Your Council

Your Council

On 01 April 2015 Fermanagh and Omagh District Council assumed responsibility for the new Council area, following the merger of Fermanagh District Council and Omagh District Council.

The new district is served by 40 Councillors who were elected across seven District Electoral Areas (DEAs) in May 2014:

  1. Enniskillen
  2. Erne East
  3. Erne North
  4. Erne West
  5. Mid Tyrone
  6. Omagh
  7. West Tyrone

In addition to continuing to deliver traditional council services, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council manages a new range of responsibilities and powers, as some functions transferred from central government to local government. These include Planning, Local Economic and Tourism Development, Off-Street Parking and management of water recreational sites.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council will also have a greater role in guiding the future development of the district through leading a Community Planning process. The Council will work in partnership with other public service providers and agencies, as well as the community, voluntary and business sectors, to respond to local needs and to deliver on an agreed long-term vision for our area.

What does the new Fermanagh & Omagh District look like?

Our district is a place of outstanding natural beauty, with a unique mix of tranquil lakelands, heather clad mountains, ancient boglands, forest parks, historic towns and villages and a rich cultural heritage. Not only is it recognised for its unique and beautiful landscape, but also for its quality facilities and services; for the talents, skills and creativity of its people; and as a place where quality of life is promoted and valued.

Key facts about Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Area

To view key statistics and data on Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Area, please follow the link below:
