Freedom Of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public a general right of access to many kinds of information held by public authorities. The aim of the Act is to increase openness and accountability in the public sector.
Under the Act, from 1st January 2005 anyone seeking information from the Council will have the:
- right to be told whether or not the Council holds the information being requested
- right to have that information provided to them
Any information held by the Council is potentially eligible for release but certain categories of information may be protected, for example, personal information or commercially sensitive information.
Please use contact details below to submit your request in writing, by letter or email, clearly stating the information that you require. Don’t forget to provide your contact details so that we can reply to your request.
Responding to requests
Once we receive your request, we must reply, in writing, within 20 working days.
In our reply, we must confirm whether or not we hold the information, and either provide you with the information requested or explain why it is not being provided.
In some cases, the Council may charge a fee for providing information, but where this applies you will be informed in advance so that you can decide whether to proceed with your request.
You can send your request:
By post to:
Freedom of Information
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
2 Townhall Street
Co. Fermanagh
BT74 7BA
Freedom of Information
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
The Grange
Mountjoy Road
Co Tyrone
BT79 7BL
By e-mail to:
Publication Scheme
The Council’s Publication Scheme is available here