Key Plans and Strategies

Community Plan ‘Fermanagh and Omagh 2030’
The Community Plan for the district, ‘Fermanagh and Omagh 2030’, is the overarching, long-term strategy for the area, based on a thorough analysis of the district’s needs and priorities. The Community Plan sets out three themes and six long-term outcomes which aim to improve quality of life for local people through improved social, economic and environmental wellbeing, and to contribute to sustainable development. It will be delivered through a partnership structure involving organisations from across the public, private and community/voluntary sectors with the Council acting as lead partner.

The Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Corporate Plan ‘Our Council, Our Plan 2024-2028′
The Corporate Plan ‘Our Council, Our Plan 2024-2028’ outlines the strategic direction for Fermanagh and Omagh District Council over the next four years. This plan is designed to contribute towards achieving the six long-term outcomes identified by our communities to enhance the quality of life in Fermanagh and Omagh. The plan focuses on four key priority areas and associated actions to deliver on our shared vision for the District. Watch our Corporate Plan video below to learn more about Our Council, Our Plan 2024-2028.

The overarching priorities for the next four years include:

  • Climate Action
  • People and Communities
  • Shared Prosperity
  • One Council

Key actions have been identified to ensure the priorities are achieved with the aim of improving the lives and wellbeing of our residents and providing the best quality experience for visitors.

Annual Improvement Objectives

Each year the Council will identify, consult upon and publish Improvement Objectives which set out what we will do in the year ahead to deliver on our statutory duty to secure continuous improvement. We will also publish an Annual Report by the end of September in the following financial year, outlining the progress made towards achieving those objectives.

How do you feel we can improve our services?

The Council wishes to develop ongoing dialogue with citizens and communities about how improvements can be achieved.

The list below sets out key Council Services:

  • Waste and recycling
  • Leisure and sports
  • Arts and culture
  • Economic development and tourism
  • Community Services
  • Environmental Health
  • Planning and Building Control
  • Off-Street Car Parking

What improvements would you like to see Fermanagh and Omagh District Council make in the future? Click here to comment.

Key plans & strategies