Private Tenancies Act (NI) 2022 – Update

Private Tenancies Act (NI) 2022 - Update

Section 8 of the Private Tenancies Act (NI) 2022 set the minimum standards required within private rental properties for smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide alarms (which can be either battery or hardwired).

The minimum standards for private rented properties have been set as:

➢ At least one smoke alarm installed in the room most frequently used for daytime living and in every circulation space (hall/landing) on each storey;

➢ Heat alarm installed in every kitchen; and

➢ Carbon monoxide alarm installed in any room or circulation space which contains a fixed combustion appliance or a flue.

New tenancies granted on or after 1st September 2024 must be compliant on the date the new tenancy is granted.

Existing tenancies granted before 1st September 2024 must comply by 1st December 2024.

For further information or contact the Environmental Health Service on 0300 303 1777 or see Department of Communities Website