional onsite parking spaces.
LA10/2024/0685/F 51 O'Kane Pk, Omagh Extension to dwelling & new pathway

29th July 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0603/F 340 metres East of 124 Aghafad Road, Fintona, BT78 2EL, accessing Garvallagh Road, Fintona, Co Tyrone Proposed 16000 free range layer poultry house with detached litter store, standby generator building, free standing meal bins and wash collection tank
LA10/2024/0611/F 43A Knockmoyle Road, Omagh BT79 7TB Proposed Gymnasium, coffee dock, changing facilities, toilets and associated site works
LA10/2024/0612/O Site North of 19 Lisnarick Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1EY Proposed New Dwelling
LA10/2024/0613/F Land South of Classic Marble (Showers) Ltd, 185 Omagh Road, Garvaghy, Dungannon, BT70 2EW Proposed erection of a 73 MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Facility including MV skids (transformer and inverter), outdoor switchgear compound, DNO substation control room, welfare unit, spare parts container, switch room, new site boundary fencing
LA10/2024/0621/O 50m South of Armstrong Villas Old Junction Road Kilskeery Trillick BT78 3RW 10 No Dwellings renewal of previous approval LA10/2021/0598/O, renewal of LA10/2013/0292/O
LA10/2024/0622/O 120m N/NW of Corkil 6 Old Junction Road Kilskeery Trillick BT78 3RW 6 semi detached dwellings with domestic garages -renewal of existing approval LA10/2021/0597/O
LA10/2024/0624/O Approx. 270m East of 134 Keady Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 0ED Proposed off-site replacement dwelling (retaining existing dwelling as a store)
LA10/2024/0626/O 10m North of 81 Church Hill Road, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, BT93 6BR Proposed Dwelling - Renewal of LA10/2020/1223/O (Dwelling)
LA10/2024/0628/F 69 The Limes, Enniskillen, BT74 5NQ Proposed extension and alterations to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0632/F Immediately North of 78 Blackfort Road, Omagh Retention of existing hardcored yard to park an artic lorry and articulated trailers
LA10/2024/0633/F Approx. 145m NE of 607 Boa Island Road, Drumgrenaghan, Kesh, BT93 8AF Proposed agricultural access
LA10/2024/0634/F Lands to the North East of No.12 Castlebalfour Road, Lisnaskea Proposed single storey light industrial unit with workshop area, offices and associated site works
LA10/2024/0639/F Site approx. 80metres South of 65 Blunnick Road, Florencecourt, Co. Fermanagh Erection of farm dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0643/F 4 Knocknamoe Bungalows Omagh BT79 7LA Proposed replacement dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0644/LBC 94 Scraghy Road, Killen, Castlederg, BT81 7SL Consent to remove proposed new staircase approved under LA10/2022/0748/F
LA10/2024/0647/F Approx 70m East of 68 Tattenabuddagh Lane, Brookborough BT75 0NW Proposed single storey farm dwelling

22nd July 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0601/F 15 Inishative Road, Omagh, BT79 9HS Light industrial unit at existing enterprise
LA10/2024/0607/F 50m South West of 23 Kilnarainey Road, Derrylin, BT92 9HT Proposed single storey domestic dwelling with attic accommodation and detached domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0617/F 116 Crom Road, Enniskillen, BT92 0BN Extension to egg processing factory to provide additional egg stores, and all associated site works
LA10/2024/0618/F 170 metres South of 24 Main Street, Garrison, Fermanagh BT93 4ER Amended Access to that approved under LA10/2017/0515/F
LA10/2024/0620/F 58 Monaghan Road, Annaghmartin, Rosslea, BT92 7PW One and half storey side extension to existing dwelling house and erection of new domestic garage replacing existing outbuilding

15th July 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0587/F Lands Between 15 & 15A Holme Road, Dromore, BT78 3BX Change of House Type from Previously approved (LA10/2022/0579/F)
LA10/2024/0590/RM Approx 120m South West of the junction of Davagh and Liggins Road Glenhull Omagh Proposed dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0595/F 150m South of 17 Skreen Road, Omagh Battery energy storage facility including battery enclosures, electrical substation, fencing, landscaping & ancillary works
LA10/2024/0401/O (Re-Advert) 160m South West of 15 Drumard Road, Drumbarna, Kesh Dwelling and Domestic Garage (Revised address)
LA10/2024/0586/O 36m West of 32 Doagh Road Derrygonnelly BT93 6DD Site for dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0589/O Immediately South West of 31 Bannagh Beg Road, Bannagh More, Kesh, Fermanagh, BT93 1AA Erection of Dwelling and Domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0598/F Lakelands Retail Park, Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen (East of 96 & 98 Cornagrade Road), Enniskillen Amendments to Previously Approved Drive Thru Approved Under Application LA10/2019/1392/F and Resultant General (Partial) Site Reconfiguration to (1) relocate Drive thru to lands previously approved as Petrol Filling Station; and (2) provide car parking on
LA10/2024/0599/O Approx 50m North of 46 Glengesh Road, Tattinweer, Tempo, BT94 3JZ Proposed site for dwelling and garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0600/F 15 Letter Road, Aghnablaney, Kesh, Enniskillen, BT93 3HQ Change of use of administrative building for holiday cottages to domestic dwelling and alterations to facade

8th July 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0562/F 6 Mill Green, Derrygonnelly Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0570/O 59 Snowhill Rd, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0571/F No. 39 Carn Rd Tempo Change from approved garage to ancillary living accommodation (for personal & domestic circumstances )
LA10/2024/0576/RM Approx 128m SW of 101 Leighan Rd, Monea Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0578/O SE of 9 Drumanymore rd, Derrylin Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0580/O Approx. 80m w of 14 Lacky Rd, Rosslea Off-site replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0584/F 24 Main St, Garrison Dwelling
LA10/2024/0556/F 2 Blackfort Av, Omagh Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0568/F 92 Kelvin Rd, Omagh Replacement of dwelling with 2 semi-detached dwellings
LA10/2024/0569/F Lands approx 355m sw of No. 175 Cloghfin Rd, Sixmilecross Wind turbine
LA10/2024/0573/F 47 Gillygooley Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0575/F 27 Freughmore Rd, Seskinore Extension to dwelling

1st July 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0544/F 108 Grogey Rd, Brookeborough Conversion of church to dwelling with extension
LA10/2024/0545/F Approx 120m W of 174 Grogey Rd, Brookeborough Dwelling (Change of House Type from L/2007/1621/RM-dwelling&garage)
LA10/2024/0547/F ARCH Ltd, 5 Lackaghboy Rd, Lackaghboy Industrial Estate, Enniskillen Proposed 23m high non operational wind turbine training simulator & re-positioning of existing simulator.
LA10/2024/0551/F 30 Altaveedan Rd, Brookeborough Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0552/RM 250m N of 159 Glengesh Rd, Tempo Dwelling ,Garage & Outbuildings
LA10/2024/0555/F Between 24 & 28 Faugher Rd, Springfield Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0557/RM 20m SW of 73 Ardlougher Rd, Irvinestown Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0559/F 5 Ballydoolagh Rd, Enniskillen Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0560/F 27/29 Main St, Irvinestown Conversion & extension of existing storage building to 4no. Self-contained flats
LA10/2024/0561/O Approx. 100m SW of 5 Cloghtogle Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0565/F 37 Tattygare Rd, Enniskillen Extension to dwelling
LA10/2022/0031/O (Re-Advert) Lands 80m NE of 184 Creggan Rd (Accessing Crockanboy Rd), Creggan Residential development & associated site works including footpath link to shop on Creggan Rd (amended description and site boundary)
LA10/2024/0546/F 49 Aghlish Rd, Dromore Timber frame Garden Room
LA10/2024/0548/O 20 Deersleap Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0549/RM 50m sw of 22 Coolbrack Rd, Carrickmore Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0567/O Approx 135M SW of No. 45 Manse Rd, Drumquin Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2203/F (Re-Advert) 50m n of 225 Swanlinbar Rd , Enniskillen Dwelling & garage (amended address)

24th June 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/1252/F (Re-Advert) 98A Doogary Road, Omagh, BT79 0BN Replacement garage, workshop & yard (amended access detail & ownership certificate)
LA10/2024/0526/F 10 Drumannon Grove, Omagh, BT78 5FB Roofspace Conversion with 2 dormers
LA10/2024/0523/F 89 Curryann Road, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4QL Annex Extension to existing Dwelling
LA10/2024/0524/O 75 Meters West of 1 Pubble Church Road , Tempo, BT94 3BX Site for dwelling with detached domestic garage - renewal of approval LA10/2021/0126/0 - dwelling
LA10/2024/0525/F No.s 6, 8 & 10 Willoughby Place, Enniskillen, BT74 7EX Proposed change of use of the ground floor of domestic outbuildings to form a 1 bed apartment & home working studio
LA10/2024/0528/RM 30m SW of 144 Coa Road, Lissan, Enniskillen. BT74 4AU RM for erection of two detached dwellings and garages
LA10/2024/0529/F 201 Derrygonnelly Road, Enniskillen, BT74 8FR Proposed single storey extension to front of dwelling
LA10/2024/0530/O Land approx 60m South East of no.120 Nutfield Road, Lisnaskea Proposed single storey dwelling and garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0531/F Site immediately West of No. 39 Nutfield Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 0LB Proposed one and half storey dwelling with side and rear single storey projections
LA10/2024/0532/RM Land 40m East of 30 Cullion Road, Tempo BT94 3AR Housing development comprising 5 detached dwellings & 3 garages
LA10/2024/0533/F 156 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen, BT74 4GL Erection of Domestic Storage Shed
LA10/2024/0535/F 5 Rigg Road, Enniskillen, BT74 5PH Proposed Conversion/ and extension to existing garage for ancillary accommodation to dwelling
LA10/2024/0537/O Land 65m SW of 11 Aghnaskew Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 0NP New Farm Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0539/F 99 Rossfad Road, Ballinamallard BT94 2LU Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0541/F Approximately 50m West of 40 Drumbristan Road, Doochrock, Kesh, BT93 1LA Farm Dwelling, Domestic Detached Garage & Associated Groundworks

17th June 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1436/F (Re-Advert) Adjacent to and West of 4 Crocklane, Oldfort Road, Tattyreagh, Omagh Proposed 2no. detached single storey dwellings, 2no. detached domestic garages and 2 no. sewage treatment plants
LA10/2024/0512/F Approx 90m South East of No.198a Gorticashel Road, Oaghmonicroy, Omagh 2 No. proposed dwellings and garages
LA10/2024/0520/O adjacent to and Immediately East of 21 Glen Road, Drumquin, BT78 4RW Proposed single storey dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0522/F 183 Dooish Road, Drumquin, Omagh, BT78 4RE 2 Storey side extension with extension of curtilage and alterations to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0193/F (Re-Advert) 48 High Street Aghagay Newtownbutler BT92 8JD The project consists of the construction of a single storey Community Hub Building and associated infrastructure (Servicing/Road/Carparking/ext. Bin storage). The Hub Building will be a steel framed, curtain walling and panelled construction and will compr
LA10/2024/0511/F Approximately 100metres South of 29 Tullyhill Road Amended design and amended siting of previously approved LA10/2022/1066/F, LA10/2017/1069/F
LA10/2024/0513/DCA No.75 Main Street Lisnaskea & No.3 Water Street Lisnaskea Proposed demolition of former supermarket and associated storage buildings to rear at no.75 Main Street, Lisnaskea. Plus the demolition of No.3 Water Street Lisnaskea (one of a pair of semi-detached dwellings)
LA10/2024/0514/F 17m NW and 43m S of 21 Killynick Road, Derrylin Proposed retention of car park, fencing, floodlighting and commercial garage
LA10/2024/0515/F 75 Main Street & 3 Water Street Main Street & 10 Water Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JD Demolition of existing buildings and erection of proposed mixed use building to provide community group facilities, offices, cafe & ancillary spaces. Men's & Ladies' Shed facility, 5 No. emergency single occupancy apartments; 9no. ensuite bedroom overnight
LA10/2024/0516/F Lands to NW of 159 Castlebalfour Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 0AW Two storey dwelling with single storey rear return and attached single storey double domestic garage
LA10/2024/0518/F 3 The Collop Ross Inner approx 380m SE of 207 Lough Shore Road, Ely Island, Enniskillen BT93 7FE Storage unit (ancillary to holiday cottage)

10th June 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0449/F 1 Strule Park Gortmore Omagh BT78 5HN Change of Use from Community building to 2no.Flats, side extension and associated works
LA10/2024/0472/F Immediately SW of 51C Tattysallagh Road, Clanabogan, Omagh, BT78 5BR Proposed change of house previously approved under K/2011/0039/F (replacement dwelling & garage)
LA10/2024/0478/RM 90m South West of 99 Willmount Road, Drumquin, Co. Tyrone, BT78 4QD Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0479/O Immediately South East of 60 Dooish Road, Aghadarragh, Dromore, BT78 3BA Proposed dwelling & garage (infill) - renewal of planning approval LA10/2021/0203/O for same
LA10/2024/0480/F Immediately West of 6 Killyfuddy Road, Killyfuddy, Trillick, BT78 3QP Proposed amended house type, siting & additional domestic garage approved under planning approval LA10/2024/2404/RM (Replacement dwelling)
LA10/2024/0481/F 40 Lisnacreaght Road, Omagh, BT78 5PD Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0484/O Immediately East of 1 Tirmurty Road, Tirmurty, Omagh, BT79 7TZ Proposed dwelling & garage (infill)
LA10/2024/0490/O Approx. 35m NE of No.15 Oughterard Road, Oughterard, Dromore, BT78 3NL Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0493/F Between 20 and 20b Lisnaharney Road Omagh BT79 7UE Proposed dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0494/F 34a Main Street, Beragh, BT79 0TA Change of use from children's day care centre to coffee shop
LA10/2024/0497/F Between 187 and 191 Crockanboy Road Teebane West Greencastle BT79 7RT Proposed Dwelling
LA10/2024/0498/F West of 120 Camlough Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9BS Proposed Farm Dwelling With Detached Garage, to Supersede Previous Approvals LA10/2023/1635/RM and LA10/2022/0404/O
LA10/2024/0499/F 138 Moylagh Road Seskinore BT78 2QQ Proposed front, gable and rear extensions to dwelling
LA10/2024/0500/RM 20m East of 101 Crockanboy Road Omagh BT79 7RS Proposed dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0503/F Immediately NW of 20 Shinnagh Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9PB Proposed Farm Machinery Shed
LA10/2024/0504/F 4 Breezemount Park, Omagh, BT78 1HD Demolition of existing garage & stores to provide extensions & alterations to dwelling as well as provision of photovoltaic panels
LA10/2024/0507/F The Village Inn, 116 Old Mountfield Road, Killyclogher, Omagh, BT79 7LT Proposed Change of Use from Retail Units to No.4 bedroom accommodation at First Floor level & external alterations to building
LA10/2024/0508/F Our Lady Of Lourdes Primary School, 278 Crockanboy Road, Greencastle, Omagh, BT79 7QP Erect 2.4m high green wire mesh perimeter fencing and gates
LA10/2023/2203/F (Re-Advert) 225 Swanlinbar Road Drummuck Enniskillen Fermanagh BT92 3GA Dwelling and domestic garage with solar panels on a farm (amended access)
LA10/2024/0247/F (Re-Advert) Unit 7 Lakelands Retail Park (Approved Under Application LA10/2023/2212/F), Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen (East of 96 & 98 Cornagrade Road), Enniskillen Section 54 Application to vary condition no.1 (gross floor space of each unit and retail floorspace) of LA10/2023/2212/F (Proposed Two Retail Units (in substitute for Unit 6 Approved under LA10/2019/1392/F)) to provide a mezzanine floor to unit 7 only to i
LA10/2024/0476/F 190m South of 592 Boa Island Road Drumgrenaghan, Kesh, Enniskillen, BT93 8AF Erection of boat house over existing approved boat berth for private use
LA10/2024/0482/F 19 Silverhill Park, Enniskillen, BT74 5PU Conversion & alterations of domestic garage to create ancillary dining room, utility & bathroom
LA10/2024/0483/O 550m West of 6 Drumhoney Lane, Drumhoney, Lisnarick, Co. Fermanagh BT94 1NB Erection of farm dwelling
LA10/2024/0486/F Immediately North of 36 Algeo Drive, Derrychara, Enniskillen, BT74 6JL Two storey dwelling (Renewal of planning Approval LA10/2019/0649/F for same)
LA10/2024/0487/F Immediately NW of 8 Camgart Place, Clabby, Tempo, BT75 0QW Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0488/F 21 Derrygore Terrace, Enniskillen, BT74 6BL Extension & alterations to dwelling including access ramp & associated site works
LA10/2024/0489/F Access lane approx. Immediately North of the access to 19 Duross Road, Duross Road, Lisnarick, Irvinestown, Co. Fermanagh BT94 1NE Use of existing access lane to serve 12no. existing/previously approved holiday homes approved under planning approvals L/1999/0354/F & LA10/2024/0021/F
LA10/2024/0502/O Site approximately 100 metres north of No.78 Cloy Road, Ederney Proposed replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0510/F 300 Gola Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 0AH Retention of Existing Haulage Yard with upgraded access and ancillary site works. Retention of perimeter fencing and realignment of dwelling house driveway
LA10/2023/1431/F (Re-Advert) Adjacent to and South of Drumduff Primary School, 47 Bracky Road, Drumduff, Sixmilecross, BT79 9PH Proposed 1 no. two storey detached dwelling and 1 no. single storey detached garage
LA10/2024/0485/F 108 Gorticashel Road, Omagh, BT79 8NT Retention of 2.5m high concrete reinforced wall to perimeter of existing farm yard
LA10/2024/0506/F 110a Tattyreagh Road, Omagh, BT78 2HU Extension to building at vehicle hire depot

3rd June 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0238/F (Re-Advert) Lands adjacent to and North West of 54 Glencam Road, Omagh, BT79 7HB Change of house type designs to Application K/2008/1047/F and minor road alterations
LA10/2024/0420/F Denamona Primary School, 31 Craigavon Road, Fintona, BT78 2BN Retention of approx. 18 sq.m extension to existing school building to provide a hygiene room with DDA accessibility and all associated landscaping and site works
LA10/2024/0423/F 10 The Carrigans, Knockmoyle, Omagh, BT79 7FW Extension and alterations to dwelling including extending site curtilage
LA10/2024/0425/F Mullaslin Post Office 252 Drumnakilly Road, Carrickmore Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0437/F Proposed 6 Floodlights at existing Horse Arena at 35 Cloghfin Road, Sixmilecross Proposed 6 Floodlights at existing Horse Arena
LA10/2024/0439/F 70m South West of 35 Curly Road, Dromore BT78 3HB 2 no. single storey dwelling houses, detached garages an associated site works
LA10/2024/0440/F Lands Immediately adjacent to 6 Dooish Meadows, Dooish, Drumquin Proposed 2 No. Semi- Detached Dwellings
LA10/2024/0446/O Adjacent to and South West of No 6 Dergmoney View and North East of No 1 Dergmoney Lane, Omagh, BT78 1HZ 3 no houses
LA10/2024/0451/F Immediately North East of 37 Curly Road, Cranny, Dromore BT78 3HB Proposed dwelling & garage (infill)
LA10/2024/0452/F 200m North of 70 Crawfords Lane, Dromore, BT78 3HZ Alterations to previously approved floodlighting under LA10/2022/0644/F
LA10/2024/0454/F Site adjacent to 39 Knockmoyle Road accessing onto Reaghan Road Knockmoyle Omagh Change of house design from previous approval LA10/2021/1032/F (2 Dwellings)
LA10/2024/0456/F 95 Garvallagh Road, Fintona, BT78 2EW Retention of 1. Extension of Dwelling Curtilage Area, 2. New Access, Associated Walls and Pillars, and Lawn Area on Previous Horse Exercise Area, 3. Alteration of Site Levels, 4. Horse Lorry / Trailer Parking and Turning Area, and Retention and Completion
LA10/2024/0459/F 250m SW Of 91 Fingrean Road, Loughmacrory Overhead Power Line (11x Wooden Poles)
LA10/2024/0471/F Approx 73m NW of No. 5 Ramackan Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9NX Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0416/F On land immediately South of 2-22 Briars Hill, Irvinestown, BT94 1ES Proposed change of house types from that approved under LA10/2018/0330/F. Proposal includes 8No. semi detached dwellings
LA10/2024/0438/F 68 Mullynaburtlan Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 5AZ Proposed two storey rear extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0444/F 55 Old Coach Road, Bellanaleck Alteration to existing Dwelling together with extension to rear of the existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0448/F 42 Main Street, Belleek, BT93 3FX Retention and completion of one & half storey extension to dwelling, erection of domestic stores and wall garden, amended plan type to that previously approved under LA10/2022/0641/F
LA10/2024/0453/F 230 Brollagh Road, Belleek, BT93 3FU Extension & Renovation to dwelling with two number domestic garages
LA10/2024/0457/O Between 54 & 56 Lisnarick Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1EA Site for infill dwelling (HOU13)
LA10/2024/0458/F 39 Rellan Road, Killyvilly, Roslea, BT92 7QS Erection of detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0466/F Site located adjacent to 76 Keady Road, Derryany, Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh, BT92 0EG Proposed Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0467/RM 95m West of 147 Belturbet Road, Derrylin, BT92 9ER Dwelling with Domestic garage on a farm

27th May 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0409/F Approx 45m West of No. 37 Kingarrow Road, Dunmullan, Omagh 4 No. proposed dwellings and garages at Kingarrow Road, Dunmullan, Omagh as per attached drawings
LA10/2024/0413/F 1a Ballybrack Road, Loughmacrory, BT79 9LU External Store for existing shop
LA10/2024/0421/RM 20 meters South & East of 37 Knockmoyle Road, Omagh 5 Detached Dwellings & Garages
LA10/2024/0436/O 75m South East of No.91 Clogherney Road, Beragh. Omagh Proposed Farm Dwelling - Renewal of LA10/2021/0312/O
LA10/2024/0415/F 506 Boa Island Road, Kesh, BT93 8AA Change Of House Type and erection of Garage From Previous Approval (L/2009/0971/F - Dwelling)
LA10/2024/0418/F 130m approximately Southwest of 596 Boa Island Road, Drumgrenaghan, Kesh, Enniskillen, BT93 8AF Proposed private timber jetty for boating/fishing purposes
LA10/2024/0419/F 203 Eshnadarragh Road, Rosslea, BT92 7LE Amendment to planning approval L/2009/0065/RM (Erection of Dwelling and Garage) to include rear single storey extension (15m2), increased ridge height and a new detached single storey domestic garage (49m2)
LA10/2024/0422/O Approx 61m West of no 84 Belturbet Road, Corramonaghan, Derrylin Co Fermanagh BT92 9BB Proposed Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0426/F Approx 30m East of 49 Drumard Road Kesh BT93 1RY Proposed dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0430/F The Boat Yard Riverside, Enniskillen, BT74 6BR Proposed lightweight metal prefab shed for use as an interpretation centre and new ramp access to shed
LA10/2024/0431/F 7 Enniskillen Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1BD Proposed single storey extensions to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0433/F Approx. 32m SE of 425 Dernawilt Road, Donagh, Co Fermanagh Redevelopment of former dwelling site to erect two storey dwelling
LA10/2024/0434/LBC 47 Main Street, Brookeborough, BT94 4EZ Single storey rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0435/F Approx 24m N of 146 Belfast Road, Tamlaght BT74 4HJ Storey and a half dwelling & garage to rear of existing family home at 146 Belfast Road
LA10/2024/0445/O Lands adjacent & North of 151 Boyhill Road, Brookeborough, BT94 4NH Proposed Dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0447/O Approx. 420m South of 52 Deerpark Road, Rosslea Erection of farm dwelling
LA10/2023/2117/O (Re-advert) 75m S of 144 Keady Rd, Lisnaskea Dwelling & garage (Amended Application Form)

20th May 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0373/F 19 Gargrim Road, Fintona, Omagh, BT78 2EH Proposed change of use of, and extensions to, a domestic store to provide a unit of self catering tourist accommodation
LA10/2024/0377/F 45 Devesky Road, Omagh, BT79 9BU Proposed rear extension and alterations to dwelling including roof space conversion and erection of detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0383/F 217 Gortin Road, Mountjoy Forest East, Omagh, BT79 7JQ Proposed Single Storey Domestic Store
LA10/2024/0386/F 17 Crosh Road, Omagh, BT79 7NQ Redesign of an Approved Dwelling House (Ref:LA10/2020/0559/F)
LA10/2024/0398/O Adjacent To And South Of 5 Tullyneil Road, Sixmilecross, Omagh Proposed Two Storey Dwelling
LA10/2024/0406/F 2 Glenmacoffer Road, Omagh, BT79 7RJ Erection of single storey side extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0408/O Adjacent to and North of 24 Letfern Road, Tattyreagh, Omagh Proposed Dwelling
LA10/2024/0410/RM Land Immediately North of 174 Ecclesville Road, Fintona One and half storey dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1525/F (Re-Advert) 74 - 76 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen Housing Development of 68no. units (58 no. apartments and 10 no. townhouses), including new jetty, new access/footpath, parking, landscaping and all other site works
LA10/2024/0379/F Lands to East of Rossory Church Road and South of Nos 24-28 Ferny Rise, Enniskillen BT74 7NF Development of 33 No Dwellings with associated access to public road, landscaping and all ancillary works
LA10/2024/0384/RM Site North-West of No69 Rossmacaffry Road, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh BT92 0RB Proposed dwelling and double garage
LA10/2024/0385/F Site North-West of No69 Rossmacaffry Road, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh BT92 0RB Section 54 application to vary Condition No.4 (ridge height) of planning approval LA10/2020/0887/O to increase to 7.5m on site North-West of No. 69 Rossmacaffry Road
LA10/2024/0388/F Garrison WwTW, 2 Rossinvar Road, Garrison, Enniskillen, BT93 4EL Extension of Garrison WwTW located on new land in addition to the current site. This proposal will include a Inlet Works and associated screening ancillaries, Phragmifiltre Process with a final effluent discharging downstream of existing NIW Water Treatmen
LA10/2024/0390/F 270m East of Belleek WTW No. 14 Old Station Rd, Belleek, BT93 3EZ Replacement Belleek WwTW located on new land. This proposal will include a Inlet Works and associated screening ancillaries, nature-based Facultative Lagoon Process with a final effluent discharging downstream of existing NIW Water Treatment Plant. This ap
LA10/2024/0392/F Lands 40m west of Carrowshee Park, Lisnaskea Section 54 application to vary Condition No.1 of planning application LA10/2019/0041/F (Housing development) from prior to commmencement of any building operations to no development should proceed beyond sub-floor level
LA10/2024/0396/F 81 Enniskillen Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2GW Section 54 application to vary Condition No.1 (sale of goods) of planning application LA10/2020/1114/F (Storage Shed and retail outlet building for the sale of coal, gas and firewood)
LA10/2024/0397/F 81 Enniskillen Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2GW Section 54 application to vary Condition Nos.2 and 3 (Access) of planning application LA10/2020/1114/F (Storage Shed and retail outlet building for the sale of coal, gas and firewood)
LA10/2024/0401/O 163m South West of Drumard Road, Drumbarna, Kesh, Fermanagh, BT93 1RW Erection of Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0402/F Land Adjacent To 21 Muckros Road, Muckros, Kesh, BT931TZ Proposed 1 1/2 Storey Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0403/RM 50m North of 282 Boho Road, Gardenhill, Belcoo, Co Fermanagh BT93 5FZ Erection of dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0404/O North West of 189 Lisnaskea Road, Tully South, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JS Proposed dwelling and detached domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0405/F 569 Lattone Road, Enniskillen, BT93 4EL Extension and disabled access to dwelling
LA10/2024/0414/F Approx 49m SE of 95 Derryad Road, Derryad, Lisnaskea, BT92 0BX Proposed replacement private jetty for domestic boating purposes

13th May 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0358/F 13 Ronan Road Seskinore BT78 2QZ Proposed Extension and Alterations to Dwelling
LA10/2024/0374/F Approximately 80m South East from 42 Relagh Rd, Trillick, Omagh Proposed Dwelling & domestic Garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0375/F 11 Ballyness Road, Omagh, BT78 2EU Proposed Extension
LA10/2024/0376/F 59 Killybrack Close Omagh BT79 7WW Single Storey Side Extension with Extension of Curtilage
LA10/2024/0381/F 10 Shilling Court Dunnamona Glebe Fintona BT78 2HH Single Storey Extension To Rear Of Dwelling And Ramped Access
LA10/2024/0382/F 25 Maginn Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9HF Addition of storey and a half rear extension to dwelling and single storey front porch extension
LA10/2024/0367/F Approx. 60m North of 69 Claranagh Road, Enniskillen, BT94 3FJ Section 54 application to vary Condition No. 4 (ridge height) of planning approval LA10/2024/0158/O (Dwelling on a farm)
LA10/2024/0371/F 84 Crillan Road, Ederney, Enniskillen, BT93 1LF Side extension to dwelling for ancillary accommodation
LA10/2024/0372/F 83 Swanlinbar Road Derrygiff Enniskillen BT92 2DX Erection Of Dwelling (Change Of House Type To That Approved Under Planning Application No. L/2008/0189/F - dwelling)
LA10/2024/0378/RM Approximately 80m South East of 39 Claragh Road Blaney West Derrygonnelly Erection of new dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0380/F 135 Glennasheevar Road, Garrison, BT93 6AG Offsite replacement dwelling with existing dwelling retained as store

6th May 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0325/RM Immediately East of 18a Fingrean Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9LR Proposed Dwelling & Domestic Garage on farm
LA10/2024/0336/RM Approx 120M North of No 14 Longhill Road, Oughterard, Dromore, BT78 3DQ Proposed replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0354/F 144 St. Dympnas Road, Dromore, BT78 3LY Proposed 2 storey rear extension
LA10/2024/0361/F 9 Mullydoo Road, Greencastle, Omagh, BT79 8HB Proposed Change of house type from previous approval reference K/2009/0684/RM and erection of detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0332/F Approx. 60m SW of 43 Drumgoon Road, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4PB Proposed dwelling
LA10/2024/0333/O Immediately South of No.3 Drumard Road, Drumbarna, Kesh, BT93 1RR Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0337/O Land adjacent to and immediately SE of 3 Aisling Crescent, Derrychara, Enniskillen, BT74 6JN Proposed Dwelling - Renewal of Planning Approval LA10/2021/0425/O
LA10/2024/0341/F Lands 102m North/North-West of 79 Greenhill Rd, Foydragh, Maguiresbridge, Co. Fermanagh Replacement Wind Turbine to that approved under planning approval LA10/2016/0017/F - re-siting & increase in wind turbine hub height from 30m to 40m and rotor diameter from 34m to 54m
LA10/2024/0347/F Approx. 50m North East of 10 Gardiners Cross Road, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4AG Section 54 application to vary Condition No. 6 (ridge height) of planning approval LA10/2023/2115/O (2no. dwellings & domestic garages)
LA10/2024/0352/O Lands approx 80m North West of 57 Derrylea Road, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, BT92 8BL Proposed dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0356/F 134 Scallen Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1AE Erection of domestic stables with extension of curtilage for outdoor turning-out area
LA10/2024/0357/RM Between 69 and 79 Rossmacaffry Road, Enniskillen, BT92 0RB Proposed dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0364/F 83 Rossmacaffry Road, Enniskillen, BT92 0RB Erection of replacement domestic store

29th April 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0305/F 37 Fireagh Road, Omagh, BT78 1SG Removal of condition 1 of application LA10/2022/0988/F (any development/demolition works shall not commence until a NIEA European Protected Species License has been obtained)
LA10/2024/0320/F Immediately NW of 42 Loughmallon Road, Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone, BT79 9BW Proposed Dwelling & Garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0329/F 18 Ramackan Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9NX Extensions & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0306/F 85 Inishmore Road, Lisbellaw, BT94 5NQ New access to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0307/O Immediately NE of 5 Keady Road Keady Lisnaskea Replacement Dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0310/O Approx. 60m South West of 42 Corshenshin Road, Newtownbutler Erection of 2no dwellings and garages (HOU13)
LA10/2024/0312/F 57 Derrylea Road, Newtownbutler ,Enniskillen, BT92 8BL Proposed Erection of a Single Storey Side/Rear Extension to allow for a Downstairs Bedroom & Ensuite
LA10/2024/0313/LBC 255 Boa Island Road, Belleek, Enniskillen, BT93 3EL Re-Roofing of gate lodge at 255 Boa Island Road, Tawnynoran, Belleek, Fermanagh, BT93 3EL
LA10/2024/0314/O Approx. 85m North-East of No. 26 Knockninny Road, Corraclare North, Derrylin BT92 9JS Proposed site for dwelling and garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0318/RM Immediately SE. of 5 Donegall Rd., Springfield, Enniskillen, BT74 8DT Proposed erection of a two storey dwelling with a single storey front porch
LA10/2024/0319/F Unit 6 Lakelands Retail Park (Approved Under Application LA10/2023/2212/F), Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen (East of 96 & 98 Cornagrade Road), Enniskillen Section 54 Application for Amendment/variation of Condition 2 of application LA10/2023/2212/F (which excludes occupation of any unit for a period of 5 years from use by any Class A1 bulky goods retailer presently occupying retail floorspace within Enniskil
LA10/2024/0321/F Immediately West of 636 and 638 Sligo Road, Belcoo East, Co. Fermanagh BT93 5FN Erection of dwelling and domestic garage - change of house type and siting to that approved under planning application number LA10/2023/2197/RM (Dwelling & Garage)
LA10/2024/0322/F 139 Gardrum Road Crottan Belcoo Fermanagh BT93 5GU Erection of dwelling & domestic garage - change of house type and siting to that approved under planning reference No. LA10/2022/1214/F (Replacement dwelling)
LA10/2024/0324/F Two Chimneys, 25 Cloonatrig Road, Bellanaleck, BT92 2AQ Improvements & extension to dwelling - amended proposal to that approved under Planning ref LA10/2023/1707/F (improvements & extension to dwelling)

22nd April 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1553/F (Re-Advert) 65 Loughmacrory Road Oxtown Town, Loughmacrory, Omagh, BT79 0PH Proposed reuse of existing building for Tourist accommodation and proposed site for 3no glamping units and associated works (revised access)
LA10/2023/2300/F (Re-Advert) Immediately adjacent to 56a Gortnagarn Road,Omagh, BT79 7SW Proposed new entrance and access laneway to serve existing agricultural business, poultry business and dwelling (amended plans, application form, ownership certificate and address received)
LA10/2024/0192/F (Re-Advert) Lands Immediately North of 52 Bracky Road Drumduff Sixmilecross BT79 9PH Repositioning existing access laneway
LA10/2024/0288/F Land approx 840m South of 76 Drumbarley Rd, Drumquin, Co. Tyrone BT78 4SS Proposed Wind turbine with 50m tower and 52m rotor diameter.
LA10/2024/0294/F Lands Immediately East of Doogary Road and 110m East of 8 and 10 Doogary Road, Omagh, Tyrone Proposed 50MW Battery Energy Storage System Facility (BESS) with switch and control room, lighting and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Columns, new site boundary fencing and landscaping and ancillary works
LA10/2024/0296/F Approx 46m NW of No.40 Fecarry Road, Omagh, BT79 7NJ Proposed dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0297/F North of 140 Edergoole Road, Fintona Amended design and siting of dwelling and garage and new access from K/2007/0836/RM
LA10/2024/0302/F 36 Sperrin Park, Omagh, BT78 5BA Alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0290/O Land approx 190m NE of 26A Clonkee Road, Kiltober, Newtownbutler, Co Fermanagh BT92 8FF Proposed Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0291/F Edgewater Holiday Park, Boa Island Road, Kesh, Enniskillen, BT931AD Demolition of existing two storey dwelling, office building and licensed premises and erection of 17no. static caravans with pitches, new sales office and associated works including amenity space, terraced decks, vehicular access, footpaths and landscaping
LA10/2024/0298/RM Approx 150m W/NW of no 59 Edenmore Rd Tempo Farm dwelling and garage

15th April 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0237/F Lands approx 30m Sw of 517 Boa Island Road, Kesh, Enniskillen, BT93 3AB Erection of 5no self catering units of accommodation, car parking, landscaping and associated site works
LA10/2024/0267/F 176 Killadeas Road, Gublusk, Ballinamallard, BT94 2LW Holiday Park for static caravans, glamping pods, a 2-storey building with 3 x self-catering holiday apartments/ reception area/ games room, together with associated siteworks and a new waste-water treatment plant
LA10/2024/0268/F 45 Drumcon Road Drumcon Lisbellaw BT94 5JT Proposed single storey rear extension, 2no side single storey canopies & internal alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0278/F 265 Nutfield Road Gola Brookeborough BT94 4EP Proposed 2 storey gable extension and single storey detached garage
LA10/2024/0279/F Northern Bank House 4 Main Street, Rosscolban, Kesh, BT93 1TF Change of use to ground floor of existing bank building to create 3no. flats and all associated alterations and site works
LA10/2024/0277/RM Immediately East of 1 Oakfield Road, Enniskillen BT92 2GB New dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0283/F 47 Main Street, Brookeborough, BT94 4EZ Single storey rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0282/F 1 Derrybrusk Road, Tamlaght, Enniskillen, BT74 4NS 2 storey rear extension to dwelling and Change of Use from Domestic Garage to Granny Flat
LA10/2024/0286/O Land 96m SW of 27 Tiralton Road, Tempo, Co Fermanagh, BT94 3DU Dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0260/O 40m West of 102 Reaghan Road, Dunmullan, Omagh Proposed dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0262/F To the rear of 252 Drumnakilly Road, Carrickmore Proposed replacement agricultural shed
LA10/2024/0265/F Adjacent to and West of No 191 Killyclogher Road, Omagh Erection of dwelling & domestic garage as a gap site.
LA10/2024/0269/F 141 Greencastle Road, Greencastle, BT79 7QN Retention application for the display of paving materials within curtilage of existing shop car park
LA10/2024/0270/F Lands West of 140a Greencastle Road, Greencastle Retention of change of use from agricultural storage yard to paving materials storage yard
LA10/2024/0271/F 47 Omagh Road, Drumquin, BT78 4QY Domestic store within curtilage of existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0272/O 150 metres NE of 28 Loughmuck Road, Omagh , BT78 1SE Erection of dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0273/O Approx 180m West of 28 Racolpa Road Omagh Dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0275/F Adjacent to and North of 171 Loughmacrory Road, (Milltown Mews), Loughmacrory, BT79 9NE Change of house designs to sites 4-9 & 11-21 from Approval K/2006/1039/RM (Housing Development)
LA10/2024/0284/F 21 Lisanelly Park, Omagh, BT79 7DE Retention of replacement living extension
LA10/2024/0287/F 35 King Street, Fintona BT78 2BG Extension to front elevation and internal alterations to existing dwelling.

8th April 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0245/F 234 Ballyconnell Road, Derrylin, BT92 9EG Erection of Clubrooms
LA10/2024/0247/F Unit 7 Lakelands Retail Park (Approved Under Application LA10/2023/2212/F), Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen (East of 96 & 98 Cornagrade Road), Enniskillen Section 54 Application to vary condition no.1(gross floor space of each unit and retail floorspace) of LA10/2019/1392/F (Mixed use retail and leisure development) to provide mezzanine floor to unit 6 and to increase from 697 sq m to 1,265 sq m to unit 7
LA10/2024/0250/F 70m South West of 81 Carnmore Road, Rosslea, BT92 7DA Section 54 application to vary condition no.8 (Ridge Height) of LA10/2021/0795/O to increase ridge height from 6m to 7.5m
LA10/2024/0254/F 20 Rabbitburrow Road Drumbaghlin Maguiresbridge BT94 4SF Proposed front and rear single storey extensions to existing dwelling (including internal alterations) & replacement detached single garage
LA10/2024/0255/F Approx. 30m SW of 40 Rabbitburrow Road, Enniskillen, BT94 5PD Erection of Glamping pod (silo bin)
LA10/2024/0261/RM Approx 285m North East of no 40 Clonfad Road Magheraveely Clonfad Newtownbutler Co Fermanagh BT92 6GW Proposed erection of two storey dwelling and domestic garage/ store
LA10/2024/0239/RM Lands between Nos 48 & 50 Crouck Road Mountfield Omagh BT79 8HT Proposed dwelling and detached double garage
LA10/2024/0242/F 68 Ballinamullan Road, Omagh, BT79 0QA Proposed Dwelling and domestic garage on site of fire damaged dwelling at 68 Ballinamullan Road
LA10/2024/0246/F 2 Main Street, Mountfield, Omagh, BT79 7PP Proposed single storey extension to existing Community Centre consisting of Social room, store and toilets
LA10/2024/0252/LBC 1-3 The Courthouse High Street, Omagh, BT78 1DU Creation of 2No. consultation rooms within existing waiting room of Court No.3
LA10/2024/0263/F Approx 63m NE of 9 Fountain Lane, Beragh, BT79 0TD Proposed upgrade of existing grass football pitch to 3G football pitch

29th March 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0221/RM 70M W of 20 Moat Rd, Lisnaskea Dwelling & garage.
LA10/2024/0222/F 8 Edenmore Lane, Enniskillen Amended siting of 3 no flood lighting columns [from LA10/2021/0106/F pitch floodlighting]
LA10/2024/0224/RM 140m East of 61 Letter Road, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0225/F 260m S of 38 Enniskillen Rd, Irvinestown Dwelling & garage-[Amended design from LA10/2023/2105/RM-dwelling & garage]
LA10/2024/0232/O 300m NW of 37 Bruscarnagh Rd, Roslea Replacement dwelling & garage - [renewal of LA10/2021/0168/O-replacement dwelling]
LA10/2024/0233/F 119 Aghintain Rd, Tempo Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0234/F 17 Barranderry Heights, Enniskillen Extensions & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0236/F 3 Benaughlin View, Kinawley Extension to Dwelling
LA10/2024/0241/F 65 Gorgesh Rd, Kinawley Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2024/0244/O 100m SW of 201 Lough Shore Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0248/F 37 Shanvalley Rd, Kinawley Extension & ramped access to dwelling
LA10/2024/0223/F Approx 200m NE of 60 Bernisk Rd, Sixmilecross Free Range Poultry Shed & Storage Shed (32,000 Hens)
LA10/2024/0227/F Lands immediately S & E of 35 Mountjoy Rd, Omagh Amended dwelling designs to plots 1,2 & 7 of LA10/2022/0225/F - housing development
LA10/2024/0235/F 1 Lisderg, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0238/F Lands adjacent to and NW of 64 Glencam Rd, Omagh Change of house designs & road changes to K/2008/1047/F - housing development

25th March 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2300/F (Re-Advert) Immediately adjacent to 56a Gortnagarn Road, Omagh, BT79 7SW Proposed new entrance and access laneway to serve existing agricultural business, poultry business and dwelling (amended plans, application form, ownership certificate and address received)
LA10/2024/0106/F Gortin Glen Forest Cafe, Gortin Glens, approx 367 metres NE from 163 Glenpark Road Timber Patio with associated ramped and stepped access onto the patio and to the existing Cafe building
LA10/2024/0202/O Immediately East of 14 Tursallagh Road Gortfin Sixmilecross BT79 9EA Dwelling & domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0209/O Approx. 15m East of 52 Rosnareen Road, Golan, Trillick, BT78 3SF Proposed infill site for dwelling and garage (Renewal of planning approval LA10/2021/0125/O - dwelling}
LA10/2024/0212/O Land approx. 70m SW OF 156 Corbally Road Fintona BT78 2PB Proposed dwelling & domestic garage (infill) (Renewal of planning approval LA10/2020/1247/O - dwelling)
LA10/2024/0215/F 8 Coolnagard Grove Coolnagard Upper Omagh BT78 1AW Retention of Garden Shed (Replacing wooden shed)
LA10/2024/0216/RM Approx. 20m South of 21 Park Road Dunmoyle Sixmilecross BT79 9EL Proposed dwelling & domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0218/F 7 Garvallagh Road Seskinore Omagh BT78 2QW Proposed domestic storage shed
LA10/2024/0203/O Lands South West of 61 Dublin Road and South East of 79 Dublin Road and West of 83-87 Dublin Road Enniskillen Erection of Housing Development accessing onto Dublin Road and Derrychara Drive
LA10/2024/0205/F Immediately South of No.39 Algeo Drive Derrychara Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 6JL Dwelling with integral domestic garage
LA10/2024/0207/F 8 Drumroosk Road Drumroosk Kinawley Enniskillen BT92 4DP Extensions and alterations to a dwelling, and associated site works
LA10/2024/0208/F Immediately SW of No.11 Cloncorick Road Magheraveely Newtownbutler BT92 6ES Proposed dwelling and domestic garage on a farm

18th March 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0171/F 10d Georges Street, Omagh, BT78 1DE Change of Use from a Hairdressers to a Funeral Home
LA10/2024/0189/F No. 21 Richmond Park and lands to the south east of No. 21 Richmond Park, Killyclogher, Omagh BT79 7SJ Adjustments to the curtilage of No. 21 Richmond Park and erection of 4 No. detached dwellings, garages and associated access road, on development lands to the south east of 21 Richmond Park, Killyclogher, Omagh BT79 7SJ
LA10/2024/0190/F 3 Lissan Drive Dergmoney Lower Omagh BT78 1RY Retention of single storey store extension to front of garage
LA10/2024/0192/F 52 Bracky Road Drumduff Sixmilecross BT79 9PH Repositioning existing access laneway
LA10/2024/0197/F 90m South West of 99 Willmount Road, Drumquin. Co. Tyrone. BT784QD Section 54 application to vary Condition No. 4 (ridge height) of planning application LA10/2023/1512/O (dwelling & domestic garage on a farm)
LA10/2024/0200/F 50M South West Of 22 Coolbrack Road, Carrickmore, BT799HP Section 54 application to vary condition No.6 (ridge height) of planning approval LA10/2022/0917/O (dwelling & domestic garage on a farm)
LA10/2024/0032/F (Re-Advert) 110m SW of No 274 Lough Shore Road, Cosbytown, Derrygonnelly, Co Fermanagh, BT93 7ER Off-site One & Half Storey Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0187/F Moat Primary School 241 Main St Castle Balfour Demense Lisnaskea BT92 0JH Additional Ancillary School Accommodation including: 1) New cloakroom extension; 2) New General store extension & relocation of external bin storage; 3) New Mat store extension; 4) Covered soft play area; and associated siteworks
LA10/2024/0193/F 48 High Street Aghagay Newtownbutler BT92 8JD The project consists of the construction of a single storey Community Hub Building and associated infrastructure (Servicing/Road/Carparking/ext. Bin storage). The Hub Building will be a steel framed, curtain walling and panelled construction and will compr
LA10/2024/0195/RM Immediately North West of 51 Lattone Road, Belcoo West, Belcoo, BT93 5AS Erection of one and a half storey dwelling
LA10/2024/0201/F 101 Main Street Lisnaskea Fermanagh BT92 0JD Change of Use from Dental Surgery to dwelling house

8th March 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0162/F 130m NE of 157 Barony Rd, Omagh New access lane
LA10/2024/0178/F 53 Dromore Rd, Omagh Hot food unit (renewal of LA10/2018/0457/F)
LA10/2024/0180/F 124m SE of 195 Ballynahatty Rd, Fintona Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2203/F 225 Swanlinbar Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage (amended access)
LA10/2024/0033/F Approx. 170m SW of Drumshane House, 55 Liscreevin Rd, Lisnarick Change of Use of part of Agricultural Store to Tourist Accommodation
LA10/2024/0134/F Lands N of 43 Grogey Road, Brookeborough Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0148/F Lands to the NW and W of 164 Glennasheevar Rd, Enniskillen 6no. portable holiday cabins
LA10/2024/0157/F NW of 10 Dromore Rd, Irvinestown Proposed Construction of New Steel Frame Industrial Storage Unit
LA10/2024/0160/RM Immed. E & adjacent to 56 Feddan Rd, Tempo, Enniskillen 2no. dwellings & 2no. garages
LA10/2024/0166/F 112 Lough Shore Rd, Enniskillen Extension & Renovation to Dwelling, Domestic Garage & extension of curtilage.
LA10/2024/0170/F Site SE of No.16 Slattinagh Rd, Garrison Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0172/O Approx. 70m E of 186 Knocks Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0174/O Site adjacent to 231 Tattygare rd, Garvary Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0175/RM Land adjoining & SE of 93 Lough Shore Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling
LA10/2024/0177/F Unit 1, 174 Main St, Lisnaskea Replacement shopfront & awning
LA10/2024/0182/O Approx. 50m S of No.243 Lough Shore Rd, Derrygonnelly Dwelling
LA10/2024/0184/F 80 Drumadown Rd, Enniskillen Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0183/LBC Town Hall, 2 Townhall St, Enniskillen 2no. DDA compliant internal automatic door sets to Council Chamber

1st March 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0140/F Lands immed N of 175 Corraghy Rd, Brookeborough Replacement dwelling (renewal of LA10/2019/0240/F-replacement dwelling)
LA10/2024/0141/F 203 Eshnadarragh Rd, Roslea Extension & alterations to dwelling & new domestic garage
LA10/2024/0143/F On lands 310m SW of No. 33 Marlbank Rd, Florencecourt 25m telecommunications mast
LA10/2024/0154/F 55 Lisnaskea Rd, Enniskillen, Two storey replacement sports facility building, 3G practice area, sensory garden & associated site works.
LA10/2024/0156/F 6- 8 Bog Rd, Florencecourt Proposed Housing Development
LA10/2024/0158/O Approx 60m NW of 69 Claranagh Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0159/F Land N of 648 Boa Island Rd, Kesh Dwelling
LA10/2024/0161/O Immed W of 16 Drumadagarve Rd, Maguiresbridge Dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0167/F 45 Claranagh Rd, Tempo Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1450/O Approx 35m NE of 72 Farmhill Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage (revised description)
LA10/2024/0129/F Omagh County Primary School 37 Campsie Rd, Omagh New-build classroom accommodation
LA10/2024/0144/F St Josephs Primary School, 32 Omagh Rd, Drumquin Extensions to front & rear with external shed & bin store
LA10/2024/0146/F 64 Drumscra Rd, Drumquin Extensions to dwelling
LA10/2024/0149/F Between 164 & 166 Greencastle Rd Omagh Infill dwelling
LA10/2024/0151/F 7 Oakland Villas, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0152/F 94 Bracky Rd, Omagh New access to dwelling
LA10/2024/0155/F Land immed. to the W of 66 Tattyreagh Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2024/0163/F 25 Camlough Road, Loughmacrory Retention of laneway

21st February 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0114/F 15A Cornahaltie Rd, Belleek Erection of Dwelling and Domestic Garage Amended plan type to previously approved L/2006/2330/RM
LA10/2024/0117/F Immediately adj t to 20 Old Station Pk, Ballinamallard two storey dwelling house and single storey detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0119/F Approx. 120m W of 51 Corraglass Rd, Letterbreen Erection of detached dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0121/O Approx. 70m W of 11 Lindors House Marble Arch Rd, Enniskillen Proposed dwelling and detached garage
LA10/2024/0125/F 78 Rabbitburrow Rd Lisbellaw Single storey rear extension and alterations to dwelling including replacement domestic garage
LA10/2024/0128/F 139 Tirmacspird Rd Lack Proposed Retention of Single Storey Domestic Garage/Store
LA10/2023/2444/F Crom Estate Upper Lough Erne, Newtownbutler Change of use of tunnel store, to provide accessible shower and toilet facilities
LA10/2023/2445/LBC Crom Estate Upper Lough Erne, Newtownbutler Change of use of tunnel store, to provide accessible shower and toilet facilities
LA10/2024/0109/O Approx.46m SE of 23 Foremass Rd, Sixmilecross Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0113/F 36 Aghaboy Rd, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0120/F 66 Edergoole Rd, Omagh Proposed detached domestic store
LA10/2024/0122/F Approx. 830m S of 128 Bradan Rd, Drumquin 80m high, temporary lattice meteorological mast
LA10/2024/0124/F 70m NW of 10 Moorfield Rd, Trillick Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2024/0130/F 27 Main St, Gortin Extension to dwelling & erection of detached garage/car port
LA10/2024/0133/F 24 Merchanstown Rd, Sixmilecross Extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0137/O Land adjoining & imm. NW of 266 Gorticashel Rd, Omagh Replacement Dwelling & Garage

19th February 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0095/F Unit 15 & 16 No.8 Dromore Road Drumharvey Irvinestown BT94 1GZ Retention of 2 Industrial Units - storage use
LA10/2024/0104/F Immediately west of No. 20 Killyvilly, Killyvilly, Enniskillen, Fermanagh, BT74 4DS Proposed Petrol Filling Station
LA10/2024/0105/F 21 Shankill Road Monea Enniskillen BT74 8FA Proposed removal of existing conservatory to provide side extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0111/F 472 - 474 Boa Island Road, Enniskillen, BT93 2AP Rear extension to two houses, 472 and 474 Boa Island Road, as per previous planning approval; LA10/2015/0215/F
LA10/2024/0091/F 103 Scraghy Road Scraghy Killen BT81 7SP Proposed extensions to dwelling
LA10/2024/0100/RM Immediately south of 51 Loughmallon Road, Creggan, Omagh, BT79 9BW Dwelling and domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0107/LBC Nationwide Bank, 20 High Street, Omagh, BT78 1BQ Replacement Signage (1 No. Projecting Signage, 3 No. Fascia and 1 No. Logo)
LA10/2024/0110/RM Approximately 45 metres south west of 91 Edergoole Road, Fintona New dwelling & garage

12th February 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2300/F (Re-Advert) Immediately adjacent to 56a Gortnagarn Road,Omagh, BT79 7SW New entrance and access laneway to serve existing agricultural business, poultry business and dwelling (revised proposal received)
LA10/2024/0080/F 90m SW of 203 Altamuskin Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9HX Retention and completion of partially constructed shed for the purposes of recycling glass material only. Recycled material to be used directly on site for the production of concrete
LA10/2024/0085/O Site 20meters North of 33 Crocknacor Road, Omagh Proposed new dwelling under Policy HOU15
LA10/2024/0084/O 160 Mts Northwest of 124 Tattymacall Road, Derryhoney, Lisbellaw, BT94 5GS Replacement dwelling with domestic garage - renewal of previous approval LA10/2020/1039/O for same
LA10/2024/0087/F Lands approximately 70 m North East of 9 Lackaghboy Road, Lackaghboy, Enniskillen BT74 4RL Proposed Wind Turbine 59m High to centre of Hub and 54m Rotor Diameter with associated Switch Room to supply existing metals recycling business and export to grid
LA10/2024/0088/F 24 Scallen Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1ED Single storey extension to rear of existing 2 storey semi-detached house
LA10/2024/0093/F Approx. 290m South east of 65 Shankill Road Magherahar Derrygonnelly Co Fermanagh Replacement wind turbine
LA10/2022/1172/F Approx. 110m North West of No. 64 Glen Road Drumquin Proposed dwelling and domestic garage (Revised Address)

5th February 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/0092/F (Re-Advert) Lands immediately 150m North of 45 Ballinamullan Road Killyclogher Omagh Proposed 6 no detached dwellings & garages, sites 6&7 have proposed septic tank and sites 8,9,10 &11 to have proposed package plant
LA10/2023/1440/F (Re-Advert) 42 Coolnagard Avenue Omagh, Omagh, BT78 Demolition of existing house and erection of two dwellings
LA10/2024/0068/F 141c Glenpark Road, Omagh, BT79 7SU Replacement dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0073/F Scraghey Quarry 102 Scraghey Road, Killen, Castlederg, BT81 7SP Section 54 application to develop quarry as per planning approval LA10/2017/0880/F (extension to quarry) without compliance with condition 17 (provision of vehicle wheel wash)
LA10/2024/0059/F Land approx 355m NE of 411 Dernawilt Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 5EA Re-profiling of agricultural land through infilling with inert overburden material from adjoining Rockfield Quarry (part retrospective). Proposed levelling with topsoil and seeding with grass for the purposes of agricultural land improvement
LA10/2024/0061/F 270m North East of 30 Corrawully Lane, Aghatirourke, Enniskillen. BT92 1GE Excavation of a wildlife pond (retrospective application)
LA10/2024/0063/F 300m West of Loaneden caravan Park, 21 Muckross Road, Kesh Extension to Caravan Park to provide 6no. three bedroom country style tourist chalets, reception building, parking and amenity space
LA10/2024/0064/O Land immediatly north of 123 Mullaghameen road, Ballinamallard Proposed Dwelling & Garage Within Existing Cluster
LA10/2024/0065/O Approx 50m NW of 46 Ardgart Road, Ballinamallard Proposed Dwelling & Garage Within Existing Cluster
LA10/2024/0071/F 6 Henry Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7JT Demolition of existing jetty and replacement with floating pontoon jetty and gangway
LA10/2024/0072/F 331 Boa Island Road, Dulrush, Belleek Extension to existing guesthouse/restaurant to form a function room, seating area, toilets and store
LA10/2024/0074/F Land approx 975m SE of no 11 Callagheen Road, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh 1 MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
LA10/2024/0075/F 28 Carnmore Road, Roslea Replacement dwelling-change of house type from approval LA10/2021/1503/F[replacement dwelling] with provision of domestic garage and retention of existing building as domestic store

29th January 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/0863/F (Re-Advert) 60m SW of 7 Riverview Road Omagh Proposed 2 no. dwellings and garages including road widening and footpath link to existing network (amended proposal)
LA10/2024/0045/F 3 Kildrum Road Golan Dromore BT78 3AS Proposed single storey lounge extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/0046/F 6 Cornavarrow Road, Omagh, BT78 4RN Erection of dwelling -Change of house type and site position from previously approved K/2005/1895/O & K/2009/0860/RM - dwelling
LA10/2024/0053/F 129 & 131 Dublin Road, Omagh Erection of 2 No two storey houses (Change of House type from previous approval LA10/2019/0664/F - 4 dwellings)
LA10/2022/0946/F (Re-Advert) Lands to the west and south west of 4 Derrynacrannog Road Tievealough Belleek Proposed tourism scheme consisting of glamping accommodation (10no. glamping pods), the erection of ancillary building to include reception, exhibition space,restaurant/dining area, accessible toilets/changing area and associated site works (Amended descri
LA10/2024/0034/F Homeville, 37 Tattygare Road, Lisbellaw Proposed rear and first floor extension to dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and Granny flat
LA10/2024/0036/O 50m North East of 89 Derrynacrannog Road, Derryrona, Belleek. BT93 2DE Proposed site for dwelling and domestic garage on a farm (HOU11)
LA10/2024/0041/O 50m Northeast of 151 Tullyreagh Road, Gorteen, Tempo, BT94 3PH Proposed site for one and half storey farm dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0047/F 59 Manger Road Manger Belleek BT93 3DJ Construction of a single storey extension to the western side of existing dwelling and the erection of a domestic garage
LA10/2024/0050/F 77 Raw Road, Grogey, Brookeborough Dwelling with domestic garage/boat store, amended proposal to previous approval L/2009/0927/F - dwelling
LA10/2024/0052/O Approx 190m W of 20 Stonepark Road, Mongibbaghan, Brookeborough Erection of "Off-site" replacement dwelling with detached domestic garage (existing building to be retained as it is)
LA10/2024/0055/F 75 Drumsoo Road, Magheraveely, Newtownbutler Replacement 1.5 storey dwelling with detached domestic garage (existing building to be retained as it is)
LA10/2024/0056/O 30m NE of 99 Teiges Hill Road, Ardmoney, Brookeborough Site for one and half storey farm dwelling with domestic garage
LA10/2024/0058/F 45 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen, BT74 6GU Proposed extension of existing surgery including additional parking (Amended Design from previously approved LA10/2022/0717/F)

22nd January 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1901/F (Re-advert) 180m North West of 83 Clabby Road Tempo BT75 0QY Agricultural Machinery Shed
LA10/2024/0021/F Land East of, and adjacent to no. 17 Duross Road, Duross, Irvinestown Erection of 2no. holiday homes and all associated siteworks
LA10/2024/0022/O 75meters South East of 26 Backglen Road, Omagh Proposed farm dwelling and garage
LA10/2024/0025/F 180m West of 38 Enniskillen Road, Makenny, Irvinestown, BT94 1GF Change of house type with a carport and attached garage on Planning Approval LA10/2019/0046/F - Replacement dwelling
LA10/2024/0026/F 36 Watson Park, Omagh, BT78 5ND Proposed single storey extension, reclad existing building in new blockwork and render
LA10/2024/0027/O 123 metres NW of 6 Riversdale Road, Drumquin Storey and a half dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2024/0028/O Approx 70 metres NW of 72 Rylagh Road, Omagh Detached dwelling with domestic garage
LA10/2024/0030/F 54 Dromore Road, Omagh, BT78 1RB Two storey extension to side and rear of existing call centre building (Renewal of previous approval LA10/2019/0332/F for same)
LA10/2024/0032/F 110m SW of No 274 Lough Shore Road, Cosbytown, Derrygonnelly, Co Fermanagh, BT93 7ER Off-site One & Half Storey Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2024/0033/F Approx. 170m SW of Drumshane House, 55 Liscreevin Road, Lisnarick BT94 1PD Erection of tourist accommodation unit within existing agricultural store building
LA10/2024/0035/F 15B Lough Yoan Way Killyhevlin Enniskillen BT74 4EE External alterations. Reclad with new insultated cladding to all elevations and new canopy at front door.

15th January 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2477/O 65m SW of No.236 Gorticashel Road Omagh BT79 7SB Proposed dwelling & domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0012/O Approx. 15m South of 11 Lakemount Road Aghlisk, Dromore, BT78 3HQ Proposed site for dwelling (Renewal of approved application LA10/2020/1000/O)
LA10/2024/0013/F 12 Pinefield Brae Killyclogher Omagh Tyrone BT79 7YG Rear single storey extension to provide a new kitchen
LA10/2024/0020/O Land to the Southeast of and adjacent to 22 Hawthorn Road, Omagh BT797ND Proposed site for 2no detached two-storey dwellings with detached domestic garages
LA10/2023/2478/F Lands SW of Gnangara Fold and NE of 179 Sligo Road, Enniskillen Section 54 application to vary conditions Nos.1(visibility splays), 4 (PSD Layout), 5 (Provision of access prior to occupation), & 7 (Street lighting) , of planning approval LA10/2020/0495/F (8 No. dwellings) to provide an amended road layout with amended
LA10/2023/2479/F 11 Feddan Road Garvary Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 4LZ Repositioning of access and laneway to serve dwelling
LA10/2024/0002/RM 20m South of No. 10 Corramore Road, Cornadarum, Garrison, Co. Fermanagh, BT93 4AX Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/0003/F 5 Corrawully Lane, Florencecourt, Enniskillen, BT92 1BQ Replacement Dwelling - Amended design to that previously approved under L/2004/2267/O and L/2008/0331/RM lawfully commenced under LA10/2023/2242/CLOPUD
LA10/2024/0004/F 19 Fairview Avenue, Enniskillen, BT74 6AD Proposed alterations and rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2024/0005/RM Immediately North of 82 Swanlinbar Road, Skea, Arney BT92 2DA Erection of dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2024/0009/O North of 90 Swanlinbar Road Skea Arney Enniskillen BT92 2DA Erection of dwelling and detached domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2024/0018/F Approx. 396m SE of No.28 Callagheen Road, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh, BT93 3AQ Proposed wind turbine with 84m hub height and 61m rotor (up to 1 Megawatt) and ground mount solar array
LA10/2024/0023/F 95 Gardiners Cross Road Skeagh Maguiresbridge Fermanagh BT94 4QA Proposed Single Storey Extension to Dweliing

8th January 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1604/F (Re-Advert) 54 Dublin Road Dergmoney Lower Omagh CO. Tyrone BT78 1HQ Replacement of rear return and provision of 2-storey extension to existing dwelling; and replacement of existing garage (amended scheme)
LA10/2023/2440/RM 240 SW of 17 Burrow Road, Omagh Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2446/F Within Council compound on lands c.150m West of Omagh Leisure Centre, 9A Old Mountfield Road, Omagh, BT79 7EG Proposed 22.5m telecommunications column, with 6 No. antennae, 15 No. ERS & 2 No. radio dishes. Proposal includes the creation of a site compound containing 3 No. cabinets & associated equipment, enclosed by a 2m high palisade fence & ancillary works
LA10/2023/2447/F 12 Killybrack Mews, Omagh, BT79 7FB Demolition of existing rooms to SW elevation and construction of single storey extension to SW elevation
LA10/2023/2448/F 26 Gortrush Industrial Park, Omagh, BT78 5EJ Proposed change of use (Ground Floor only) from B1 office accommodation, single user, to Class B4 storage & distribution (two independent units). Minor alterations to existing building elevations
LA10/2023/2450/F 121 Gillygooley Road Dressoge Drumquin Tyrone BT78 4SU Proposed two storey front projection and alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2451/F 289 Loughmacrory Road, Omagh, BT79 9BH Proposed two storey replacement dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/2454/F Sacred Heart Primary School, 6 Letfern Avenue, Tattyreagh, Glebe, Omagh, BT78 1LA Replacing existing septic tank with new waste water treatment tank
LA10/2023/2455/F Approx 140m SE of No. 3 Creevangar Road Omagh BT78 1SH Barn conversion with modern type extension as per accompanying drawings
LA10/2023/2456/RM 100m South of 117 Galbally Road, Trillick, Co.Tyrone Proposed Infill dwelling (Outline Approval LA10/2020/1174/O)
LA10/2023/2457/F Approx 490m South West of 15 Lisnahanna Road Trillick Co Tyrone Replacement to existing turbine approved under planning K/2012/0404/F from 31m tower and 27m rotor diameter to proposed 40m tower and 54m rotor diameter
LA10/2023/2459/F Approx 60m South West of 99 Ballintrain Road Carrickmore Omagh BT79 9NR Proposed Replacement dwelling and domestic garage with retention of the existing dwelling as store
LA10/2023/2464/F 41 Feglish Road, Omagh, BT78 3UH Part change of use of existing vacant commercial garage to dog grooming parlour
LA10/2023/2469/F Immediately East of 191 Crockanboy Road,Omagh Replacement dwelling with retention of existing building as ancillary accommodation (garage & gym)
LA10/2023/2470/F 255 Clanabogan Road, Dromore, Omagh Extension to dwelling including extension of existing curtilage and domestic store to the rear
LA10/2023/2437/F 5 Moybane Road, Letterbreen, Enniskillen, BT74 9AY Propose housing development (28No. dwellings) and associated works
LA10/2023/2444/F Crom Estate Upper Lough Erne, Newtownbutler, BT92 8AJ Change of use of existing boat house, to provide accessible shower and toilet facilities
LA10/2023/2445/LBC Crom Estate Upper Lough Erne, Newtownbutler, BT92 8AJ Change of use of existing boat house, to provide accessible shower and toilet facilities
LA10/2023/2452/F 330metres south of junction of Corlave Road and Procklis Road, immediately south and adjacent to existing farmyard, accessing Corlave Road, Kesh proposed single storey milking parlour and cattle shed with underground slurry tank
LA10/2023/2467/F Lands to the South of Flaxfield Wood and East of Enniskillen Independent Methodist Church, Tempo Road Enniskillen Proposed Housing Development consisting of 20 No. 2 Bed Apartments, 6 no. 2 storey detached dwellings, 9 no. single storey detached dwellings, 84 no. 2 storey semi detached dwellings, 7 no. detached garages, and associated roads and landscaping
LA10/2023/2468/F Lands 65m South of 26 Dooneen Road, Tempo 4 no. Glamping Pods with associated site development works
LA10/2023/2471/F 72 Kesh Road, Moneykee, Irvinestown, Fermanagh, BT94 1BY Single storey rear extension for extended living area & single storey rear extension incorporating roof terrace over
LA10/2023/2473/RM Between 92 and 96 Glenpark Road Omagh BT79 7ST Proposed dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/2475/O Approx. 55m West of 145 Killcappy Road, Croneen, Lack, BT93 0BS Dwelling and Garage on a Farm
LA10/2023/2476/F St Tierney's Primary School 8 Eshnadarragh Road Rosslea BT92 7JS Proposed single storey extension to existing school plus new ramp
LA10/2023/2474/RM 45 Ardgart Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2AR New clubhouse and changing rooms, with associated car and coach parking, siteworks and new wastewater package treatment plant, to replace the existing building and septic tank. The existing building will be demolished upon completion of the new facilities,
LA10/2023/2458/F 41 Tullyrain Road Ballinamallard BT92 2JW Proposed replacement of a fire damaged two storey dwelling house with a new two storey dwelling with a single storey front porch
LA10/2024/0001/RM 42m S/SW of 121 Eshnadarragh Road Tonnaghboy Roslea BT92 7JY Erection of dwelling & domestic garage

25th December 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2435/F 39 Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh, BT78 5EJ Replacement office unit, petrol pump forecourt with canopy, amended site access and associated landscaping works
LA10/2023/2439/F 33 Woodbank Road, Omagh, BT79 0NB Conversion and alterations to existing domestic garage to provide living/dining area
LA10/2023/2431/F Site 50m north of 50 Clonkee Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 8FG Dwelling-Amended design of previously approved L/2008/0948/RM(dwelling), L/2005/0781/O (dwelling)
LA10/2023/2432/F 150m SE of 89 Ballylucas Road Cavanacross Tempo 1.5 storey dwelling & detached 1.5 storey double domestic garage - amended design to previous approval LA10/2020/1180/F (Dwelling)
LA10/2023/2433/F St Aidan's High School 138 Main Street, Derrylin, BT92 9PD Replacement Modular Classroom Unit
LA10/2023/2436/F 97 Knockninny Road, Derrylin, BT92 9HR Proposed two storey replacement dwelling house on the site of an existing occupied dwelling
LA10/2023/2441/F 26 Silverhill Manor, Enniskillen, BT74 5JE Extension & Alterations to Dwelling

18th December 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2400/F 30m SW of McClintock Primary School, 77 Letfern Road, Seskinore Natural stone and steel village entrance feature
LA10/2023/2403/F 5 St. Julians Downs Mullaghmore Omagh Tyrone BT79 7RF Proposed detached garage for domestic use (storage of vintage cars)
LA10/2023/2404/RM Approx. 25m West of 6 Killyfuddy Road Killyfuddy, Trillick, BT78 3QP Erection of Single Storey Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/2411/F 3 Tircur Road, Omagh, BT79 7TY The proposed development will include the provision of 3no. 2 bedroom specialist care facilities, an associated chill-out room with corridor link to the previously approved 12 bedroom care facility and a separate building annex to provide an Activity room
LA10/2023/2413/F 4 Lambrook Rise, Omagh, BT78 5ST Proposed single storey rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2417/F Approx 785m SE of 30 Segully Road, Drumquin Proposed single wind turbine with maximun 69m hub height, and maximum 82m rotor diameter with associated ancilaary development including construction of laneway and crane hardstanding, on site substation and control building, underground cables, all other
LA10/2023/2423/F 5 Culmore Park Culmore Omagh Tyrone BT78 5AD Single storey rear extension
LA10/2023/2425/F Lands opposite 6 Loughview Close, Omagh, BT79 7FY Retention of parking space
LA10/2023/2428/F 2 Coolnagard Drive, Omagh, BT78 1PD Conversion of existing garage to bedroom and rear sun room extension
LA10/2023/2394/F (Re-advert) 40 Derreens Road, Derryhowlaght West, Bellanaleck, BT92 2DY Extension to rear and east side of dwelling
LA10/2023/2391/F Approximately 500m East of 76 Stranafeley Road, Bunlougher, Brookeborough Replacement wind turbine to that approved under LA10/2015/0145/F & LA10/2016/1124/F - Change of tower height from 50m to 59m
LA10/2023/2401/F 63 Old Rossorry Road, Enniskillen, BT74 7LF Extension and alterations to dwelling to provide first floor accommodation incorporating box dormer
LA10/2023/2407/F 291 Moorlough Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 8BJ Proposed 2No. gable extensions to existing changing rooms to provide Committee Room and additional changing rooms
LA10/2023/2408/F 291 Moorlough Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 8BJ Erection of Fitness Room
LA10/2023/2409/F 80 Drumadown Road, Monea BT93 7BR Proposed amended access to dwelling
LA10/2023/2410/F 291 Moorlough Road, Newtownbutler Proposed new Entrance gates/Pillars/Boundary walls & railings
LA10/2023/2414/LBC 186 Main Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JF Remove the existing ATM and infill with stone to match existing, remove existing data hatch, bin, blank plate and night safe and infill with stone to match the existing. Remove general blue signage and projecting sign and make good wall
LA10/2023/2418/RM 40m N of 94 Derryad Road, Lisnaskea BT92 0BX Single story dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/2419/O Land immediately SW of 41- 47 The Meadows, Lack Rd, Irvinestown, BT94 1FY Residential Development: renewal of LA10/2020/1157/O for residential development with associated access road, services (including package treatment plant, in necessary), common green space and landscaping
LA10/2023/2420/F 60m NW of 31 Baragh Road,Ballinamallard 3no. dwelling, 3no domestic garages and all associated site works
LA10/2023/2422/F Lands Approximately 270m North-East of 18 Dresternan Road, Rosslea, BT92 7LP Retention of existing agricultural shed, hard standing and laneway on an active farm
LA10/2023/2424/F 176 Main Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JE Change of Use from Beauty Salon to Hot Food Carryout
LA10/2023/2426/O Lands 435m east of 15 Derryvore Road, Derrylin, BT92 9FF 3no. tourist glamping pods and welcome/communal building with associated site works
LA10/2023/2430/F 111 Inishroosk Road, Enniskillen, BT92 0QJ Proposed erection of domestic store

11th December 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2356/F Belcoo Quarry, 591 Sligo Road, Belcoo, BT93 5HD Erection of a Pre-Cast Concrete Manufacturing Facility, Rebar Store and associated ancillary development
LA10/2023/2374/F Land adjacent and to the South and East of 35 Scallen Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1DD Residential housing development with access from Scallen Road, comprising: 7no detached, 29no semi-detached and 22no terraced dwellings (58no dwellings in total); 4no. ancillary domestic garages; and associated landscaping, open space, roadworks and site w
LA10/2023/2380/F Lands to the rear of Nos 12 & 14 Lawnakilla Park, Enniskillen, BT74 7JN 2 no 1.5 Storey dwellings (change of house type to sites 3 & 4 of LA10/2021/0199//F)
LA10/2023/2384/O Site approx. 50m NE of No. 142 Cooneen Road, Cooneen, Brookeborough BT75 0NH Proposed Farm Dwelling & Detached Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2389/O Immediate NW of 111 Tullyreagh Road, Carrownagilta, Enniskillen, BT94 3DN Site for farm dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/2390/F Approx 90m NE of Highgate Manor 60 Magheraveely Road Newtownbutler BT92 6LD Proposed farm shop
LA10/2023/2393/O Site immediately SE of No. 92 Aghnaskew Road, Maguiresbridge Infill Dwelling
LA10/2023/2394/F 40 Derreens Road, Derryhowlaght West, Enniskillen, BT92 2DY Extension to rear and east side of dwelling
LA10/2023/2402/F 12 Barranderry Heights Derrychara Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 6JW Proposed 2 storey extension to front of dwelling and first floor extension
LA10/2023/2387/F 19 Hawthorn Road, Ballinamullan, Omagh, BT79 7ND Retention of domestic garage and associated works
LA10/2023/2392/RM Approx. 20 metres West of 4 Milestone Way, Omagh, BT78 1LQ Dwelling and garage
LA10/2022/1250/F (Re-Advert) 12 Bridge Street, Omagh Proposed change of use to provide 1no. self contained apartment

4th December 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2366/F 10 Old Rossorry Crescent, Enniskillen, BT74 7LG Alterations and extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2368/O Immediately adjoining and W of No 4 Duross Road, Irvinestown, Enniskillen, BT94 1ND Site for two storey farm dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/2373/F 155 Teiges Hill Road, Cooneen, Brookeborough, BT94 4HR Proposed Domestic Storage Building ancillary to approved dwelling L/2008/1138/F
LA10/2023/2375/F Lands Immediately South West of 121 Glen Road Glen, Tempo BT94 3JW Off-Site Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/1512/O (Re-Advert) 90m South West of 99 Willmount Road Drumquin BT78 4QD Proposed New Farm Dwelling & Domestic Garage (Amended Address)
LA10/2023/1623/O (Re-Advert) Site adjacent to and approximately 50m North of No.45 Carryglass Road, Fintona, BT78 2LB Proposed replacement dwelling (amended proposal received)
LA10/2023/2355/RM To the rear and immediately West of 85 Longhill Road, Newpark, Dromore, BT78 3LB Proposed erection for a dwelling on a farm
LA10/2023/2359/F Health Centre, 1A Old Mountfield Road, Omagh, BT79 7EG Temporary unit for pharmacy
LA10/2023/2362/F 70m NW of 55 Lisdergan Road, Fintona, BT78 2NS Creation of approx 0.6km multi use trail 3m wide (A-E) on attached map
LA10/2023/2365/F 78 Claragh Road, Drumquin, Omagh, BT78 4UD Renewal of LA10/2019/0063/F Conversion from non-residential building to dwelling with extension and domestic garage
LA10/2023/2367/F Approx 140m East of 39 Omagh Road, Dromore Proposed replacement changing pavillion and community hub
LA10/2023/2371/F Lands approximately 1,000m NE of 71 Cornavarrow Road, Cornavarrow, Drumquin, BT78 4RN New access road to connect Cornavarrow East Wind Farm and Pigeon Top South Wind Farm
LA10/2023/2376/RM 180m SE of 12 Tarlum Road, Omagh Replacement dwelling with detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/2379/F Lands adjacent to and to the North East of No.36 Mullanmore Road, Aghnagreggan, Carrickmore Proposed new dwelling

27th November 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2341/F 70m E of 11 Feddan Road, Garvary, Enniskillen Dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/2345/F Immediately West/South-West of No 38 Mountview Drive, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JT Section 54 application to modify condition 8 [Private Street (NI) Order 1980] an condition 9 [design of vehicle resraint barrier and retaining wall] of approval LA10/2018/1263/F [6 No 2.5 storey split-level townhouses with associated site works and landsca
LA10/2023/2349/F 65 Salloon Road Makenny Ballinamallard BT94 2GH Front porch, and single storey side and rear extension creating additional living space
LA10/2023/2351/F 3 Glenall Road, Enniskillen, BT94 1RS Two Storey Extension To Include Wheelchair Accesible Bedroom And Shower Room
LA10/2023/2352/F Enniskillen Independent Methodist Church, 71 Tempo Road, Enniskillen, BT74 6HR Erection of ancillary storage building to rear of existing church
LA10/2023/1758/F (Re-Advert) Lands approximately 165 metres West of no. 45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co Tyrone, BT79 7SF Additional information received. Variation of Condition 41 of K/2014/0246/F (Article 28 application for non-compliance with conditions 25 and 26 of application No K/2013/0072/F (Extension to existing underground exploration tunnel; including temporary buil
LA10/2023/1759/F (Re-Advert) Lands approximately 600 metres South West of No. 45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co. Tyrone, BT79 7SF Additional information received. Variation of Condition 6 of K/2014/0387/F (Revised explosives store location and layout; a temporary explosives store building, extension to the existing access track, security fencing and gates, 3 culverts/headwalls; CCTV;
LA10/2023/2334/F 6 Bankmore Way Industrial Estate Creevenagh Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 0NZ Extension to Existing Storage Yard Area plus the Constuction of New Access Road and Reconfiguration of Existing Entrance and Exit and Car/Lobby Parking Spaces to facilitate the better movement of lorries around/through the site for Telestack Ltd
LA10/2023/2338/F Approx. 50m North East of 3 Coolnagard Lane, Coolnagard Upper, Omagh, BT78 1RG Proposed Erection Of a 2 Storey 6.5m High Dormer Dwelling And Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2340/F Immediately adjacent to and East of 97 Cavan Road, Omagh, BT78 2LT Proposed infill site for two number detached dwellings and garages
LA10/2023/2344/F 30 Legamaghery Road, Omagh, BT78 2HA Extension and Alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2350/O 20M West of 25 Hawthorn Road, Omagh, BT79 7ND Proposed dwelling and detached garage

20th November 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2303/F 40M East of 17 Meenadoo Road, Gortin BT79 8QF Proposed 2 No. Infill Dwellings with Detached Garages
LA10/2023/2312/F Omagh Accies Rugby Football Club Thomas Mellon Playing Fields, Mellon Park Drive, Omagh, BT78 5NE Replacement of existing floodlighting on pitch 2
LA10/2023/2321/O 85m North of 96 Drumlegagh Road Dunteige Omagh BT78 4TW Proposed site for dwelling on a farm
LA10/2023/2322/O Immediately South of 31 Falskey Road, Omagh, BT78 5LJ Erection of a Dwelling
LA10/2023/2335/F 15 Mullanmore Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9LA Section 54 application to remove condition 5 of approval LA10/2019/1415/F
LA10/2023/1977/O (Re-Advert) Approx 150m W/NW of no 59 Edenmore Rd Tempo Farm dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2142/F (Re-Advert) 20-22 Main Street, Irvinestown BT94 1GJ Change of use from a function space to an apartment
LA10/2023/2310/F Crevenish Caravan Park 107 Crevenish Road, Enniskillen, BT93 1DD 30 no. static caravan sites together with associated site works and landscaping PHASE 9
LA10/2023/2315/F St Joseph's College 57 Chanterhill Road Enniskillen, BT74 6DE Single storey toilet block extension to existing school
LA10/2023/2316/F Immediately E of 2 Laurelvale Court, Enniskillen Dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/2318/F 50 Forthill Street, Enniskillen, BT74 6AJ Change of use and alterations to form hot food carry out on ground floor and 2 No apartments on 1st & 2nd floors
LA10/2023/2324/O Immediately East of 21 Crest Road Derrychara Enniskillen New dwelling and domestic garage (Renewal of LA10/2020/0475/O - dwelling & garage)
LA10/2023/2325/O 50m East of 21 Crest Road Derrychara Enniskillen Dwelling and domestic garage (Renewal of LA10/2020/0482/O - dwelling & garage)
LA10/2023/2326/F 42 Muckross Road, Kesh, Enniskillen, BT93 1TZ Removal of occupancy condition of Managers Dwelling previously approved under L/95/0222 & L/95/0222B
LA10/2023/2327/F 75m S of 159 Pettigo Road, Kesh Parking area for 5 no. motor homes
LA10/2023/2332/O 250 meters East of 76 Doon Road, Doon, Derrrylin BT92 9LN Redevelopment of a former site for dwelling under policy HOU10 for Dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/2333/F 21 Roscor Bridge Road, Magheramenagh, Belleek, BT93 3GN Replacement Dwelling and Domestic Store
LA10/2023/2337/F Between 69 and 79 Rossmacaffry Road Rossmacaffry Lisnaskea BT92 0RB Section 54 application to vary Condition No.4 (ridge height) of planning approval LA10/2020/0887/O to increase to 7.5m on site immediately NW of No. 69 Rossmacaffry Road
LA10/2023/1322/F (Re-Advert) Lands 100m South of 24 Main Street, Garrison, Fermanagh BT93 4ER Section 54 application for variation of Condition 19 (Access) of planning approval LA10/2017/0515/F - Housing Development

13th November 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2275/F Lands at Inish Dacharne, Gublusk and Rossfad W, NW and SW of "Rossfad Cottage" - 160 Killadeas Road, Ballinamallard, Enniskillen, BT94 2LS Proposed change of house type and re-siting of approved 20 unit holiday home development granted under LA10/2012/0090/O and LA10/2016/0277/RM, lawfully commenced under LA10/2020/1176/LDP, with enlarged site boundary to provide 36 No Eco Modular Timber Holi
LA10/2023/2289/F 94 Derryad Road Derryad Lisnaskea Fermanagh BT92 0BX Two-storey side extension and erection of a detached garage
LA10/2023/2293/F 33 Ferney Rise Coles Hill Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 7NF Erection of single storey side extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2023/2301/F 371 Killadeas Road, Enniskillen, BT94 1PN Extension to existing service station and associated car parking
LA10/2023/2302/F Lands adjacent to and NW of 2 Drumwhinny Road Kesh, BT93 1TN Proposed Section 54 Application to amend conditions 1 and 2 of approval LA10/2019/1308/F for 3 number detached 2 storey dwellings adjacent to and north west of 2 Drumwinny Road, Kesh. Conditions regarding sight lines to be amended to substitute removal of
LA10/2023/2307/F 55 Abbey Road, Enniskillen, BT92 0QX Part conversion of existing detached garage for ancillary accommodation
LA10/2023/2311/O 99 Teiges Hill Road, Ardmoney, Brookeborough, Enniskillen, BT94 4JH Off - site 2 storey replacement dwelling including retention of existing dwelling for agricultural purposes (renewal of LA10.2020.0859.O)
LA10/2023/2056/F (Re-Advert) 3 Tircur Road, Omagh Extension to care home & detached activity centre building
LA10/2023/2286/RM Approx 80m West of 232 Greencastle Road, Omagh Proposed dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2292/F 25 Hawthorn Road Ballynamullan Omagh Tyrone BT79 7ND Extension to existing garage and store to provide car-port to the rear of existing dwelling.
LA10/2023/2295/F Between 54 and 58A Loughmacrory Road, Omagh, BT79 0PH Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2297/F 290 Gorticashel Road, Omagh, BT79 8HP Proposed extension and change of use of former school to dwelling
LA10/2023/2299/F Approximately 140m NE of 92 Carnalea Road, Omagh, BT78 2PU Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2300/F 60 Gortnagarn Road,Omagh, BT79 7SW New entrance and access laneway to serve existing agricultural business, poultry business and dwelling
LA10/2023/2306/F Immediately West of 16 Eskragh Road, Omagh, BT78 1UW Section 54 application to vary condition 22 (time limit, increase time for extraction) to application LA10/2021/0691/F (removal of minerals from lands)

6th November 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2248/F 14 Omagh Road, Drumquin, BT78 4QY Retention of and completion of detached domestic garage to front of dwelling
LA10/2023/2261/RM Approximately 65m North West of 58 Lakemount Road, Dromore, BT78 3HQ Proposed single storey dwelling
LA10/2023/2271/F Adjacent to and E of 4 Killybrack Road, Omagh Dwelling
LA10/2023/2273/F 160 Devesky Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9BU Gable extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2277/F 164 Clanabogan Road, Clanabogan, Omagh, BT78 1SN Proposed extension and internal renovation of shop. Extension to car parking area to service station (retrospective)
LA10/2023/2283/RM 132 Gorticashel Road, Leckin, Gortin Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/2244/F 10 Creevehill Road Cran Brookeborough Fermanagh BT75 0SF Proposed 3rd Grass Pitch & Access Path
LA10/2023/2251/F Erne Integrated College, 5 Derrygore Road, Enniskillen, BT74 4FW Proposed replacement roof covering to front elevation of existing school building
LA10/2023/2255/F Approx 45m East of 39 Claragh Road, Inisway, Derrygonnelly Proposed conversion and extension of Barn to form Dwelling
LA10/2023/2259/O Approx 50m North West of 48 Drumshancorick Road, Drumyarkin, Rosslea, BT92 7HH Proposed site for replacement dwelling and garage (existing dwelling to be retained as domestic storage)
LA10/2023/2262/F 39 Nutfield Road, Gortacharn, Lisnaskea, BT92 0LB Proposed one and a half storey domestic dwelling with single storey central rear outshot
LA10/2023/2263/F 39 Nutfield Road, Gortacharn, Lisnaskea, BT92 0LB Proposed one and a half storey dwelling with side and rear single storey outshots
LA10/2023/2265/F 39 Nutfield Road, Gortacharn, Lisnaskea, BT92 0LB Proposed two storey dwelling with front and side single storey projections
LA10/2023/2266/RM 172 Marble Arch Road, Florencecourt, Enniskillen, BT92 1ED Erection of Domestic Two Story Dwelling & Detached Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2276/F Lands adjacent to No. 44 Lisolvin Park, Enniskillen, BT94 4EW Construction of single storey dwelling house with associated site works and landscaping
LA10/2023/2280/F Immediately East of 27 Largy Road, Largy, Tempo, BT94 3DF Extension to recycling yard (retrospective application) and additional landscaping

30th October 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1906/F (Re-Advert) 48 Inishative Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9HR New access
LA10/2023/2228/F 5A Holmview Avenue Campsie Omagh Tyrone BT79 0AQ Change of use from Offices to 6no. Self-Contained Flats & associated works
LA10/2023/2231/F Immediately South West of 29 Rockstown Road Creggandevesky Sixmilecross Tyrone BT79 9BE Proposed retention of an agricultural machinery shed
LA10/2023/2232/F 101 Crockanboy Road, Omagh, BT79 7RS Change of use from former school to dwelling
LA10/2023/2234/F 38 Campsie Road, Omagh, BT79 0AG Proposed 3 new Car Park Floodlights
LA10/2023/2236/RM 250m NW of 15 Broadford Road Omagh BT78 5QY Dwelling & domestic garage
LA10/2023/2253/F Lands approximately 152 metres South East of 17 Loughmallon Road, Creggan, Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone, BT79 9BW Proposed replacement of an existing wind turbine (with 32m hub height and 30m rotor diameter) with a wind turbine (with 40m hub height and 47m rotor diameter), access and ancillary site works
LA10/2022/0861/O (Re-Advert) 140m N of 44 Carranboy Road Carranboy Lisnarick BT94 1JT Dwelling and detached domestic garage (Amended site location plan with revised access)
LA10/2023/2212/F Unit 6 Lakelands Retail Park, Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen (East of 96 & 98 Cornagrade Road), Enniskillen Proposed Two Retail Units (in substitute for Unit 6 Approved under LA10/2019/1392/F)
LA10/2023/2226/F Immediately NW 60 Shankill Road Derrygonnelly BT93 6DT Retrospective application for change of house and garage design to that previously approved under L/2006/1529/RM
LA10/2023/2227/F 226 Belturbet Road, Teemore, Derrylin BT92 9BL Extension and alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2230/O Immediately NE of 48 Derryallen Road, Beagh, Ballinamallard Farm dwelling
LA10/2023/2241/O South East of 32 Kinmore Road, Kinmore, Lisnaskea, BT92 0PZ Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2243/O 50 metres East of 28 Ferney Road, Tedd, Irvinestown, Fermanagh BT94 1BU Farm Dwelling and Domestic Garage (Renewal Of Previous Approval LA10/2020/0710/O)
LA10/2023/2246/F Carran Business Park, 21 Lawnakilla Way, Enniskillen, BT74 4RZ Proposed Extension to Existing Factory to Provide a Workshop, Kitchen and Training Room with Associated Site Works
LA10/2023/2249/F Lands to the rear of 1, 2, 7 & 8, and immed. SE of 8 Grey Hill Meadows, Clabby Rd, Clabby Change of house types on plots 5-12 from approval LA10/2016/0321/F - housing
LA10/2023/2250/F 7 Old Rossorry Road Rossorry Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 7LE New roof covering and alterations to dwelling

23rd October 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2209/F 117a Gillygooley Road, Drumquin, BT78 4SU New access to dwelling (Renewal of approval LA10/2018/0793/F for same)
LA10/2023/2214/F 50 Church Road Dervaghroy Beragh Tyrone BT79 0TN Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/2218/F 75 Old Mountfield Road, Omagh, BT79 7JY Retention of replacement domestic shed and attached lawnmower store and associated ancillary site works
LA10/2023/2220/RM Approx 260M SE of 20 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross Proposed Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/2203/F 225 Swanlinbar Road Drummuck Enniskillen Fermanagh BT92 3GA Dwelling and domestic garage with solar panels on a farm
LA10/2023/2207/F 18 Belmore Street, Enniskillen, BT74 6AA Part change of use of existing office space to residential space
LA10/2023/2210/F 237 Lough Shore Road Carrickreagh Enniskillen Fermanagh BT93 7EN Proposed two storey gable end extension to create two additional bedrooms and a ground floor living area and a single storey extension to the existing domestic garage to the rear of the property
LA10/2023/2211/F 20m South of Market Court Moneynoe Glebe or Chanterhill Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 4BL Retention of car valeting business - 2 No sheds and associated floodlights
LA10/2023/2215/RM 150m South of 20 Dooard road Garrison Fermanagh BT94 4EN Dwelling & domestic garage
LA10/2023/2219/RM 50m South West of 62 Greentown Road Lisblake Florencecourt Enniskillen BT92 1BX Dwelling & domestic garage

16th October 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2170/F Lands approximately 400 m South West of No 175 Cloghfin Road Sixmilecross BT79 9EQ Proposed development of a single wind turbine (with 85 metre hub height and 71 metre rotor diameter), kiosk building, access and ancillary site works
LA10/2023/2195/F 52 Killyclogher Road, Omagh, BT79 7LP Proposed change of use of part of existing building from car showroom, workshop and external display area to proposed petrol filling station and supermarket. To include extension to existing building, amendments to car showroom elevations, new petrol forec
LA10/2023/2199/F 33 Main Street, Dromore BT78 3AE Change of Use of ground floor retail space to residential and alterations to front and rear elevations
LA10/2023/2205/F 8 Sunnycrest Gardens Lisnamallard Omagh Tyrone BT79 7BH Proposed improvements, and extension to rear of bungalow
LA10/2023/1837/F (Re-Advert) 3 Dromore Road Irvinestown BT94 1JB Change of use from office to ancillary residential accommodation with ground floor garage
LA10/2023/2177/O Grosvenor Barracks, Colehshill Road, Enniskillen Renewal of outline planning permission LA10/2020/0507/O for a shared, mixed use and mixed tenure housing regeneration scheme. Site to be developed for residential use, with associated open space and amenities (Play areas and Allotments)
LA10/2023/2194/F 334 Crom Road, Kilgarrow, Newtownbutler Retention (Temporary) permission for mobile home at existing dwelling/farm yard and connect to existing septic tank
LA10/2023/2196/F 18 Coalhill Road, Derryheely, Brookeborough Proposed Domestic Double Garage with attic store over
LA10/2023/2197/RM Immediately West of 636 and 638 Sligo Road, Belcoo East, Belcoo Erection of Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2198/F 25m NW of 15 Burrow Road, Aghyoule, Derrylin Replacement dwelling with detached domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2204/F 86 Magheraveely Road, Newtownbulter, BT92 6LJ Two storey side extension to dwelling to replace single storey garage
LA10/2023/2202/F 32 Lacky Road, Drumswords, Rosslea, BT92 7NQ Provision of an alternative road access to dwelling from approval L/2007/1160/F - dwelling

5th October 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/0271/F Approx 470m NW of 65 Altanaveragh Rd, Fintona 30m lattice telecommunications mast (revised access detail & ownership certificate)
LA10/2023/1580/F 33 Clontarf Drive, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage (revised visibility splays & ownership certificate)
LA10/2023/2162/F 180 Crevenagh Rd, Beragh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2163/LBC Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital, 1 Donaghanie Rd, Omagh Repairs to existing building
LA10/2023/2164/F 50m NW of 3 Liggins Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2167/F 24 Summerfield Court, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2175/RM 40m S of 35 Lakemount Rd, Dromore Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2178/F 44 Derrybard Rd, Omagh Retention of new garage, previously approved under LA10/2021/0026/F (garage)
LA10/2023/2190/F Asda Petrol Filling Station, No.31 Dromore Rd, Omagh 2 replacement fuel storage tanks
LA10/2023/2158/O Approx. 65m N of no 227 Tummery Rd, Irvinestown Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2161/F Rockfield Quarry, Enniskillen Re-profiling of agricultural land through infilling with inert overburden material from adjoining Rockfield Quarry (part retrospective). Proposed levelling with topsoil and seeding with grass for the purposes of agricultural land improvement.
LA10/2023/2174/F 190m NW of No. 122 Gurteen Rd Garrison 30m high telecommunications tower, equipment cabinets, 1.8m high compound fence & ancillary development.
LA10/2023/2176/O Immed E of 1 Oakfield Rd, Letterbreen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2179/RM Immediately N of 37 Old Coach Rd, Arney Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2180/O Between nos 35 and 43 Killymittan Rd, Ballinamallard Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2181/F 12m E of 81 Churchill Rd, Derrygonnelly Replacement building for use as a fishing lodge- amended design from LA10/2022/0085/F for same
LA10/2023/2189/F 32 Grogey Bridge Rd Fivemiletown Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/2191/O 32 Cornaleck Rd, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling

27th September 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2048/O Approx. 155m SW of 6 Garvaghy Rd, Omagh Approx. 155m SW of 6 Garvaghy Rd, Omagh Dwelling & Garage (revised site address)
LA10/2023/2119/O 27 Ballygowan Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2134/F Lands approx. 45m NW of 57 Loughmallon Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage in substitution of LA10/2021/0256/O for same.
LA10/2023/2135/O Approx 40m NW of 27 Owenreagh Rd, Dromore Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2153/F TESAB, Unit 9 Gortrush Ind Estate, Omagh External cladding to existing building
LA10/2023/2155/O Approx 25m S of 20 Drumrawn Rd, Drumquin Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2138/F 9 Bridge Pk, Maguiresbridge Extension to rear & first floor with alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2143/F 1 Killyliss Rd, Fivemiletown Dwelling- amended design from L/2008/0267/RM [Dwelling & Garage]
LA10/2023/2142/F 20-22 Main St, Irvinestown Change of use from a function space to an apartment.
LA10/2023/2141/F Sites 14, 15 & 16 Ratheden, Tempo 3 no dwellings - amended design & layout to approval LA10/2022/0112/F [Housing development]
LA10/2023/2140/F 237 Lough Shore Rd, Enniskillen Garden room, gym & boat storage ancillary to dwelling
LA10/2023/2146/F Approx. 1km NW of 24 Bunnisnagapple Rd, Brookeborough 35m lattice telecommunications tower, ancillary equipment with a 1.8m high fenced compound
LA10/2023/2147/F 82 Moybrone Rd, Enniskillen Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2150/F 62 Main Street, Brookeborough 2 storey rear extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2159/F 186 Killadeas Rd, Enniskillen Repositioning of Vehicular Access to Dwelling

22nd September 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2104/F East of 234 & 236 Newtownsaville Rd, Newtownsaville Proposed Treatment Plant
LA10/2023/2108/F 55 Curr Rd, Beragh Retention of existing access, pillars, walls and gates and Extension of Curtilage
LA10/2023/2128/O Approx 120m N of 14 Longhill Rd, Dromore Replacement dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2130/O Immed S of 8 Fintona Rd, Dromore Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2131/O Approx 140m SE from 42 Relagh Rd, Trillick Site for a farm dwelling and detached domestic garage.
LA10/2023/2105/RM 260m S of 38 Enniskillen Rd, Enniskillen Proposed Single Storey Retirement dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2107/F 152 Carrowshee Pk, Lisnaskea Extenstion to front/side of dwelling with new side entrance and steps
LA10/2023/2109/F 31 Mill St, Irvinestown Retention of Domestic Garage, Pool & Shed
LA10/2023/2113/F 135 Inishroosk Rd, Lisnaskea Proposed one and a half storey rear extension to existing farm house.
LA10/2023/2120/F 4 Meadow Farm, Enniskillen Single storey side extension to provide disabled facilities
LA10/2023/2115/O Approx. 50m NE of 10 Gardiners Cross Rd, Maguiresbridge 2no dwellings with domestic garages
LA10/2023/2116/O 40m N of 144 Keady Rd, Enniskillen Offsite replacement dwelling and garage with existing building retained as store for farm.
LA10/2023/2117/O 75m S of 144 Keady Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/2122/F 33 Drumskinney Rd, Kesh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2125/F Mullaghfad Forest (Forest Service) Cornarooslan, Approx. 750m SW of no. 122 Mullaghfad Rd, Brookeborough Proposed Installation of a 30m Lattice Mast painted Dark Green with 3no. Antenna and 2no. Dishes on a 6m x 6m concrete base plus 2no. equipment cabinets, 1no. electricity cabinet and 1no. generator cabin and all other ancillary equipment within a 1.8m high
LA10/2023/2127/F 74 Trasna Rd, Tempo Alterations to site entrance as previously approved under LA10/2020/1098/F (dwelling and domestic garae) to overcome visibility splays over existing grass verge.

12th September 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2082/F 79 Bencran Rd, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2085/O Immediately S of no.23 Foremass Rd, Sixmilecross Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2088/O Land between nos. 59 and 61 Camlough Rd, Sixmilecross Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2089/RM Adjacent to and 40m SW of 14 Comber Rd, Omagh Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2092/F Approx 70m NE of 31 Dromore Rd, Fintona Housing development
LA10/2023/2094/F Fintona Golf Club 1-3 Kiln St, Fintona Greenkeepers storage & maintainence shed
LA10/2023/2098/F 13b Dublin Rd, Omagh Part Change of Use from Office to 5 no Apartments
LA10/2023/2077/F Lands of former Unipork Site (now vacant) located East of Cornagrade Rd, & W of Irvinestown Rd to the S of the Cherrymount Link Rd/Irvinestown Rd/Cornagrade Rd roundabout 7 N of Nos 4-34 Kilmacormick Rd and Nos 124-152 Hillview Rd, Enniskillen Application under Section 54 to vary/remove planning condition no.2 imposed on planning permission LA10/2019/1392/F as amended by LA10/2023/1530/F to allow the gross floor area of the approved units (4no. retail units, 2no. garden centres and 1no. leisure
LA10/2023/2080/F 38 Trasna Way, Lisnaskea Retention of replacement garden shed at dwelling.
LA10/2023/2081/RM Approx. 60m SW of 151 Kesh Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/2083/F Immed W of 10 Dooard Rd Garrison Walking path & bollard lighting linking Dooard Road, to Lattone Road.
LA10/2023/2086/F Immed S of 10 Dooard Rd, Garrison Wellbeing Centre (Sports and Function Hall Complex) & Community Garden& car parking
LA10/2023/2091/F 225 Sligo Rd, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling & Carport
LA10/2023/2093/F Belcoo O’Rahillys GAC, 62 Lattone Road, Belcoo 2 storey extension to existing club rooms , detached storage shed, landscaping & ground improvements.
LA10/2023/2095/F Lands of former Unipork Site (now vacant) to the rear of Nos 32-34 Kilmacormick Rd, Enniskillen Proposed 2no. Sprinkler Tanks & Associated Pump House & Switch Room within service yard compound.
LA10/2023/2097/F 57 & 59, Moher Rd, Kinawley Change of use of former 2 No telecottages to 2 No dwellings with annex ( No 57 ) & erection of 2 No detached domestic garages
LA10/2023/2100/F 17 L.S. Browne Centre Tully Rd, Enniskillen "Two storey side extension to existing dentist teaching facility "

7th September 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1509/F Lands approx 330m NE of No. 181 Termon Rd, Pomeroy Retention of agricultural access & laneway. {increased sight splays & revised ownership certificate}
LA10/2023/2048/O 6 Garvaghy Rd, Omagh Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2053/F 28 Blackfort Rd, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2056/F 3 Tircur Rd, Omagh Extension to care home & detached activity centre building
LA10/2023/2057/F 5 Townview Ave, Omagh Alterations & extension to dwelling & new store
LA10/2023/2060/F 151 Termon Rd, Carrickmore Extension & alterations to dwelling & replacement store
LA10/2023/2061/O Between 116 & 120 Curr Rd, Beragh Dwelling & garage.
LA10/2023/2063/F 38 Freughmore Rd, Seskinore Dwelling & garage; amended design to K/2009/0382/F for same
LA10/2023/2064/F Lands between 9 & 15 Corrasheskin Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2066/O Approx 17m S of 51 Longhill Rd, Dromore Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2068/F 31 Magheralough Rd, Omagh New access to dwelling.
LA10/2023/2076/F 75 Killadeas Rd, Enniskillen Construction of new automated timber treatment plant & water storage tanks
LA10/2023/2075/F 9 Brook St, Lisbellaw Change of use from a shop to a cafe
LA10/2023/2073/F Site 200m S of 25 Inishmore Rd, Lisbellaw 3 no. glamping pods & associated site works.
LA10/2023/2071/F 12 Cornafannoge Rd, Enniskillen Change of Use from Farm Outbuildings & store to 2No. self catering apartments & store
LA10/2023/2055/F 30 Derrybrick Rd, Enniskillen Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2054/RM 38 Drumshancorick Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2045/F 15m S of No.21, Fairgreen Rd, Derrygonnelly Erection of 7no. dwellings & associated works
LA10/2023/1372/F Immediately NE of 9 Gardiners Rd, Maguiresbridge Dwelling & garage - renewal of previous approval L/2018/0269/F for same [amended address]

31st August 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1994/F Immediatley NE of Fletchers Farm 97 Lisnarick Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2029/F 189 Sligo Rd, Enniskillen Off site replacement dwelling with 2 garage buildings
LA10/2023/2034/F 142m S of 525 Boa Island Rd, Kesh Domestic boat house
LA10/2023/2038/F Mitten's Quarry, 371 Dernawilt Rd, Lisnaskea New overhead electricity line around quarry consisting of 11x span in wooden poles over 820m
LA10/2023/2039/F 77 Cloy Rd , Ederney Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/2040/O Immediately W of 34 Drumshancorick Rd, Rosslea Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2041/F 186 Lettermoney Rd, Irvinestown Replacement domestic garage & new separate boat shed
LA10/2023/2043/RM 17 Abbey Rd, Maguiresbridge Dwelling
LA10/2023/2044/F 19 Kinmeen Rd, Derrylin Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2050/F 120m W of 51 Corraglass Rd Enniskillen Section 54 application to vary condition no. 1 (ridge height) of approval LA10/2020/0782/O dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2052/F 3 Drumbeg, Enniskillen Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2046/RM Land adjacent to 27 Donaghanie Rd, Omagh Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2048/O 6 Garvaghy Road, Omagh Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/2053/F 28 Blackfort Road, Omagh Extension to dwelling

28th August 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/2013/RM 35m NE of 22 Tonagh Road Fintona Infill Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2017/F Adjacent to & immediately E of 10 Mullagharn Road, Omagh " Retention of access to field for agricultural use & internal stoned access road.
LA10/2023/2025/F 63 Camlough Road Sixmilecross Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/2028/F Approx. 190m SE 49 Cavan Rd Fintona Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/2035/F 167 Donaghanie Road, Beragh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1597/F Approx 800m NE of entrance to 5 Mullydoo Road, off Mullydo Road, Greencastle Re-Advertisement 25m high Swann cs5s lattice telecommunication tower c/w antennas, proposed TEF dish to be located within a new compound enclosed with 1.2 stock proof fence, c/w ancillary equipment - generator, equipment cabinet (Revised site location plan
LA10/2023/2015/F 4 Birch Grove Lisbellaw Single storey rear extension
LA10/2023/2019/O Between 50&54 Derryharney Rd, Lisbellaw Infill Site for 2 dwellings & garages
LA10/2023/2021/F Immediately NE of 16c Chanterhill Rd, Enniskillen "Dwelling & garage-Change of house type & garage from LA10/2021/0977/F(dwelling) "
LA10/2023/2024/F Minnabeg 84 Irvinestown Rd, Enniskillen "2 No Prefabricated garden holiday pods "
LA10/2023/2026/O Immediately SE of No. 5 Donegall Rd Enniskillen Dwelling
LA10/2023/2027/F 525 Boa Island Rd, Kesh Renovation & Extension to Dwelling
LA10/2023/2031/F Immediately N of 66 Ned Rd Derrylin Farm Dwelling
LA10/2023/2033/F 14 Crest Rd Enniskillen Alterations to dwelling & erection of detached garage.

17th August 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1989/F 98 Doogary Rd Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1993/F 19 Holme Rd Dromore Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1995/O Approx. 38m N of 20 Longhill Rd Dromore Approx. 38m N of 20 Longhill Rd Dromore
LA10/2023/1999/F 20 Buchanan Villas Killyclogher Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/2001/F Approx 70m S of 64 Fireagh Rd Omagh Dwelling
LA10/2023/2000/RM Approx 155m W of 151 Loughmacrory Rd Loughmacrory Dwelling
LA10/2023/2007/O Approx 40m NE of 123 Greenan Rd Trillick Dwelling & Garage - Renewal of LA10/2020/0379/O
LA10/2023/2009/F Immediately W of 27 Shanmullagh Rd Omagh Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/2010/O Between 35&39 Shanmullagh Rd Omagh Dwelling
LA10/2023/1977/O Approx 150m W NW of no 59 Edenmore Rd Tempo Farm dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1988/F Jenkin Forest (Forest Service) Approx. 410m N of no. 237 Eshnadarragh Rd Rosslea 35m High Lattice Telecommunications Tower within fenced compound
LA10/2023/1992/F Approximately 160m NW of 87 Shankill Rd Enniskillen Farm Dwelling Garage
LA10/2023/1994/F Fletchers Farm 97 Lisnarick Rd Enniskillen Dwelling and Garage
LA10/2023/1997/F 60m E of 40 Follum Rd Roslea Amended access to that approved under LA10/2023/1478/RM-[Dwelling]
LA10/2023/1998/F Approx 110m S of 274 Lough Shore Rd Derrygonnelly Dwelling house & garage
LA10/2023/2005/F N of Lakeland Cottages Finn Lough 37 Letter Rd Kesh 3.No Cabins for holiday accommodation -amended design to LA10/2022/0176/F- bubble domes

14th August 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1437/F (Re-Advert) Adjacent to 19 Johnston Park, Dergmoney Lower, Omagh, BT78 1JJ Proposed two storey building comprising of ground floor offices and 2no first floor apartments
LA10/2023/1978/F Approximately 60m South of 139 Corbally Road, Fintona, BT78 2PB Proposed replacement dwelling house
LA10/2023/1980/O Approx 25m North West of 22 Greenan Road, Trillick Proposed site for dwelling and garage on a farm
LA10/2023/1985/O 110 metres South of 35 Crockanboy Road, Omagh, BT79 8PX Site for replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1981/F Land adjacent to and South of 22 Flaxfield Wood, Enniskillen Proposed Detached 2 Storey Dwelling

4th August 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1923/F 72-74 Omagh Rd, Dromore Warehouse & office building with relocation of existing carpark.
LA10/2023/1952/F 25a Tattykeel Rd, Omagh Domestic storage shed
LA10/2023/1955/O Approx 525m SE of no 14 Todds Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1956/RM Adjacent & to the S of 22 Springhill Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1958/LBC Units above 49, 51, 53 & 55 Royal Arms Mews, Omagh Change of use from retail premises to Hotel bedrooms.
LA10/2023/1965/O Adjacent to 121 & 125 Whitebridge Rd, Sixmilecross Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1966/F Approx 85m NW of No. 45 Woodstone Rd, Beragh 2 No. farm sheds
LA10/2023/1973/RM Lands 60m W of 203 Corbally Rd, Fintona Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1974/RM Adjacent and 20m NW of No. 20 Kilcootry Rd, Fintona Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1954/RM 140m NNW of 77 Drumshancorick Rd, Rosslea Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1960/F 12 Cherrymount Green, Enniskillen Rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1962/F To rear & 20m N of 136 Belfast Rd Enniskillen Retention of outdoor recreation area & associated structures
LA10/2023/1963/F 10 Agharainy Rd, Kesh Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1967/F 18 Killadeas Rd, Enniskillen Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1968/F 49 Gardrum Rd, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/1969/O 69 Knockninny Rd, Enniskillen Replacement Dwelling

31st July 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1913/F Lands located c.1,130m NW of 101 Willmount Rd, Drumquin 80m high temporary anemometer mast
LA10/2023/1929/F Between nos. 53 & 55 Tattykeel Rd, Clanabogan Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1930/F Land approx. 60m N of 40 Keenogue Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1931/F Land approx 20m E of 8 Curly Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1932/F Land approx 200m South of no.17 Skreen Road, Omagh Battery energy storage solution including battery enclosures, fencing, landscaping & ancillary works.
LA10/2023/1941/F Macca Resource Centre 21a Knockshee Pk, Omagh Hardstanding & container for storage of gardening equipment
LA10/2023/1942/F 151 Whitebridge Rd, Carrickmore Extension to dwelling & new garage
LA10/2023/1946/F 12 Glenaness Rd, Omagh Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/1948/F 50 Fintona Rd, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1951/F 80m NE of 14 Hillfoot Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1851/RM 100m N of Presbyterian Church, Tullyhommon, Kesh Two dwelling houses
LA10/2023/1927/O 20m N of 81 Churchill Rd, Derrygonnelly Dwelling house
LA10/2023/1936/F 60m W of 24 Derrygore Rd, Enniskillen Farm dwelling
LA10/2023/1944/O 140m E of 61 Letter Rd, Kesh Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1947/F 9 Rigg Rd, Enniskillen Extension & Alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/1949/F 284 Gola Rd, Lisnaskea Extensions to Dwelling

24th July 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1915/O Immediately North West of 51 Lattone Road Belcoo West Belcoo BT93 5AS Erection of Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1920/F 18 High Street Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 7EH Proposed change of use from Retail to Cancer Support Centre with Retail, including associated alterations to building.
LA10/2023/1922/F Tesco Superstore Derrychara Link Enniskillen BT74 6JF Proposed click and collect parking space with canopy and steel protection bollards
LA10/2023/1924/F 208 - 210 Pettigo Road Killynoogan Kesh Fermanagh BT93 8DA Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1907/F Adjacent to 34b Rockstown Road Omagh BT79 9BE Proposed prefabricated workshop to assist with the growth and expansion of existing workshop
LA10/2023/1916/RM Immediately adjacent to 43 Derroar Road, Omagh, BT79 0SN Proposed dwelling for domestic use & associated site works
LA10/2023/1928/F 32 Drumman Glen Loughmacrory Omagh BT79 9LY Proposed single storey rear extension to dwelling and provision of ramped access to gable

17th July 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1503/F Re-ad 83 Rossmacaffry Road, Enniskillen Amended access to site and amended siting and orientation of detached garage to that approved under LA10/2019/1329/F (Replacement dwelling)
LA10/2023/1705/O Re-adv Between No.76 and No.80 Killee Road, Ballinamallard Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1874/O Enniskillen RFC, 45 Ardgart Road, Ballinamallard New clubhouse and changing rooms, with associated works
LA10/2023/1885/F Site Entrance located approx 186m North of 166 Dooish Road, Drumquin Alteration to approved Curraghmulkin Wind Farm (K/2008/0334/F) reduction from 10 no. (125m in height) to 7no. (150-180m in height ), repositioning of previously approved electrical control building & compound, minor amendments to turbine location, access t
LA10/2023/1887/F 101 Enniskillen Road, Enniskillen Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1888/F 56 Hospital Road, Omagh Alterations to dwelling & shed
LA10/2023/1891/F Lands at the former Tyrone County Hospital, Omagh Dwellings (design changes to approval LA10/2021/0743/F plots 136-141 & 148-150)
LA10/2023/1896/RM Approx. 40m South of 4 Corradinna Road, Omagh Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1897/F 270m North of 80 Druminiskill Road, Enniskillen Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1899/F 15 Magheraveely Road, Newtownbutler Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1900/F 83A Dublin Road, Omagh New Golf Professional's shop
LA10/2023/1901/F 180m North East of 83 Clabby Road, Tempo Agricultural Machinery Shed
LA10/2023/1902/O 250m South West of 114 Teiges Hill Road, Brookeborough Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1904/RM 116 Gillygooley Road, Drumquin Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1905/F 359 Lisnaskea Road, Derrylin Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/1906/F 48 Inishative Road, Carrickmore New access
LA10/2023/1908/F 20 Main Street, Beragh Alterations and extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1912/F 30m East of 5 Gortmore Drive, Omagh Two dwellings and garages
LA10/2023/1914/O Immediately West of 45 Syonee Road, Fintona Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1917/RM 140m South West of 39 Castlederg Road, Ederney Replacement dwelling

10th July 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1859/F 20 and 21 James Street, Omagh Extension of supermarket car park
LA10/2023/1882/O Immediately South West of 67 Tattymoyle Road, Fintona Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1886/F 16 St Julians Road Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1870/F Killycappy Road Approx. 75m SW of 137 Edenamohill Road Lack Dwelling
LA10/2023/1872/F Rockfield Quarry, 371 Dernwilt Road, Lisnaskea Extension and part retrospective application for extraction of limestone
LA10/2023/1875/F Between No. 11 & No. 17 Rossdoney Road, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage, amended design to LA10/2021/0542/RM (dwelling & garage)
LA10/2023/1878/F 5 Crom Estate Road, Enniskillen Replacement & upgrade of play equipment with new access path.
LA10/2023/1880/RM 30m E of 124 Marble Arch Road, Wheathill, Florencecourt Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1881/LBC 21 Enniskillen Road, Castle Irvine Demesne, Necarne, Irvinestown Alterations and Improvements to Gatelodge
LA10/2023/1893/F 43 Cloghtogle Road, Coolbuck, Lisbellaw Dwelling, amended design to L/2008/1117/RM (dwelling)

3rd July 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1848/F 184 Teemore Rd, Derrylin Alterations to existing domestic garage to form Guest Room & Games Room ancillary to dwelling.
LA10/2023/1855/F No. 64 A-H Brookmount Rd, Omagh Change of use and erection of link building to 2No apartment blocks to provide healthcare facility.
LA10/2023/1864/F 4 Nugents Entry Enniskillen Change of use from health & fitness centre to cafe
LA10/2023/1865/F 205 Eshnadarragh Road Rosslea Side & Front extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1866/F Fermanagh Lakeland Forum, 11 Shore Road, Enniskillen Redevelopment of the existing Fermanagh Lakeland Forum site & associated works, car parking & access arrangements
LA10/2023/1867/O Immediately E of 19 Kilskeery Rd Trillick Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1868/F 15 Lisnahanna Rd, Trillick Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1869/F 63 Screeby Rd, Trillick Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1871/F 62 Ballintempo Rd, Belcoo Alterations to existing dwelling to provide a personal hobby space; & conversion of adjacent barn to provide dwelling.
LA10/2023/1873/F Immedaitely NE of 28 Tattykeel Road, Omagh Change of use from welder's workshop to pet crematorium
LA10/2023/1877/F Approx. 75m SE of No. 24 Faugher Road, Enniskillen Erection of Agricultural store & cattle crush

26th June 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1815/F Approx 30m NE of 1 Donaghanie Rd, Omagh 20m telecommunications monopole, 4 no. cabinets & ancillary development
LA10/2023/1819/O Approx 50m E of 58 Dromore Rd, Fintona Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1846/RM 45m N of 160 Tummery Rd, Dromore Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1847/F 30m W of 95 Rosnareen Rd, Trillick Dwelling, design changes to LA10/2021/1391/RM (dwelling)
LA10/2023/1856/F 8 Shergrim Glen, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1857/F 31 Foremass Rd, Sixmilecross Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1625/F Re-Advertisment No. 27 High St & No. 1-3 Market St, Enniskillen Change of use to bookmakers & extension (Amended address)
LA10/2023/1828/F 8 Brook Street, Lisbellaw Change of use & extension to form veterinary clinic
LA10/2023/1829/F 86 Lettermoney Rd, Ballinamallard Erection of annex building to provide ancillary accomodation to dwelling approved under L/2007/1484/RM-dwelling.
LA10/2023/1831/F 9 Drumhack Rd, Enniskillen, Dwelling with car-port & garage - Change of House Type & extension of curtilage to L/2014/0272/F-Dwelling&garage
LA10/2023/1833/F 217 Knockmore Road, Garrison Alterations to dwelling.
LA10/2023/1837/F 3 Dromore Rd, Irvinestown Change of use from office to first floor apartment with ground floor garage
LA10/2023/1841/F 10 Derrygonnelly Road Enniskillen Extension to existing storage yard
LA10/2023/1843/F 195 Drummeer Rd, Maguiresbridge Change of use of Domestic Garage to Ancillary Accommodation
LA10/2023/1845/F 17 Breandrum Court, Enniskillen Change of Use from Detached Garage to Dwelling
LA10/2023/1851/RM 100m N of Presbyterian Church, Tullyhommon Two dwelling houses.
LA10/2023/1858/F Approx. 33m NE of No.14 Drumcor Road Tempo Proposed solar array, energy storage system & associated transformer
LA10/2023/1854/F 67 Riverside, Cornagrade, Enniskillen Extension to hair & beauty salon

19th June 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1801/F 48 Galbally Road,Dromore BT78 3HX Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1816/F 2 Sperrin Park Culmore Omagh Tyrone BT78 5BA Proposed bedroom & shower room extension to front of dwelling
LA10/2023/1818/RM 50m South West of 169 Corbally Road, Dungoran, Fintona Co. Tyrone BT78 2PD Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1820/RM 100m SW of 87 Arvalee Road, Omagh Proposed dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1824/F 20m South & South West of 28 St.Dympna's Road, Dromore, BT78 3JG Retention of 1no. detached dwelling and 1no. pair of semi-detached dwellings (as built) with altered internal boundaries and repositioned site access arrangements
LA10/2023/1823/RM 60m North of 60 Castletown Road, Newtownstewart Proposed Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1836/F 31 Drumlester Road Aghnaglea Sixmilecross BT79 9NW Dwelling with a Carport (change of house type)
LA10/2023/1839/O Approx 90m North East of no.39 Edenbrack Road, Killybrack, Omagh, BT79 7JU Proposed two storey dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2022/0946/F Lands to the West and South West of 4 Derrynacrannog Road Tievealough Belleek (Re-Advertisement) - Proposed tourism scheme consisting of glamping accommodation (10no. glamping pods), the erection of ancillary building and associated site works (Amended description - reduced scheme)
LA10/2023/1817/F 54 Eshnadarragh Road Derrynawilt East Rosslea Fermanagh BT92 7JU Erection of two domestic outbuildings
LA10/2023/1821/F 28 Mountain Road, Lack, BT93 0AS Alterations to front elevation of dwelling
LA10/2023/1826/F 25 Graffy Road, Kinawley BT92 4EQ Extensions to dwelling
LA10/2023/1834/F 100 Old Coach Road, Bellanaleck BT92 3DZ Replacement Dwelling with Garage
LA10/2023/1832/LBC Eglinton Lodge 3 Lisnarick Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1EY Alterations and repairs to Listed Building including demolition of warehouse structure to rear
LA10/2023/1838/F 10 Ross Close Cornagrade Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 6EG Extension and improvements to dwelling
LA10/2023/1840/F Silverhill Cottage, 47 Derrygonnelly Road, Enniskillen, BT74 5NS Replacement Dwelling and Garages

12th June 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1776/F 1 Hawthorn Grove, Omagh, BT79 7HY Proposed ground and first floor extension to side of dwelling and first floor extension to rear annex
LA10/2023/1786/RM 65m NE OF 160 Tummery Road, Tummery, Dromore 2 Storey Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1787/O Between 112a & 112b Lenagh Road, Mountfield, Omagh Infill Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1791/F NI Water Service Reservoir Backglen Road, Omagh, BT79 7NH Upgrade of works including pumping station, control centre, transformer kiosk and associated pipework to connect to existing infrastructure on site
LA10/2023/1804/F 125m SE of 25 Coolaharan Road, Sixmilecross BT79 9LP Change of house type from dwelling previously approved under LA10/2021/0842/F
LA10/2023/1808/F 9 High Street, Omagh, BT78 1BA Proposed change of use of part of existing storage area to rear of public house to beer garden
LA10/2023/1814/F 31 Esker Road Esker Dromore Tyrone BT78 3LE Single storey rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1775/RM Approx 270m South East of 5 Dresternan Road Drummannagapple Derrylin BT92 9FE Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1785/F 51 Millwood Road, Maguiresbridge BT94 4LY Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1788/F 400m NW of No. 86 Killyliss Road, Fivemiletown, BT75 0SZ Slurry store (retrospective) & proposed earth bunds
LA10/2023/1789/F 48 Belview Road, Ring, Enniskillen, BT74 4JH Alterations to existing dwelling house
LA10/2023/1790/F Inish Divann Island, Lower Lough Erne, Enniskillen Extension to jetty to provide floating breakwater & bridge
LA10/2023/1793/F 68 Main Street, Brookeborough, BT94 4EZ Change of Use to dwelling & external alterations
LA10/2023/1795/O Lands 240mts North of 128 Brollagh Road, Derrynameeno, Garrison Replacement Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1796/F 100m South East of 133 Edenmore Road, Tempo, BT94 3JA Section 54 application to modifiy condition no 1 (noise emission) of application LA10/2020/0160/F (replacement wind turbine)
LA10/2023/1797/RM 95 Skeoge Road, Enniskillen, BT94 4GQ Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1800/F 96 Carrickbeg Road Aghamore Derrygonnelly Fermanagh BT74 5AZ Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1806/LBC Enniskillen Workhouse, 9 Erne Road, Enniskillen BT74 6NN Permission to retain finger guards to historic arched entrance door
LA10/2023/1807/F 10 Creevehill Road, Brookeborough BT75 0SF Proposed Access Path, Ramp & Steps at existing Rugby grounds
LA10/2023/1809/F 11 Gortahurk Road, Enniskillen, BT92 9DD 2 no. extensions to house new plant & equipment
LA10/2023/1480/F Approximately 45m West of 121 Glen Road Tempo Co Fermanagh BT94 3JW (Re-Advertisement) - 2 Storey Farm Dwelling, Domestic Garage and Associated Groundworks

5th June 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1688/RM Approx. 40m South West of 66 Fintona Road, Dromore, BT78 3AL Proposed erection of 2 storey farm dwelling and garage /store
LA10/2023/1758/F Lands approximately 165 metres West of no. 45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co Tyrone, BT79 7SF Variation of Condition 41 of K/2014/0246/F (Article 28 application for non-compliance with conditions 25 and 26 of application No K/2013/0072/F (Extension to existing underground exploration tunnel; including temporary buildings, vehicle parking, waste roc
LA10/2023/1759/F Lands approximately 600 metres South West of No.45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co. Tyrone, BT79 7SF Variation of Condition 6 of K/2014/0387/F (Revised explosives store location and layout; a temporary explosives store building, extension to the existing access track, security fencing and gates, 3 culverts/headwalls; CCTV; screening bund, protective housi
LA10/2023/1777/F 31 Glen Road Drumquin Co. Tyrone BT78 4RW Proposed Dwelling & Garage (Change of House Type from Previous Approval K/2006/1421/F)
LA10/2020/0762/F 85m North of 42 Edergoole Road Edergoole Lower Omagh Re-advertisement - Proposed waste facility (for the Incineration of livestock) and all associated works (additional information received)
LA10/2023/1753/F 14 Binmore Road Corracloon Derrygonnelly Fermanagh BT93 6BS Replacement dwelling &garage
LA10/2023/1761/F 28 Floraville Drumclay Enniskillen BT74 6AP Extensions to dwelling, ramp to front & fencing
LA10/2023/1770/F 29 Dromore Road Drumharvey, Irvinestown, BT94 1GZ Extension and alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/1773/F Lands 190m North of Townview Farm 10 Breagho Road Breagho Enniskillen BT74 4DE Wind Turbine
LA10/2023/1781/F 121 Lisnarick Road Drumadravy Irvinestown Fermanagh BT94 1LQ 6 no. self catering pods
LA10/2023/1783/O Between No's.130 and 134 Eshnadarragh Road Drumerheeve Rosslea Fermanagh BT92 7JX Dwelling & garage Infill
LA10/2021/0674/F Former TP Topping car dealership 18 Dublin Road Enniskillen Re-advertisement - Demolition of existing garage and erection of a freestanding McDonald's Restaurant with drive-thru, car parking, landscaping and associated works including 2No customer order displays

29th May 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1751/F 8 Slattinagh Rd, Garrison Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1767/F 25 Devenish Manor, Enniskillen Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1750/F 14 Crocknageeragh Rd Omagh Replacement porch on dwelling
LA10/2023/1754/F 20 Harpur Rd, Omagh Conversion of domestic garage to 'Granny Flat'
LA10/2023/1755/O SW of 43 Knockmoyle Rd, Omagh Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1760/LBC 14 High St, Omagh Replacement signage internally & externally, provision of a digital screen & painting to windows & railings

22nd May 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1722/F 32 Derrintony Road, Derrylin Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1724/F Rear of 12-14 Lawnakilla Pk, Enniskillen 2 dwellings (Change of house types for sites 1 & 2 of LA10/2021/0199/F- 4no. dwellings)
LA10/2023/1728/F Land immediately S & NE of no.465G Lough Shore Rd, Derrygonnelly 3no self-catering holiday cottages with access
LA10/2023/1730/F Lands approx 575m SE of no.233 Coa Rd, Enniskillen Wind turbine - amended size from LA10/2016/0402/F - (Wind Turbine)
LA10/2023/1731/F Crom Estate Upper Lough Erne, Newtownbutler 3no. Timber platforms with bell tents (camping)
LA10/2023/1732/O Land immediately SW of no.40 Drumadagarve Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1734/F Land approx 390m SW of 175 Lough Shore Rd, Enniskillen New access & laneway
LA10/2023/1737/O Land immediately E of No.22 Rigg Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1745/RM 59 Cooneen Rd, Brookeborough Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1743/F 12 Carn Rd, Ederney New Access & Laneway
LA10/2023/1747/F 44 Sheridan Rd, Irvinestown Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1729/F Approx 615m SE OF 30 Segully Rd, Drumquin Wind Turbine
LA10/2023/1738/F Lands immediately NW of 12 Drum Rd, Omagh Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1735/F 5 Lissan Court, Omagh Extension to dwelling

15th May 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1704/O Approx 15m South East of 108 Corbo Road, Garvallagh, Seskinore, BT78 2QP Proposed infill site for Dwelling and Garage
LA10/2023/1706/O 60m North East of 400 Crockanboy Road, Creggan, Carrickmore, BT79 9AF Proposed Farm dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/1708/F 41 Stralongford Road Feglish, Trillick, Tyrone BT78 3TZ Proposed 2 storey rear extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1709/RM Approx. 110m North of the junction of Camcosy Road and Greencastle Road accessing onto Camcosy Road, Greencastle, BT79 7QP Proposed Erection of Dwelling
LA10/2023/1710/F 30 meters South East of 60 Farmhill Road, Omagh BT79 0JW Proposed new dwelling and detached garage
LA10/2023/1712/F 30m North of 42 Eshmore Road, Tattymoyle Upper, Trillick BT78 3QD change of house type and of site replacement dwelling house and detached domestic garage in lieu of application LA10/2019/0347/F granted 26th April 2019
LA10/2023/1713/RM 29 Curly Road, Omagh, BT78 3HB Off site replacement 2 storey dwelling house with detached domestic garage.
LA10/2023/1715/F 92 Carnalea Road, Tullyvally, Seskinore BT78 2PU Single storey extension to front and side of dwelling house
LA10/2023/1717/F 500 metres S.E. OF 84 Toddsleap Road, Omagh, BT79 9HY Proposed new entrance and laneway to approval LA10/2021/0760/RM
LA10/2023/1700/F 15 Drumhoney Lane, Drumhoney, Lisnarick, BT94 1NB Extension to Holiday Park for 12 static caravans
LA10/2023/1702/LBC Florence Court, 48 Marble Arch Road, Enniskillen Demountable level access ramp to front elevation
LA10/2023/1705/O 78 Killee Road, Coa, Enniskillen, BT94 2FS 1 & 1/2 storey dwelling
LA10/2023/1707/F Two Chimneys 25 Cloonatrig Road Derryinch Bellanaleck Improvements & extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1711/F Benburgh-hill House, Drumclay Park North, Enniskillen, BT74 6ND Extension to Funeral Home to provide additional meeting area, storage & garage.
LA10/2023/1716/F Inish Divann Island, Lower Lough Erne, Enniskillen Extension to jetty to provide floating breakwater & bridge

8th May 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1684/O Approx 25m NW of No. 60 Corbally Rd, Tireen, Fintona, BT78 2JN Dwelling and garage on farm
LA10/2023/1689/F 30 Corran Road, Omagh, BT79 7JW Single storey extensions to side elevation NW, to side elevation SE and to rear of existing dwelling
LA10/2023/1692/O 5 Aghafad Road, Fintona, BT78 2EG Site for housing
LA10/2023/1693/F Lands approx. 177m North of 71 Cornavarrow Road, Dooish, Drumquin, Omagh, BT78 4RN Proposed erection of a ‘synchronous condenser’ compound and ancillary works
LA10/2023/1695/F 26a Gortin Road, Omagh, BT79 7HX Proposed storage unit associated with the existing shop
LA10/2023/1696/O Approximately 45 metres South West of 91 Edergoole Road, Fintona Erection of a dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1699/O Lands Between Nos 48 & 50 Crouck Road, Mountfield, Omagh, BT79 8HT Proposed Infill Site For Dwelling And Detached Double Garage
LA10/2023/1603/O 100m NE of 46 Tullyhill Road Tully North Maguiresbridge BT94 4SU Dwelling & garage on a farm
LA10/2023/1625/F 27 High Street & 5a Market Street, Enniskillen Change of use to bookmakers & extension
LA10/2023/1681/F 286 Nutfield Road, Lisolvan, Brookeborough BT94 4HL Single storey side extension to hall
LA10/2023/1683/F 277 Nutfield Road, Enniskillen, BT94 4HL Erection of Domestic store for housing vehicles & boat
LA10/2023/1685/F 50 Trillick Road Drumcreen Ballinamallard Fermanagh BT94 2JL Extension and renovation to dwelling
LA10/2023/1687/F 3 Meadow Farm, Enniskillen, BT74 4QS Proposed Alteration To Existing Garage To Form Additional Bedroom and Ensuite and Relocation Of Existing Boiler
LA10/2023/1697/F 107 Stragowna Road, Carn, Kinawley, Enniskillen, BT92 4HG Dwelling & garage-amended design to L/2009/1005/RM [dwelling & garage]
LA10/2023/1698/F 103 Sligo Line, Letterbreen, Enniskillen, BT74 9AE Extension & Alterations to dwelling and erection of new stables & domestic store
LA10/2023/1701/RM Site 70metres West of 83 Clabby Road, Furnish, Tempo Co. Fermanagh BT75 0QY Erection of dwelling

1st May 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1589/F Approx. 185m South of 41 Killymore Road Dunbunrawer Newtownstewart Co. Tyrone BT78 4DT Proposed sand and gravel extraction
LA10/2023/1665/LBC Bank of Ireland, 23-25 Campsie Road, Omagh, BT79 0AE Internal refurbishment with new disabled WC on ground floor with, shared refreshment facilities. First floor offices to be refurbished with new finishes
LA10/2023/1668/F 1A Kevlin Heights Dergmoney Lower Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 1NL Single storey extension to one-bedroom apartment
LA10/2023/1679/RM 215m SE of 143 Kilnahushogue Road Tatnadaveny Fintona BT78 2ER 1.5 Storey Dwelling with sunroom and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/1669/O Site Immediately west of 56 Glennasheevar Road, Leglehid, Garrison, BT93 4BZ Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1670/F Rossharbour Resort, 435 Boa Island Road, Kesh BT93 2AL Change of use from a health suite to a resort site shop & 1 self catering unit (1 Bedroom)
LA10/2023/1671/F 82 Millwood Road, Millwood, Lisbellaw, BT94 5HQ Change of Use from domestic garage to ancillary living accommodation
LA10/2023/1673/F 566 Lattone Road Carran West Garrison Fermanagh BT93 4EL Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1675/F 32 Pubble Road Pubble Tempo Fermanagh BT94 3NB Extensions & alteration to dwelling
LA10/2023/1676/F 22 Castlebalfour Road Castle Balfour Demesne Lisnaskea Fermanagh BT92 0LT Rear extension to dwelling (Retrospective)
LA10/2023/1678/O 151 Lack Road Derryveone Irvinestown Fermanagh BT94 1BR Proposed 1.5 Storey replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1682/F 15 Barranderry Heights, Enniskillen, BT74 6JW Extensions & alterations to dwelling

24th April 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1620/F 122 Swanlinbar Road, Bellanaleck Dwelling & garage - Amended design from L/2010/0777/F (dwelling & garage)
LA10/2023/1627/F 24 Holywell Road, Belcoo Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1628/F Site 1 on Lands to the rear of no.s 61-89 Farnamullan Road, Lisbellaw Dwelling-amended design from- LA10/2018/0541/F [housing development]
LA10/2023/1634/F Lands immediately West of 4-12 Grove Heights, Ederney Housing Development
LA10/2023/1641/F Immediate North West of 35 Kinawley Road, Kinawley Farm dwelling
LA10/2023/1644/F 115 Creevehill Road, Fivemiletown Extension to industrial shed & associated car parking.
LA10/2023/1646/F 101 Lettergreen Road, Donagh Section 54 application to modify condition 1 (programme of archaeological works), condition 2 (archaeological works) and condition 3 (archaeological report) of LA10/2022/1140/F [new gate entrance& boundary wall]
LA10/2023/1650/F 154 Rossorry Church Road, Enniskillen Erection of Parish Centre, extension to car park & new entrance
LA10/2023/1651/LBC 154 Rossorry Church Road, Enniskillen Demolition of existing Stable building & erection of parish Centre, extension to car park & new entrance
LA10/2023/1652/F 623 Boa Island Road, Mullynaval, Kesh 5 No.glamping pods
LA10/2023/1653/F 256 Ballyconnell Rd, Enniskillen Proposed 75,000 litre oil storage tank
LA10/2023/1659/F 34 Springtown Road, Kinawley Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1662/F 28 Spruce Hill, Irvinestown Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1530/F Lands of former Unipork Site (now vacant) located East of Cornagrade Road, and West of Irvinestown Road to the South of the Cherrymount Link Road/Irvinestown Road/Cornagrade Road roundabout and North of Nos 4-34 Kilmacormick Road and Nos 124-152 Hillview R Section 54 application to vary conditions nos. 1 (goods permitted for sale in each unit) and 2 (gross floorspace of each unit) of LA10/2019/1392/F (Mixed Use Retail and Leisure Development).-Additional Supporting Statement.
LA10/2023/1605/F Approx 160m NW of No. 80 Doogary Road, Omagh Proposed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facility
LA10/2023/1611/F 14 Tursallagh Road, Sixmilecross Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/1623/O Adjacent to and north of No.45 Carryglass Road, Fintona Dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1633/F West of No. 10 Main Street, Seskinore. Housing development
LA10/2023/1642/F Immediately SW of 26 Church Road, Beragh 5no. dwellings
LA10/2023/1643/O Adj to 31 Rock Road, Greencastle Renewal of LA10/2020/0135/O for dwelling
LA10/2023/1645/F Lands to the W & NW of No 39 Crevenagh Road, Omagh Housing development

17th April 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1617/F Approx 30m SE of 3 Carnalea Road, Castletown, Fintona, BT78 2BY PROPOSED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 16 No. SEMI DETATCHED DWELLINGS PHASE 2
LA10/2023/1618/F 50m SE OF 34A Rockstown Road, Carrickmore New access to dwelling approved under LA10/2022/0375/F-[Dwelling]
LA10/2023/1624/O Site adjacent to and approx 50m South east of No.25 Glenderg Road, Omagh BT79 7JP Proposed one-and-a-half storey dwelling house and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/1635/RM Lands 40m West of 120 Camlough Road, Carrickmore, BT79 9BS Farm Dwelling With Detached Garage
LA10/2023/1639/F Lands immediately West of 159 Termon Road, Carrickmore, Co. Tyrone Proposed Storage building for storing & maintaining quarry machinery in association with existing quarry business
LA10/2023/1596/LBC 1 LOUGH SHORE ROAD PORTORA ENNISKILLEN FERMANAGH BT74 7HA Re-slating to all roof slopes, replacement ridge tiles & lead valleys; repair to rainwater goods; re-rendering & repair to mortar; repair to mouldings; refurbishment of windows & doors
LA10/2023/1606/F 1 LOUGH SHORE ROAD PORTORA ENNISKILLEN FERMANAGH BT74 7HA Redevelopment and extension of the existing Portora Royal Grammar School site, including new access & car parking
LA10/2023/1610/RM 80m W of 72 Derrynacross Road, Laughill, Belleek Replacement Dwelling House with Double Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1613/F 54 Slievebane Rd, Irvinestown, BT94 1DB Replacement dwelling, retaining all existing buildings on site
LA10/2023/1615/F 81 Main Street, Tempo, BT94 3LU Extension to site curtilage to provide additional parking and to include new underground fuel tank, EV Charge Points, boundary fencing and retaining wall
LA10/2023/1616/F 49 Lisdead Road, Enniskillen, BT74 8DE Replacement dwelling with conversion of original dwelling to garden store
LA10/2023/1622/F Immediately North of 1-6 Cherrymount Green KNOCKALOUGH ENNISKILLEN FERMANAGH BT74 4GB Change of House Types on sites 60 - 63 and 104 – 105, from approval LA10/2019/0006/RM-[Housing development]
LA10/2023/1631/F Holy Trinity Church of Ireland 14 Church Lane, Lisnaskea, BT92 0GJ Extension to graveyard
LA10/2023/1632/F 83 Pettigo Road, Kesh, BT93 1JF Erection of replacement dwelling and all associated siteworks
LA10/2023/1636/RM Lands North & Adjacent to 105 Mullaghfad Road, Cooneen, Brookeborough, BT75 0JJ Proposed dwelling & integrated domestic garage
LA10/2023/1638/F Site Adjacent & East of 40 Kilronan Road, Kilronan, Lisnaskea, Fermanagh, BT92 5EL Proposed Dwelling

10th April 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1593/F Derrygonnelly Primary School 22 Caldrum Road Derrygonnelly Co. Fermanagh BT93 6HY Car parking, new access & alteration of existing access
LA10/2023/1594/F 38 Forthill Street, Enniskillen, BT74 6AJ Change of use from existing shop to hot food take away
LA10/2023/1595/F 11 Station Brae, Ballinamallard, BT94 2FA First Floor Extensions to Rear & Side of dwelling
LA10/2023/1572/F Foundry Lane & adjoining Kevlin Avenue. Omagh BT78 1ED Proposed paving, kerbing, surface water drainage, lighting improvements and street furniture
LA10/2023/1590/F 28 Erganagh Road Erganagh Glebe Omagh Co. Tyrone BT79 7SX Proposed detached annex to dwelling
LA10/2023/1597/F Approx 550m NE of entrance to 5 Mullydoo Road, Greencastle, BT79 8HB 25m high Swann cs5s lattice telecommunication tower c/w antennas, proposed TEF dish to be located within a new compound enclosed with 1.2 stock proof fence, c/w ancillary equipment - generator, equipment cabinet
LA10/2023/1598/F 38 Coyagh Road, Dromore, Omagh, BT78 3HA Extensions to bungalow to provide new front porch and additional bedroom
LA10/2023/1600/F 109 Lenagh Road, Mountfield, Omagh, BT79 7RH Alterations to dwelling to include dormer windows and provision of accommodation in the roofspace
LA10/2023/1601/F 23 Reaghan Road Legnabraid Newtownstewart Co. Tyrone BT78 4EJ Proposed Dwelling (Change of House Type from Previous Approval K/2008/0724/RM)
LA10/2023/1604/F 54 Dublin Road Dergmoney Lower Omagh CO. Tyrone BT78 1HQ Proposed replacement dwelling & domestic shed
LA10/2023/1614/O Land immediately south of No. 170 Ecclesville Road, Fintona Proposed one and a half storey dwelling & domestic garage (7m ridge height)

20th March 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1494/F 1 Killynure Crescent, Enniskillen Conversion of detached store to ancillary living accommodation
LA10/2023/1499/F Carrybridge Hotel & Marina 33 Inishmore Road, Lisbellaw 60 bedroom hotel with associated access, car parking, replacement jetties and landscaping
LA10/2023/1500/O Approx 75m NE of No. 334 Coa Road, Coa Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1502/O 60m NW of 334 Coa Road, Coa Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1503/F 83 Rossmacaffry Road, Enniskillen Amended access to site & amended siting & orientation of detached garage to that approved under LA10/2019/1329/F (Replacement dwelling)
LA10/2023/1504/O Approx. 40m East of 19 Greentown Road, Florencecourt Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1505/F 21 Roscor Bridge Road, Belleek Replacement Dwelling
LA10/2023/1510/F Lands approx 260m East of 299 Killadeas Road, Irvinestown Proposed Wind Turbine 60m high hub height & 52m rotor diameter
LA10/2023/1511/F "98 Bruscarnagh Road, Rosslea " Extenion to dwelling
LA10/2023/1513/F 47 Main Street, Ballinamallard Change of use with extensions/alteration to form community coffee shop and co-working space
LA10/2023/1522/F 1a Chestnut Grove, Ballinamallard Erection of bungalow (change of house type to approval LA10/2020/1150/RM-dwelling)
LA10/2023/1492/F 23-25 Main Street, Dromore "Extension and alterations to existing professional services use on ground floor with alterations to 1st & 2nd floors creating 1 bed apartment "
LA10/2023/1495/F 14 Millbank Court, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1496/F 191A Killyclogher Road, Omagh Conversion of existing garage to Granny Flat plus erection of Car Port
LA10/2023/1501/F 124 Corkill Road Omagh Retention of existing cattle sheds & retention of access lane
LA10/2023/1508/F 165 Loughmuck Road, Fintona Walling at existing domestic access
LA10/2023/1509/F Lands approx 330m NE of No. 181 Termon Road, Pomeroy Retention of agricultural access and laneway.
LA10/2023/1512/O 90m South West of 90 Willmount Road, Drumquin Dwelling & Garage
LA10/2023/1518/F Drumragh Integrated College, 70 Crevenagh Road, Omagh Extensions to school, amended drop off and parking area with creation of emergency vehicular access to pitch area
LA10/2023/1519/F 240m South West of 123 Cloghfin Road, Sixmilecross Sand and Gravel extraction
LA10/2023/1520/F 7 Sperrin View, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1521/F Site 4 Winters Lane, Crevenagh Rd, Omagh 1no. pair of semi detached dwellings (In substitution for 1no. dwelling approved under LA10/2019/0731/F - housing development)
LA10/2022/0865/F "Approx 40m south east of 190 Dooish Road, Drumquin " Re-Advertisement Dwelling & garage (Revised Access)
LA10/2022/0936/O Between 28a and 34 Pollanroe Road, Omagh (amended site address) Re-Advertisement Proposed dwelling and detached garage
LA10/2022/1154/F "Approx 50m north west of 27 Devesky Road, Carrickmore " Re-Advertisement Dwelling & garage (amended P2 form)

13th March 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1477/F 3 Meetinghouse Brae, Sixmilecross, BT79 9BY Proposed erection of domestic garage and replacement of existing carport
LA10/2023/1479/F 250 Drumnakilly Road, Omagh, BT79 9PU Proposed manufacturing warehouse
LA10/2023/1485/F Rear of 29 Campsie Road, Omagh, BT79 0AJ 2 semi detached dwellings (one and a half storey) and associated car parking (Renewal of LA10/2017/0734/F)
LA10/2023/1487/F Lands NW of the junction of Tattyreagh Road and Craigavon Road opposite Denamona Primary School 31 Craigavon Road and opposite 220 Tattyreagh Road, Fintona Proposed Housing development of 96no. units consisting of 36 no. Detached dwellings,56 no. Semi-Detached dwellings, 4 no. apartments and 20 no. detached domestic garages with associated development roads and landscaping
LA10/2023/1488/F 45A Gorticashel Road, Gortin, Omagh, BT79 8NW Change of use from self catering accommodation units to a single two-storey dwelling house, provision of a single domestic garage and provision of new entrance to the property and closing off access via existing shared entrance
LA10/2023/1491/F 17 Glenside, Omagh, BT79 7GL Retention of conversion of attached garage to dining room
LA10/2022/0599/O Adjacent to and immediately NW of 113 Todds Leap Rd, Sixmilecross Re-advertisement - Off-site replacement dwelling (Amended site location plan and application form)
LA10/2023/1478/RM Approx. 50m East of 40 Follum Road, Crockawaddy Glebe, Roslea, Enniskillen, BT92 7LQ Proposed Dwelling
LA10/2023/1480/F Approximately 45m West of 121 Glen Road Tempo Co Fermanagh BT94 3JW 2 Storey Farm Dwelling, Domestic Garage and Associated Groundworks
LA10/2023/1481/F Lands bounded by nos 3-23 Cherryvalley to the south of St Michaels playing fields to the north of Killunure lough drain to the east and the Cherrymount link road to the West Renewal of planning application LA10/2018/0061/F - Erection of 31no. townhouses consisting of 27 no two storey and two and a half storey bedroom houses, 4 no. two storey 4 bed townhouses with associated car parking
LA10/2023/1489/F 30 Meadowvale, Tamlaght, Enniskillen, BT74 4AW Proposed single storey rear extension and two storey gable extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1490/F 14 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7BT Shop Awning
LA10/2021/1431/F 30 Enniskillen Rd, Lisbellaw Re-Advertisement - Amended scheme. Housing development consisting of demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 3no. detached houses, 8no. semi-detached houses and 9no. townhouses

6th March 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1463/F Lands 80m East of Bankmore Business Park, Bankmore Road, Omagh, BT79 0BQ Proposed Light Industrial unit with offices and associated site works
LA10/2023/1467/F 117 Ballynahatty Road, Omagh, BT78 1TB Proposed Extension And Alterations To Existing Dwelling
LA10/2023/1469/F 3 Farmhill Close, Omagh, BT79 0BX Proposed single storey rear extension, domestic garage and alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/1472/F 164 Dooish Road, Omagh, BT78 4RE Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1473/O 54 Loughmacrory Road Oxtown Mountfield Tyrone BT79 0PH Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1475/F Unit 6, 37 Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh, BT78 5EJ Extension to existing storage building
LA10/2023/1476/F 7 Meadowcroft, Dromore, Tyrone, BT78 3JA Alteration of vehicular access to allow in-curtilage parking of two cars
LA10/2023/1459/F Lands 538m West of 3 College Road East Doon Derrylin Fermanagh BT92 9DE Proposed installation of a wind turbine on a tubular tower of up to 40m height with blades up to 69.5m (to tip height) 39m Rotor Diameter (Renewal of LA10/2015/0123/F)
LA10/2023/1461/F 316 Sligo Road, Drumconlan East Letterbreen, Enniskillen, BT74 9FF Proposed erection of single storey domestic storage shed within the curtilage of a dwelling
LA10/2023/1464/F 35 Derryallen Road Beagh Ballinamallard Fermanagh BT94 2DT Replacement of wind turbine approved under L/2011/0705/F with turbine on 30m tower and 27m rotor diameter
LA10/2023/1466/F Lands approx. 170m South of 126 Tempo Road, Killyvilly, Enniskillen, Fermanagh, BT74 4GD Flood lighting system to synthetic hockey pitch and tennis courts for a new build post primary school.
LA10/2023/1470/F 54-56 Belmore Street Tonystick Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 6AA 2 No Replacement Shop Fronts
LA10/2023/1471/F 44 Kilmacormick Road Kilmacormick Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 6EW Extension of existing layby parking to provide 7 no additional parking spaces
LA10/2023/1474/F 5 Old Station Road Rathmore Belleek Fermanagh BT93 3EZ Change of use from holiday home to dwelling house
LA10/2023/1395/O 223 Gola Rd, Lisnaskea Re-Advertisement - Replacement dwelling and domestic garage - Renewal of application LA10/2019/0861/O for same

27th February 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1440/F 42 Coolnagard Avenue Omagh, Omagh, BT78 Reconfiguration of dwelling to facilitate erection of 2 dwellings
LA10/2023/1441/F Araglin 8 Knocknamoe Road, Omagh, BT79 7JZ Proposed housing development (9 Detached and 6 semi detached dwellings) and associated siteworks
LA10/2023/1449/O Between 35 and 37 Camlough Road Omagh BT79 9PS Proposed dwelling and detached domestic garage (Infill site under CTY8 of PPS 21)
LA10/2023/1450/O APPROX 35 M NORTH EAST OF no 72, FARMHILL ROAD, OMAGH, BT79 0JW Proposed site for replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1451/F 9 Knocksilla Park, Omagh, BT79 0AR Proposed addition of a single-storey rear bedroom extension. Change of use of existing attached domestic garage to utility room and plant room. Enclosure of existing open porch at side. Replacement of existing flat roofs over garage and utility room with a
LA10/2023/1454/F 56 Brookmount Road Gortrush Omagh Co. Tyrone BT78 5HY Proposed two storey unit containing six apartments on vacant residential site
LA10/2023/1456/F Land adjacent and NE of 164 Crockanboy Road, Greencastle, Omagh Proposed 3no Glamping Pods, access lane and associated parking
LA10/2023/1457/F 82 TIRQUIN ROAD TIRQUIN OMAGH TYRONE BT79 7NE Proposed replacement dwelling and replacement of out buildings with garage, carport and loft above
LA10/2023/1443/F 9, Davog Drive, Belleek, Enniskillen, BT93 3FA Extension and improvements to dwelling
LA10/2023/1444/F 80, Ardvarney Road, Kiltierney, Ederney, BT93 1PT Dwelling & domestic garage (amended design to LA10/2022/0318/RM-dwelling)
LA10/2023/1445/F Jennings Fuels & Lubricants, 48 Drumwhinny Road, Rosscolban, Kesh BT93 1TN Proposed service station, fuel pumps, under ground storage tanks and associated landscaping
LA10/2023/1446/O 55 metres NNW of 33 Abbey Road, Drumbad, Lisnaskea BT92 0NB Proposed Farm Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1447/F BUN HOUSE 64 BUN ROAD BUN NEWTOWNBUTLER FERMANAGH BT92 8AA Single storey & two storey side extensions, including external & internal alterations and repairs to existing dwelling.
LA10/2023/1453/F Drummee Waste Transfer Station Enniskillen Drummee Recycling Centre, Enniskillen, BT74 5JX Waste Transfer Station for the acceptance and bulking of municipal wastes, including residual waste, mixed dry recyclables and organic waste. Works will also include external surfacing, storage bays, drainage, sprinkler tank, pumphouse and general improvem

20th February 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1411/F 13 GORTMORE DRIVE GORTMORE OMAGH TYRONE BT78 5EA Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 2no. detached dwellings
LA10/2023/1414/O Site 120 metres East of 21 Glen Road, Drumquin Proposed dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/1425/RM 30m North East of 33 Skreen Road, Omagh, BT78 1SR Farm dwelling with detached garage
LA10/2023/1426/F 72 DRUMSCRA ROAD COOLAVANNAGH DRUMQUIN TYRONE BT78 4PB Proposed removal of single storey attached garage and replaced with single storey kitchen extension, alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/1431/F Adjacent to and South of Drumduff Primary School, 47 Bracky Road, Drumduff, Sixmilecross, BT79 9PH Proposed 2 no. two storey detached dwellings and 2 no. single storey detached garages
LA10/2023/1434/O Land between nos 56 & 58 Arvalee Road, Omagh Proposed site for dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1436/F Adjacent to and West of 4 Crocklane, Oldfort Road, Tattyreagh, Omagh Proposed 2no. detached single storey dwellings and 2no. detached domestic garages
LA10/2023/1437/F Adj to 19 Johnston Park, Dergmoney Lower, Omagh, BT78 1JJ Proposed two storey building comprising of ground floor offices and 2no first floor offices
LA10/2023/1409/F 141 Mullaghfad Road, Fivemiletown, BT75 0JJ Extension and alterations to existing dwelling
LA10/2023/1413/O Site 260m South of 38 Enniskillen Road, Irvinestown, BT94 1GF Proposed single storey dwelling & domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2023/1415/F APPROX 20M NE OF 250 SLIGO ROAD LETTERBREEN ENNISKILLEN FERMANAGH BT74 9FH Erection of 2 storey dwelling and detached domestic garage
LA10/2023/1420/F 76 Corratistune Road, Enniskillen, BT92 9DZ Extension to the north west corner of the house to accommodate new dining area. External works to include new patio and seating area
LA10/2023/1421/LBC 14 Townhall Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7BA Repainting of front facade, including patch repairs to plasterwork
LA10/2023/1424/F Land to the rear of Chanterhill Cottages 13-23 Irvine's Crescent Moneynoe Glebe or Chanterhill Enniskillen BT74 4DJ Amended house-type design & site positioning to residential development approved under Planning ref: LA10/2018/ 0014/F, comprising of 20 units in total. The proposal is for 18no, 2-storey semi-detached houses, and 2no, 1-storey detached houses. No amendmen
LA10/2023/1429/F 12 Chanterhill Park, Enniskillen, BT74 4BG Alteration and extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2023/1430/F Approximately 76m West from Drumadravy House, 121 Lisnarick Road, Drumadravy, Lisnarick, Co. Fermanagh, BT94 1LQ Proposed erection of 4no yurts and associated deck & toilet/shower in lieu of 4no Bell tents approved previously under LA10/2021/1209/F (including amended siting)

6th February 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1373/F Site of former Police Station approx. 30m West of 2 Tattymoyle Road, Fintona, Omagh, BT78 2AT Proposed housing development comprising 4 no. semi-detached and 1 no. detached dwelling
LA10/2023/1374/F 65 Main Street, Fintona, BT78 2AQ Proposed improvements & alterations to create ground floor retail unit with first floor and second floor apartment
LA10/2023/1379/F Silverbirch Hotel 5 Gortin Road Lisanelly Omagh Tyrone BT79 7DH Retention of covered outside seating area and free standing TV and extension to kitchen to accommodate pizza oven
LA10/2023/1382/F 35 Cloghfin Road, Omagh, BT79 9DX Proposed new horse stable building and retention of outdoor riding arena adjacent to existing farm buildings at 35 Cloghfin Road, Sixmilecross
LA10/2023/1375/F 97 Tattygare Road, Enniskillen, BT94 5GJ Proposed alterations and rear extension to dwelling to include replacement of domestic garage
LA10/2023/1376/F 28 Floraville Drumclay Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 6AP Single storey extension to rear and side of dwelling and provision of ramp at front door
LA10/2023/1378/RM Approx. 90m North East of 34 Glasmullagh Road Knockarevan Derrylin Fermanagh BT92 9GR Proposed erection of dwelling and domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2023/1380/F Change of use from agricultural building with alterations to form a bar and lounge ancillary to existing guesthouse, and erection of canopy 331 Boa Island Road, Enniskillen, BT93 2AF
LA10/2023/1381/F 77 Raw Road Cooneen, Grogey, Brookeborough, BT75 0NP Retention of Existing Mobile Home
LA10/2023/1384/F 8 Drumroosk Road, Drumroosk Kinawley, Enniskillen, BT92 4DP Proposed one and half storey side extension to existing dwelling and associated site works and improvements
LA10/2023/1385/O The Collop, Ross Inner, Enniskillen Proposed replacement dwelling, original structure to be retained undeveloped in its existing state within a natural setting and the curtilage of the new dwelling
LA10/2023/1387/F 25 Tattymacall Road Tattygare Lisbellaw Fermanagh BT94 5GQ Change of use of existing attached domestic garage to living accommodation (living / dining room)

30th January 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1357/RM Lands approx. 40m North of 103 Rosnareen Road, Trillick, Omagh, BT78 3SH Proposed site for new detached dwelling and garage (Infill development)
LA10/2023/1358/F 8a Harpur Road, Aghadulla, Omagh, BT78 5BY Proposed extension to existing storage & distribution building
LA10/2023/1362/F Approx. 80M South West of 4 Fernagh Road, Omagh, BT79 0HX Proposed Erection of Dwelling and Garage
LA10/2023/1365/F 62 Doocrock Road, Doocrock, Dromore, Co. Tyrone, BT78 3LT Proposed change of house type & associated site works
LA10/2023/1366/F 200m North of 70 Crawford's Lane, Dromore, BT78 3HZ Proposed 2 storey pavilion with spectator stand, sports Floodlighting, turnstiles, dugouts, parking, fencing and associated site works
LA10/2023/1369/O Adjacent and to the South of 22 Springhill Road, BT79 0RB Proposed Erection of Dwelling and Garage
LA10/2023/1370/F The Health Centre Mountjoy Road, Omagh, BT79 7BA Proposals include the refurbishment, alteration and extension to the former Health Centre to become an innovation hub comprising of office accommodation. The application consists of a material change of use from Class D1 (Health Services) to Class B1 (Busi
LA10/2023/1361/O Site between 326 and 328 Lisnaskea Road, Derrymacausey, Derrylin Proposed Infill Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1363/F 18 LACKABOY PARK KILLYVILLY ENNISKILLEN FERMANAGH BT74 4DZ Rear and side extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1367/F 12 Church Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7EJ New shop front
LA10/2023/1368/F Site 40m South of 65 Drumbulcan Road Sidaire, Ballinamallard Proposed dwelling and domestic garage and all associated siteworks, amended dwelling and garage design to previous approval LA10/2022/0560/RM
LA10/2023/1372/F Immediately North East of 9 Gardiners Cross Road Killashanbally Maguiresbridge BT94 4RY Single storey dwelling with detached domestic garage - renewal of previous approval L/2018/0269/F for same

23rd January 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/1275/O Approx. 30m South of 40 Rabbitburrow Road, Enniskillen, BT94 5PD Erection of dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1327/F 1.1 Km S of 408 Lough Shore Road, Legg, Belleek Erection of a modular building to function as Communications Unit to be used by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
LA10/2023/1330/O Approx. 60m South West of 120 Eshnadarragh Road, Rosslea, BT92 7JX Approx. 60m South West of 120 Eshnadarragh Road, Rosslea, BT92 7JX
LA10/2023/1331/F 51 Rathview Park, Enniskillen, BT94 5EW Single storey rear extension
LA10/2023/1335/F 390 Lough Shore Road, Churchill, Enniskillen, BT93 6HS Erection of one and half storey farm dwelling
LA10/2023/1336/F 23 Drumlin Heights, Enniskillen, BT74 7NR Proposed single storey rear extension to dwelling to create an additional kitchen space. Inc. associated siteworks.
LA10/2023/1337/F Bellanaleck Quay, Slipway and Jetty The Quarry Line, Bellanaleck, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 2BX Waste-water pump-out and associated pipe work and electrical cabling for boats
LA10/2023/1338/LBC Manoo Cottage 130 Drumwhinny Road, Manoo, Kesh, BT93 1TP Replacement of 5 no windows
LA10/2023/1347/O Between No.65 & No.67 Scallen Road, Irvinestown, Co Fermanagh, BT94 1HU Proposed 2 Storey infill dwelling & domestic garage
LA10/2023/1349/F 33 VALLEY ROAD ROSSINNAN IRVINESTOWN FERMANAGH BT94 1SH Proposed garage ancillary to holiday cottage.
LA10/2023/1350/O SITE IMMEDIATELY EAST OF 90 SWANLINBAR ROAD, ARNEY, ENNISKILLEN BT92 2DA Erection of Dwelling and Domestic Garage on gap site
LA10/2023/1351/O Immediately North of 82 Swanlinbar Road, Skea, Arney, BT92 2DA Erection of dwelling & domestic garage on a farm
LA10/2023/1353/F Between 46 & 54 Bog road, Croaghrim, Florencecourt, Enniskillen, BT92 1BJ Proposed CTY8 infill site for dwelling & detached domestic garage, between 46 & 54 Bog road , Florencecourt, Croaghrim, Co.Fermanagh, BT92 1BJ.
LA10/2022/0655/F 30m SE of 14 Edenamohill Rd, Drumkeen, Ederney Re-advertisement - Restoration of existing well, new paths, fencing and landscaping (Revised access and footpath link)
LA10/2023/1324/F Approx. 150m SE of DRD Roads Services Offices at 32 Deverney Road, Arvalee, Omagh, BT790ND Proposed 3no. Industrial Units
LA10/2023/1325/F 53 Skreen Road, Omagh, BT78 1SS Proposed 2 storey side extension to include games room and bedroom suite
LA10/2023/1333/O 70m East Of 18a Fingrean Road, Loughmacrory, Omagh. BT79 9LR Proposed Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1340/F 31 LISSAN VIEW DERGMONEY LOWER OMAGH TYRONE BT78 1TR Demolition of existing sun room for new living room, lobby and porch
LA10/2023/1342/F 62 Beltany Road, Omagh, BT78 5NQ The Proposed Replacement Of The Existing Dwelling And Garage - With New Storey + Half Dwelling And New Garage
LA10/2023/1343/F 53 EFFERNAN ROAD DRUMDRAN TRILLICK TYRONE BT78 3SG Proposed erection of two storey dwelling and one &1/2 Storey domestic garage store
LA10/2023/1345/RM Approx. 45m SW of 26 CAPEHILL ROAD MULLAGHBANE DROMORE TYRONE BT78 3EW Proposed erection of two storey dwelling and one &1/2 Storey domestic garage store
LA10/2023/1346/F Halfway Convenience Store 58 Tattyreagh Road, Omagh, BT78 1PZ Provision of lorry parking and additional car parking
LA10/2023/1348/RM Approx 100m S.W of 1 Oughterard Rd, Dromore, BT78 3NL Proposed Dwelling & Detached Garage

16th January 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/1276/O Proposed site for one and a half storey dwelling house and detached domestic garage. Approximately 80m northwest of No.22 Owenreagh Road, Dromore, BT78 3BB
LA10/2022/1280/F 1A CIRCULAR ROAD MULLAGHMORE OMAGH TYRONE BT79 7JA Retention of fill to provide a level access to rear of 1a Circular Road, Omagh. Details Map
LA10/2023/1295/F Lands immediately to the West of 152 Newtownsaville Road, Eskragh, Omagh Proposed 2 no detached dwellings and 2 no detached domestic garages
LA10/2023/1296/F 197 DRUMNAKILLY ROAD MULLAGHSLIN GLEBE CARRICKMORE Extension and renovation to existing domestic stores creating a granny flat ancillary to the main dwelling
LA10/2023/1298/F 12 m West of and adjacent to 22 Hawthorn Road, Omagh, BT797ND Proposed single storey dwelling and detached garage / garden shed/ glazed veranda
LA10/2023/1299/F Land Approx. 75m North East of 165 Creggan Road, Carrickmore PROPOSED RETENTION OF 1NO. PIG SHED WITH 1NO. FEED BIN, AN OFFICE BUILDING AND ASSOCIATED SITE WORKS
LA10/2023/1301/F 25 CULVACULLION ROAD BELTRIM GORTIN TYRONE BT79 8QB Replacement dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1306/F 45 GLENCAM ROAD KILLYBRACK OMAGH TYRONE BT79 7HB Housing Development of 19 dwellings (14 No two storey semi-detached, 4 No single storey semi-detached and 1 No two storey detached) and associated works to replace existing dwelling and commercial workshop on brownfield site
LA10/2023/1312/F 21 Langfield Crescent Drumquin Tyrone BT78 4RT Gable bedroom extension to bungalow
LA10/2023/1316/F 10 Legatiggle Road Legatiggle Fintona Tyrone BT78 2DN Proposed One & One half Storey Domestic Garage & Store
LA10/2023/1317/O Site 140m north of 40 Kennogue Road, Trillick, BT78 3NY Proposed dwelling and detached garage
LA10/2022/1281/F 59 Craghan Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2BT Domestic dwelling and detached garage - amended design to that approved under L/2008/0095/RM.
LA10/2023/1297/O 95m N.W of 114 Tedd Road Ederney Proposed Dwelling on a Farm
LA10/2023/1303/RM Approx. 50m South of 21 Ballintempo Road, Belcoo, BT93 5DB Erection of dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/1304/F 54 TULLYNEEVIN ROAD TULLYNEEVIN LISNASKEA FERMANAGH BT92 0LX Single storey extension and alterations to a dwelling including part demolition of existing building.
LA10/2023/1307/F 35 Gardiners Cross Road, Lisduff, Enniskillen, BT94 4PW First floor side and ground floor rear extensions
LA10/2023/1315/F Land 124m north east of No. 17A Cackinish Road, Derrylin, BT92 9BY Proposed replacement dwelling with retention of existing dwelling structure [for domestic storage purposes], site access, landscaping and ancillary site works
LA10/2023/1319/O Proposed 1 no. infill dwelling. Renewal of Planning Approval LA10/2019/0997/O. Between 54 and 58 Boyhill Road Boyhill Maguiresbridge
LA10/2023/1321/RM Site 175m NE of 96 Sligo Line DERREENS WEST Letterbreen FERMANAGH BT74 9AJ Dwelling and garage
LA10/2023/1322/F LANDS 100M SOUTH OF 24 MAIN STREET, GARRISON, FERMANAGH BT93 4ER Section 54 application for variation of Condition 19 (Access) of planning approval LA10/2017/0515/F.

9th January 2023

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/1252/F 98A Doogary Road, Omagh Proposed replacement single storey garage, workshop and showroom
LA10/2022/1274/F 9 Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh Proposed office and staff welfare extension, Proposed extension to existing factory to provide additional working space, this will improve current working practices and aid material flow. Provision of associated concrete hard standing
LA10/2022/1286/F Eskra Emmetts G.F.C Newtownsaville Road, Eskra, Omagh, BT78 2RJ Proposed Equipment Store, Walkway and installation of low Level Lighting to perimeter of proposed training field (as approved under K/2009/0204/F)
LA10/2022/1266/F 10 CREEVEHILL ROAD CRAN BROOKEBOROUGH FERMANAGH BT75 0SF Proposed additional access and car parking
LA10/2022/1267/F 111 RABBITBURROW ROAD WHINNIGAN GLEBE LISBELLAW FERMANAGH BT74 4GT New access to public road (including closing off existing entrance) - Retrospective application
LA10/2022/1270/F 61 IRVINESTOWN ROAD DRUMCLAY ENNISKILLEN FERMANAGH BT74 6GU Erection of two and a half storey dwelling
LA10/2022/1271/F 4 Ferney View, Ballinamallard BT94 2EZ Single storey rear extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2022/1275/O Approx. 30m South of 40 Rabbitburrow Road, Enniskillen, BT94 5PD Erection of dwelling and garage
LA10/2022/1282/F St Davogs Park, Commons Road, Belleek, BT93 3AR Change of use from unused tennis court to Play Park
LA10/2022/1283/F Lands to the east of the former Lisnaskea High School Site, Moorlough Road, Lisnaskea, BT92 4FJ Proposed development of new Lisnaskea Health & Care Centre, car parking and associated site works, access arrangements and other associated operational development
LA10/2022/1284/F Approximately 130m South of 1 KILLYPADDY ROAD LISONEILL LISNASKEA FERMANAGH BT92 0JJ Extension of existing Play Park and development of Sensory trail and garden.
LA10/2022/1287/F 56m W of 52 Cullion Road, Tempo, BT94 3FB Proposed change of house type to that approved under application L/2009/0323/RM to detached dwelling house and detached domestic garage
LA10/2022/1288/F 5 THE FLAGSTONES BELLANALECK BELLANALECK FERMANAGH BT92 2ED Proposed Residential development for 82 dwellings, comprising 14 detached houses, 68 semi-detached houses, access roads, car parking, landscaping, open space, and associated site works.
LA10/2022/1289/F Lands Immediately opposite 458 Tempo Road, Doon Tempo, BT94 3GQ Two Storey dwelling with attached garage
LA10/2022/1290/F Approx. 148m NNW of 64 Monmurry Road Tullynagowan Brookeborough Co. Fermanagh BT94 4AT Proposed renovation of existing dwelling.

26th December 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2022/0954/O Land off Hallaghan Rd approx. 300m SW of 38 Kilcam Rd Beragh Farm dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1391/F First Floor of Units 12-15 Inclusive, Units 15-17 Inclusive Royal Arms Mews & First Floor of Units 49, 51, 53 & 55 High St, Omagh Change of use of first floor above units 49, 51, 53 and 55 High Street, from retail premises to Hotel bedrooms.
LA10/2023/1382/F 35 Cloghfin Rd, Omagh Proposed new horse stable building & retention of outdoor riding arena adjacent to existing farm buildings at 35 Cloghfin Rd, Sixmilecross
LA10/2023/1390/F Approx 285m E of 20 Crannoge Rd, Omagh Erection of wind turbine with a 41.5m hub height & 29m rotor diameter, access, associated 2 no. electricity cabinets & site works.
LA10/2023/1389/F 31 Tedd Rd, Dromore Erection of dwelling & detached annex builing - amended design to approval K/2013/0353/F
LA10/2023/1394/F Carnalea Rd, Fintona Erection of 1no. dwelling in substitution for 2no. dwellings approved under LA10/2017/0832/F
LA10/2023/1400/F 12a Castleroddy Rd, Omagh Provision of 3 No. Self-contained tourist accommodation units, associated landscaping, access & parking within site curtilage.
LA10/2023/1397/F Immediately Adjacent to & approx. 60m N of 22 Comber Rd, Omagh Proposed erection of dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1408/O Approx 30m NW of 18 Tully Rd, Omagh Proposed site for replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1399/O "Lands 65m E of 303 Loughmacrory Rd, Carrickmore " Dwelling & garage & associated site works
LA10/2023/1407/O Approx 150m E of 83 Feglish Rd Farm Dwelling & Domestic Garage
LA10/2022/0954/O "Land off Hallaghan Rd approx. 300m SW of 38 Kilcam Rd Beragh " Farm dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1393/F 69 Scallen Rd, Irvinestown Dwelling & garage - amended design & siting to L/2008/0100/F for dwelling
LA10/2023/1395/O 221 Gola Rd, Lisnaskea Proposed replacement dwelling & domestic garage - renewal of application LA10/2019/0861/O for same.
LA10/2023/1396/F 26 Main St, Tempo Proposed rear dormer window & alterations to outbuilding to create hobby space/gamesroom/gym - Retrospective application.
LA10/2023/1402/LBC Ulster Bank Buildings, 16 Darling St, Enniskillen Replacement signage & exterior painting
LA10/2023/1403/F Lands immediately S of 2 Sligo Rd, Enniskillen Housing development with floating jetties.
LA10/2023/1404/F Approx 2.3km N of 164 Glennasheever Rd, Derrgonnelly Telecommunications mast, new access & ancillary equipment/generator cabinets.
LA10/2023/1406/F 40-42 Main St, Maguiresbridge Proposed change of use & alterations to form 2 dwellings
LA10/2022/1018/F Approx 120m SE of 105B Aghintain Road, Tempo Proposed amended access to previously approved LA09/2017/1613/RM-dwelling and garage. (Amended address & description)

26th December 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1524/F 51 Rabbitburrow Rd, Enniskillen Extension & renovations to dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1525/F 74 - 76 Irvinestown Rd, Enniskillen Housing Development & new jetty, access & all other site works.
LA10/2023/1526/F 27a High St, Newtownbutler Change of use from salon to apartment
LA10/2023/1528/RM Land immediately W of 534 Sligo Rd, Letterbreen Dwelling & domestic garage
LA10/2023/1530/F Lands of former Unipork Site (now vacant) located East of Cornagrade Rd, & West of Irvinestown Rd to the South of the Cherrymount Link Rd/Irvinestown Rd/Cornagrade Rd roundabout & North of Nos 4-34 Kilmacormick Rd & Nos 124-152 Hillview Rd, Enniskillen Section 54 application to vary conditions nos. 1 (goods permitted for sale in each unit) & 2 (gross floorspace of each unit) of LA10/2019/1392/F (Mixed Use Retail and Leisure Development).
LA10/2023/1533/RM 25m S of 44 Glenlevan Rd, Derrygonnelly 2 Storey Dwelling &Garage
LA10/2023/1535/F 167 Teiges Hill Road, Brookeborough Detached domestic storage shed
LA10/2023/1536/O Approx 285m NE of No 40 Clonfad Rd, Newtownbutler Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1540/F 17 Keady Rd, Enniskillen Extensions to dwelling
LA10/2023/1546/F 130m SW of 107 Lacky Rd, Magheraveely Erection of Polytunnel
LA10/2023/1549/F 40m SW of no.3 Parknasilla, Irvinestown 2 dwellings & domestic garages
LA10/2023/1556/F 105m E of No. 14 Cornahaltie Rd, Belleek Dwelling & domestic garage
LA10/2023/1558/O 75m SE of 33 Edenmore Lane, Tempo Dwelling & domestic garage
LA10/2023/1559/F 16 Weavers Ln, Enniskillen Retention of domestic store
LA10/2023/1560/F 1 The Collop Ross Inner Approx 430m SE of 207 Lough Shore Rd, Enniskillen Proposed domestic Garage
LA10/2023/1523/F 11 Woodbank Rd, Omagh, Retention of domestic store, stables & extension to curtilage.
LA10/2023/1527/F Site 4 Quiggery Meadows, Tattyreagh Dwelling & garage (Change of house type to approval LA10/2017/0599/F - housing d'ment)
LA10/2023/1529/F 28 Camcosy Rd, Omagh Extension & alterations to dwelling
LA10/2023/1534/F Approx 150m SE of 28 Esker Rd, Dromore Storage shed at mushroom farm/processors
LA10/2023/1542/F Land immed. to the N of no.133 Roscavey Rd, Garvaghy New access to dwelling (under construction) approved under K/2010/0017/F - dwelling.
LA10/2023/1547/F Community Centre, 47 Mullydoo Road, Greencastle Extension to club rooms/ Community Centre (Amended Design to LA10/2022/0914/F for same)
LA10/2023/1548/F N of 126 Ballintrain Rd, Carrickmore Dwelling (In substitution of approved LA10/2022/0765/O for same)
LA10/2023/1552/O 30 metres W of 30 Castlederg Rd, Drumquin Replacement dwelling
LA10/2023/1554/F NW of 57 Edenderry Rd & SW of 85 Donaghanie Rd, Omagh. Housing development - 19 dwellings
LA10/2023/1555/F 74 Gorticashel Rd, Omagh Single storey holiday pod
LA10/2022/0026/O "Lands immediately N of 184 Creggan Rd, Creggan " Residential development (including footpath link, amended site outline & ownership certificate)
LA10/2023/1561/F Approx 480m SE of 207 Lough Shore, Enniskillen Proposed timber pontoon

26th December 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2023/1553/F 65 Loughmacrory Rd, Loughmacrory Reuse of existing building for Tourist accommodation with 3no glamping units
LA10/2023/1562/F Approx 200m E of 120 Newtownsaville Rd, Eskra 2No 39000 bird broiler houses
LA10/2023/1566/O 21 Minadinna Lane, Carrickmore Replacement dwelling & stables
LA10/2023/1574/O Approx 65m NW of 58 Lakemount Rd, Dromore Dwelling
LA10/2023/1576/F 12 Glenview Cottages, Omagh Extension to dwelling
LA10/2023/1577/F GAA Ground, 36 Drumnakilly Rd, Killyclogher Retention of roof structure & new front wall to ball court.
LA10/2023/1580/F 33 Clontarf Drive, Omagh Replacement dwelling & garage
LA10/2023/1584/F "No. 30 & 32-34 Market St, Omagh " Change of use from 1st & 2nd floor offices to 4no. 2 bed flats with alterations
LA10/2023/1586/F 1 Old Market Place, Omagh Alterations & change of use to coffee shop and cocktail bar
LA10/2023/1537/O Lands 100m E of No. 52 Moorlough Rd & immediately west of No. 6 Cushwash Rd, Lisnaskea New Housing development
LA10/2023/1539/F 2 Main St, Lisnaskea "Extenstion, alterations & additional car parking spaces to supermarket. "
LA10/2023/1565/F 18 Church St, Irvinestown Change at ground floor to Therapy Centre, provision of 2no. Flats on 1st&2nd floor.
LA10/2023/1568/F 59 Greentown Rd, Enniskillen Proposed alterations to dwelling & retention of domestic garage
LA10/2023/1569/RM 175m N of 175 Old Coach Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling and domestic garage
LA10/2023/1571/RM Site immediately S of 171 Old Coach Rd, Enniskillen Dwelling and domestic Garage