Monitoring of Plan Strategy
The annual housing monitor is a historic long-running regional study which was originally commenced in 1997 by the former Department of Environment. The annual report normally publishes data in relation to residential units completed (as per Building control completion certificates) remaining potential and area developed/remaining (hectares) as of 01 April each year.
As the Council has now adopted its Plan Strategy and is progressing the Local Policies Plan, it is an appropriate time to focus monitoring and reporting, specifically on the plan period (2015- 2030). This is also important within the context of the Council’s monitoring and review requirements as set out under Part 6 of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015. This will require the Council to submit an annual monitoring report in respect of housing land supply and the number of net additional housing units built in the District. This will be for the period of twelve months commencing on 1st April in each year and ending on 31st March in the following year.
Details of the methodology and updated record of completions and housing need are included.
Readers should note the Housing Monitor is based on a desk top study utilising Building Control records to ascertain development levels for each year. A ‘completion certificate’ issued on a site is the indicator for an additional unit and these would be verified against NILUD. The tables and maps associated with the monitor are then updated accordingly each year, on the basis of net units completed. Details of how officers determined the figures are also included. The annual review is a judgement by Officers for the purposes of this exercise and is not a definitive legal position as to whether a site has legally commenced or lapsed within the context of available information.
Viewers should note that indicative HGI (Housing Need) allocations are not a target or a cap on development. As the Council approaches the end of the Plan period more settlements will reach a zero HGI, however proposals which are compliant with policy will continue to be approved in accordance with the objectives of the Plan Strategy.
Nothing within the information herein should be read as generating an expectation as to how the Council will determine any individual application for planning permission, enforcement case or certificate of lawful development in the future.
Any queries in relation to any of the above should be directed to the Local Development Plan team who will be happy to assist.’