Our Responses to Consultations

We respond to consultations where we feel that we can make a meaningful contribution. You can download copies of our consultation responses below: 



File Type Size Date
Department of Finance - Review of Business Rates
pdf 133 KB 9th January 2020
Addendum to Consultation Response: Department of Finance - Review of Business Rates
pdf 12 KB 9th January 2020
Reshaping Stroke Care - Completed Questionnaire
pdf 304 KB 8th October 2019
Reshaping Stroke Care - Additional points for consideration
pdf 583 KB 8th October 2019
Breast Assessment Services
pdf 293 KB 8th October 2019
Regional Trauma Network Service Delivery Model
pdf 187 KB 8th October 2019
Development Proposal St Mary's High School Brollagh
pdf 220 KB 8th October 2019
Home to School Transport
pdf 77 KB 14th June 2019
Census Outputs Response
pdf 390 KB 14th June 2019


File Type Size Date
Briefing on NI Budgetary Outlook 2018 - 2020
pdf 275 KB 6th June 2019
NILGA - Devolution within Northern Ireland
pdf 559 KB 6th June 2019
ECNI - Acting on the Authority of Public Authority Practices
pdf 217 KB 6th June 2019
NIAS Clinical Response Model
pdf 129 KB 6th June 2019
Strategic Framework for Imaging Services in Health and Social Care
pdf 209 KB 6th June 2019
WHSCT - Car Parking Charges
pdf 107 KB 6th June 2019


File Type Size Date
Continuing Healthcare in Northern Ireland: Introducing a Transparent and Fair System
pdf 161 KB 2nd November 2017
Western Health and Social Care Trust's 2017/2018 Financial Savings Plan
pdf 441 KB 2nd November 2017
Safeguarding Board for NI - Multi-Agency Neglect Strategy 2017-2019
pdf 168 KB 2nd November 2017
Children's and Young People's Strategy
pdf 248 KB 4th July 2017
EANI-Home To School Transport
pdf 392 KB 4th July 2017
EANI-Strategic Action Plan
pdf 112 KB 4th July 2017
Department of Health-Individual Funding Request
pdf 155 KB 4th July 2017
DAERA-Knowledge Framework
pdf 128 KB 4th July 2017
WHSCT-Corporate Plan
pdf 178 KB 4th July 2017


File Type Size Date
NILGA-Fresh Start Agreement and Changes to Consultation System
pdf 249 KB 22nd May 2017
NIHE - Sustainable Rural Communities
pdf 148 KB 11th November 2016
NILGA - Developing a Programme for Local Government 2016-2020
pdf 186 KB 11th November 2016
Proposed Changes to the NIFRS Crewing Arrangements
pdf 146 KB 11th November 2016
Use of Seat Belts by Child Passengers aged 3 - 13 years on Buses and Coaches
pdf 194 KB 11th November 2016
NIHE Corporate Plan Objectives
pdf 100 KB 11th November 2016
Inter-Departmental Review of Housing Adaptions Service Final Report and Action Plan 2016
pdf 105 KB 11th November 2016
A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass
pdf 293 KB 11th November 2016
Proposals for the Future of Urology Services in Western and Northern Trusts
pdf 147 KB 11th November 2016
DE - A Strategy for Improving Pupil Attendance
pdf 462 KB 11th November 2016
Libraries NI - Reduction in opening hours
pdf 308 KB 11th November 2016
Establishing a Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) for Northern Ireland
pdf 202 KB 11th November 2016
HSC Reform and Transformation Consultation
pdf 175 KB 11th November 2016
Response to NI Local Government Consultation on Code of Conduct for Councillors: Alternative Action
pdf 67 KB 25th August 2016
EANI Residential and Outdoor Education Centre Review
pdf 146 KB 25th August 2016
DARD Online Communication
pdf 464 KB 25th August 2016
Response to DARD - Successor Framework to TRPSI
pdf 372 KB 25th August 2016
NI Assembly Written Evidence for Rural Needs Bill
pdf 534 KB 25th August 2016
Proposal to close Creamery House, Kesh - Reply
pdf 127 KB 25th August 2016

2016 continued...

2016 continued...
File Type Size Date
Domestic Abuse Offence and Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme

FODC response to consultation.

pdf 378 KB 4th July 2017
Transport NI - A5 Western Transport Corridor
pdf 57 KB 4th July 2017
Programme For Government (Northern Ireland Executive) May-July 2016
pdf 130 KB 4th July 2017
Programme For Government (Northern Ireland Executive) Oct-Dec 2016
pdf 616 KB 4th July 2017
EnergyWise Scheme
pdf 144 KB 4th July 2017


File Type Size Date
DRD Consulation 'Accessible Transport Strategy 2025'
pdf 455 KB 6th November 2015
Response to OFMDFM's Draft Childcare Strategy
pdf 153 KB 6th November 2015
Criminal Records Filtering
pdf 129 KB 26th October 2015
Employment Tribunals Consultation
pdf 126 KB 26th October 2015
Frequency of Student Support Payments
pdf 107 KB 26th October 2015
Northern Ireland Information Sharing Agreement for Safeguarding Children
pdf 49 KB 26th October 2015
OFMDFM Age Discrimination Legislation (Age Goods, Facilities and Services)
pdf 128 KB 26th October 2015
Proposal for the Future of the Youth Council NI Response
pdf 47 KB 22nd June 2015