Call for Sites
Why did the Council undertake a Call for Sites?
The call for sites exercise was a process the Council undertook to give the public an early opportunity to get involved in the LPP process. The call for sites process will assist the Council in sourcing a long list of potential sites for various land uses for further assessment and consideration during the LPP process. Landowners, property developers and other interested parties made submissions to promote their sites to the Council during the call for sites.
The Regional Development Strategy 2030 through policy RG1 aims to ensure an adequate supply of land is available to facilitate sustainable economic growth. In line with this the Council needs to ensure that sufficient zoned land exists to meet our needs during and beyond the Plan period (2030).
The Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland states that the Local Policies Plan will bring forward local site-specific designations (e.g., zonings and policy areas), associated policy criteria and key site requirements consistent with the Plan Strategy.
Which sites to submit?
The Council invited submissions for a range of land uses, including;
- Residential,
- Industry,
- Business,
- Storage & Distribution,
- Mixed Use
Policy SP03 also advises that within the Villages and Small Settlements, Housing Policy Areas (HPAs) may be identified in the LPP.
Policy SP04 indicates that sites will be zoned for industry and business in the main and local towns.
For the purposes of this exercise, industry and business uses refer to those currently defined in Part B ‘Industrial and Business Uses’ of the Planning (Use Classes) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015.
“Business” includes Class B1 offices, call centres, and research and development.
“Industry” includes Class B2 light industrial, Class B3 general industrial, and Class B4 storage and distribution uses.
For more information, download the Call for Sites overview below.
Any further questions?
Contact the Local Development Plan Team by email at or by Phone: 0300 303 1777