Litter Champion Scheme & Adopt A Spot

Litter Champion Scheme

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is committed to a cleaner, greener, and more vibrant District. The Council currently undertake a programme of cleansing to deal with litter, dumping, and fly tipping across the District each year.

Whilst our cleansing team do exceptional work keeping the District tidy, it is always greatly appreciated when individuals and communities offer their support to help maintain and improve our District through volunteering.

How we can help each other?

You can help to improve and protect the environment by supporting local litter collecting events. This can be undertaken by individuals, aged 16 years and older, formally registering as a volunteer.

The Council is here to provide volunteers with equipment and advice on litter picking, plus our team will pick up bagged rubbish left in designated areas once you have finished.

By registering you are also supporting the Council by gathering valuable data on the amount/type of rubbish and problem areas, as well as helping us to promote cleaner communities.

How do I register?

To register please complete the word document listed on the bottom of the webpage and return to

Once you have filled in the Registration Form, a member of staff will be in touch to complete a short Matching Meeting. This consists of a few informal questions and will give you an opportunity to learn more about the role.

When the Registration Process is finished you must complete a short online induction. The induction will provide you with all the relevant safety advice, as well as Council policies and procedures. After the Induction you will be issued with your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and will be able to start your volunteering.

Please allow for a 3-week turn around from the date of your first registration.

For more information please download the Summary Pack or contact our Education & Communications Officer:

Emmett Brogan

Telephone: 0300 303 1777


Adopt a Spot

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in partnership with other Councils, Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, actively supports the Live Here Love Here campaign which promotes environmental and community improvement in Northern Ireland.

Live Here Love Here, managed by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, empowers people to improve our local environment and to build a sense of pride in our local communities. Through a number of programmes such as BIG Spring Clean and the Small Grants Scheme, we can create an active society where everyone has a role in protecting our communities and the people who live there.

The ‘Adopt a Spot’ programme enables groups and individuals across Northern Ireland to adopt an area in their locality and look after it. You can choose any spot you like: from a town/village to a stretch of beach, a local park, a local forest or even the street you live or work on. Live Here Love Here will provide you with an adoption pack containing all the equipment you need, including a hints and tips booklet on how to run a successful clean up.

Further information can be found on the Live Here Love Here website.