Quick Pick

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has introduced a Quick Pick litter initiative to make it easier for residents and visitors to play their part in keeping the district clean and protect the environment.
‘A-frame’ litter picking stations will be placed in various locations through the district as part of the initiative. The frame will contain hand sanitiser, bags and litter pickers which members of the public can use to collect litter while they enjoy their walk. Bins will also be provided to deposit the collected litter in on your return.
This initiative supports the Council’s current Litter Champion Scheme which encourages individuals to register with the Council as a volunteer to undertake to clean up their local area.
The Council’s Street Scene Teams work hard to keep the district clean and the additional contribution by the public to support their efforts is very much appreciated.
A significant proportion of the Council’s annual expenditure can be attributed to addressing littering, fly-tipping and dumping throughout the district. The Council is a member of Leave No Trace Ireland and is committed to the Leave No Trace Seven Principles.
The Council has also launched its first Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan and this initiative helps the Council to advance its commitment to protecting the environment and addressing the impact of Climate Change whilst also seeking to reduce the burden of additional costs on ratepayers.