What information is being collected?
Postal address
Phone number
Email address
Date of birth (if applicable)
National insurance number (if applicable)
Bank details (if applicable)
Unique Tax Payer Reference (if applicable)
V.A.T Registration number (if applicable)
Qualifications/accreditations and training records (if applicable)

Who is collecting it?
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is the Data Controller which means that we determine how the information is collected, used, protected and shared where appropriate.

How is it collected?
All of the information will have been provided by you within procurement documents that you have completed and submitted to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council as part of you participating in a procurement opportunity or from information you have provided to the Council to enable payment to be made to you for goods, works and services that you have supplied the Council with. Information will also be collected by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council where you have requested to be included on the Council’s supplier database or where you provided us with information in relation to your goods, works or services. This might be via a procurement portal, in writing, in an email or a telephone call.

Why is it being collected?
The information is required by the Council to enable the Council to procure goods, services and works and to make payment to you. The legal bases we rely on for processing your personal data under are articles 6(1)(c) and 6(1)(e) of the GDPR which mean, respectively, the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, or the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority.

How will it be used?
We use your information to assess procurement opportunities, to raise purchase orders with you, to make payment to you, to make statutory deductions from amounts due to you under HM Revenue Customs legislation (where applicable) and to pay those deductions to HM Revenue Customs, to process external funding applications and associated claims, where applicable, to maintain updated records throughout the contract period and to maintain a supplier database to facilitate the issue of request for quotation opportunities.

Who will it be shared with?
Northern Ireland Audit Office
National Fraud Initiative
Other external auditors
Central government departments
Government agencies including HM Revenue and Customs
Council legal advisors and insurers
Various External Funders and their advisors
Internal departments within the Council
External assessment panel members
Software providers.

How long will it be retained for?
The information you provide to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to be included on the Council’s supplier database will be retained until you request to have your details removed from the database.
The information you have provided on procurement documents will be retained for the current year plus 6 years unless the information relates to a funded programme in which case it will be retained in line with funder requirements (maximum of 15 years) or unless it relates to a capital project in which case it is held permanently.